Gothic Grimoires: On the Inverse Calculus of Unseen Refraction (PFRPG) PDF

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The second in our new line of Gothic Grimoires, On the Inverse Calculus of Unseen Refraction takes up the study of the dark side of invisibility. The power to walk unseen is hardly evil in itself, but what unraveling of the mind might occur as it struggles to reconcile the sense that you're not all there. Indeed, what might you do if you didn't have to look yourself in the mirror afterwards? This arcane text delves into invisibility as art and science, illusion and reality. On the Inverse Calculus of Unseen Refraction is an ideal complement to a Gothic Adventure Path or any game where alchemy, magic, and mad science intersect. Featuring a detailed history and description, this tome uncovers new frontiers for alchemical and optical experimentation and creation, including 6 new alchemical discoveries, a new metamagic feat, and 8 new spells and alchemical formulae, ranging from the Transparency Mutagen to vitrific visibility.

Designed by Jason Nelson with the Legendary Games design team of Neil Spicer, Greg A. Vaughan, Clinton J. Boomer, Matt Goodall, Jim Groves, Russ Taylor, and Clark Peterson. Who better to provide you with alternate magical books, spells, and rules for your Adventure Path campaign than the very writers of those adventures themselves? Answer: no one. Legendary Games' Adventure Path Plug-Ins supplement and enrich your campaign experience, offering adventures and supporting products that incorporate and expanding upon unique concepts, themes, and rules subsystems introduced in the Adventure Paths while filling in the background characters, items, and locations that make those adventures come alive in delightful (and often dangerous) detail. Legendary Games combines stellar writing talent with innovative layout and product design and top-notch artistic values that we think will bring you back again and again.

Download includes TWO files: a full color version AND a stripped black and white version for easy printing, both versions hyperlinked internally and to online Pathfinder resources for easy interactive reference.

Check out this 8-page gothic-themed magical accessory and Make Your Game Legendary!

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The Invisible Man's Mythos tome or "How alchemists got creepy"


The second in Legendary Games' Gothic Grimoires-series is 8 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial/SRD, 1 page how-to-use, 1 page back cover, leaving us with 4 pages of content, so let's take a look, shall we?

We get a grimoire...that is blank. No, really. The Inverse Calculus of Unseen Refraction is a tome with an attached crystal lense, which, even when applied, lets you read nothing on its blank pages - for the book was written with ink laced with phantom fungus spores, remaining invisible. Only with a respective spell can the hidden meanings be unearthed. As all grimoires, this one can substitute access to certain spells when crafting and provides additional bonuses to its students as well as coming with an interesting background story. Beyond these, the tome also contains new special feats and rules, first of which would be the metamagic feat Unseen Spell: At +2 levels, these spells make avoiding them harder, even mitigating e.g. improved evasion down to evasion and the like. Also, alchemical extracts can similarly be enhanced, at only +1 level.

Speaking of alchemy: The tome also contains 6 new discoveries that allow alchemists to create items in powdered instead of liquid form, allowing them to mask them in a variety of different items. They may also use their own level to determine efficiency of invisibility spell, make their bombs invisible, protect versus divination when invisible, modify invisibility to last for a bit even after being dispelled and even create a mutagen that makes for invisible for its lengthy duration to go full-blown invisible man.

Alchemists also get access to 8 new spells/extract-formulae herein: From an alchemist's level 6 mind blank, a sphere that renders invisible creatures visible, but still grants them 20% concealment (usable offensively and defensively), condense willing creatures or objects into a liquid (which you can carry around and then recreate - glorious plot-spell and useful for infiltrations), a combination of invisibility and blur (which might attract hounds of Tindalos - beware!) and a very cool idea: You can now create a well of invisibility that turns every creature that passes through its square invisible - the nasty double-team actions with alchemists, rogues and vanishing spellcaster should be apparent immediately and at least on me, they had the result of me chuckling at the maleficent possibilities this spell has. "Not there" is a means of phasing in and out of visibility and making yourself or allies transparent (again, with a cost...) also ranks among the most iconic, interesting options I've seen in a while. Finally, you may glitterdust/petrify foes, turning them to fragile glass - shards are supposed to be lucky, but your players may disagree...

Editing and formatting are top-notch, I saw no glitches. No wonder, mind you - they probably are invisible. ;) Layout adheres to legendary Games' drop-dead-gorgeous 2-column full-color standard with a glorious artwork for the grimoire of the quality that makes these pdfs such a joy to look at. The pdf, in spite of its short size, comes fully bookmarked, which is awesome indeed and makes navigation even simpler. The pdf also comes in two versions, one being printer-friendly.
Legendary Games continue their trend of high-class, premium-content, stellar supplements and continue to provide brilliant grimoires as per their innovative concept as originally outlined in their "Tomes of Ancient Knowledge" and "Meditations of the Imperial Mystics"-pdfs. After bards got their due in "Necrotic Verses", alchemists now get a supplement that ranks, even if you just mine the content sans the grimoire (but why would you?) among the best supplements ever released for the alchemist, dripping flair, style and tactical options. Before I'm starting to sound like a broken record of heaping praises and superlatives, I'll conclude this review with the words that this grimoire is worth every cent f the very fair asking-price and thus clocks in at 5 stars + seal of approval.

Endzeitgeist out.

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Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Thanks for your support!

Hi guys. First off, I just want to say that I love your products. Everything I have purchased and read I have loved. Your work is consistently the best out of all the third party publishers out there.

I have one little problem though. This product as well as the first Gothic Grimoire will not open as a PDF for me. The third one works fine, and I've tried redownloading them both, but they still won't open. Another bit of information would probably be helpful, and that is that I'm blind and use assistive software to view the PDF's, but like I said, I don't have problems with any of the other ones I've bought. I just thought you should know, because I don't even know if you can do anything for me anyways. Thanks either way, and keep up the fantastic work!

Ooh, something bizarre for alchemists? I AM interested!

And reviewed here, on DTRPG,'s shop and sent to GMS magazine. Cheers!

RPG Superstar 2009, Contributor

I think of all the Gothic Grimoires, this one probably ranks as my favorite. I love these things and brainstorming with Jason and the design team on variations for different magic books and their forms was a lot of fun. Even better is seeing what Jason does with them mechanically. They're both innovative in flavor and function.

But that's just my biased two cents,

P.S. Thanks for the review, Endy!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Valantrix1 wrote:

Hi guys. First off, I just want to say that I love your products. Everything I have purchased and read I have loved. Your work is consistently the best out of all the third party publishers out there.

I have one little problem though. This product as well as the first Gothic Grimoire will not open as a PDF for me. The third one works fine, and I've tried redownloading them both, but they still won't open. Another bit of information would probably be helpful, and that is that I'm blind and use assistive software to view the PDF's, but like I said, I don't have problems with any of the other ones I've bought. I just thought you should know, because I don't even know if you can do anything for me anyways. Thanks either way, and keep up the fantastic work!

Sorry I missed your post last month. I'm sorry the PDF is not opening for you. If you send your email to us I can try sending you a new copy and see if perhaps it might work. I'm not familiar with assistive software and why it might not work, but I'd be happy to try to help if I can. Send it to:


Meanwhile, thanks so much for your continued support and praise for our products!

End's review definitely sold me. I'll be getting this one later this week.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Thanks for the great review, Endy. As always, we appreciate your thoughtful examination of our products and continue to always hope to meet or exceed expectations every time out.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Neil Spicer wrote:

I think of all the Gothic Grimoires, this one probably ranks as my favorite. I love these things and brainstorming with Jason and the design team on variations for different magic books and their forms was a lot of fun. Even better is seeing what Jason does with them mechanically. They're both innovative in flavor and function.

But that's just my biased two cents,

P.S. Thanks for the review, Endy!

This one was a fun one in concept. It was basically just, "what can we do with invisibility that hasn't been done before" or at least that would make it more interesting. I certainly was happy to evoke a bit of The Invisible Man in there, and alchemists seemed like a class that could always use a little more love in terms of fun options. I'm glad folks are enjoying it!

Jason Nelson wrote:
Valantrix1 wrote:

Hi guys. First off, I just want to say that I love your products. Everything I have purchased and read I have loved. Your work is consistently the best out of all the third party publishers out there.

I have one little problem though. This product as well as the first Gothic Grimoire will not open as a PDF for me. The third one works fine, and I've tried redownloading them both, but they still won't open. Another bit of information would probably be helpful, and that is that I'm blind and use assistive software to view the PDF's, but like I said, I don't have problems with any of the other ones I've bought. I just thought you should know, because I don't even know if you can do anything for me anyways. Thanks either way, and keep up the fantastic work!

Sorry I missed your post last month. I'm sorry the PDF is not opening for you. If you send your email to us I can try sending you a new copy and see if perhaps it might work. I'm not familiar with assistive software and why it might not work, but I'd be happy to try to help if I can. Send it to:


Meanwhile, thanks so much for your continued support and praise for our products!

I also recently bought Gothic Grimoires: On the Inverse Calculus of Unseen Refraction from the Paizo online store and also had trouble opening the file. Every time I opened the pdf Adobe would freeze and wouldn't let me see the content. I can open other pdfs in Adobe and I have tried restarting my computer as well as redownloading the product. I would really like to have this probelm resolved because I was very interested in seeing this product. Thanks for your time and I hope we can get this problem solved.

Tommy Rebecchi

RPG Superstar 2009, Contributor

Did you remember to cast see invisibility before launching Adobe?'s a book about The Inverse Calculus of Unseen Refraction written in invisible ink. ;-)


Okay. More seriously, it sounds like something might be wrong with either your version of Adobe or the various updates to it. The product loads fine for me and many others. And, our layout team used the same design process on this grimoire release as the rest of our products. So, I'm wondering if there's a more technical explanation within the inner workings of the Adobe settings on your machine which might explain the weirdness? Or maybe an Adobe update that you need to apply. Is there any kind of tech support you can draw upon at Adobe itself? It seems odd that it opens some PDFs, but not this one. And, yet, other people who have Adobe can open our entire collection of PDFs, including this one.

Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.


I've notified the publisher about the problem, and I was having difficulty with the file myself.

Is there any way i could get an email or a message when this problem is fixed so i can redownload it?

Webstore Gninja Minion

Fnipernackle wrote:
Is there any way i could get an email or a message when this problem is fixed so i can redownload it?

When we updated PDFs on the servers, you should receive an email notification telling you that it has been updated (though you may want to make sure your account settings specify that you want to receive notifications about digital assets).

Finally got it working and I'm so glad. This pdf is amazing and I love the Unseen Spell metamagic feat. This is gonna help so much with my Razmiran Priest.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Glad you enjoyed the product and sorry about the delay - I was out of town on vacation, but when I got your email forwarded from Liz I was happy to help solve the problem for you. Now go write a review! :)

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