Sir BoomBoom |
Hey, I had created a post a few months ago about needing Paladin advice, but of course we ended up getting a mythic tier which changed my planned progression....so here we are again.
Can I get a build recommendation for a
1. 20 point buy Human
2. Paladin only
3. Wants to protect others
4. Uses shield (preferred)
5. Has a Mithral Breastplate (I don't like movement penalties)
Currently he is level 5, with 1 mythic tier. Party is shaman, rogue, ranger (archer), witch and myself, a Paladin
I don't want a totally defensive build because I find them boring, but I am pretty much the only person in the party that gets hit to the face so I have to be able to survive.

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Mythic doesn't do defense well for PC at least, it mostly inflate rocket tags.
If you really want to grab some mythic guardian abilities...grab dual path mythic feat, so you can do champion/guardian or marshal/guardian.
the biggest advice would be to not hesitate to use mythic power...it refreshes every day. A common problem is that people wants to save their MP uses for epic moment and the likes...but quite honestly, you are better off at least using one MP per fight in a day or more even, as you get higher tiers.

GM Rednal |
I'm sad about that, because Mythic Mania absolutely makes mythic games better. I'd urge your GM to take a look at Mythic Solutions if nothing else.
Aside from that, Legendary Item can be pretty helpful once your tier gets up.

PossibleCabbage |

This precludes you from going Guardian (unless you spend a mythic feat for two paths), but the Fleet Warrior is such a refreshing solution to so many problems that traditionally affect martials (particularly if you take Impossible Speed earlier.)
"That thing that doesn't ordinarily have pounce, now has pounce" is just a lot of fun.

Potato disciple |

Ok, let us start off with the fact that I would prefer playing a champion over a guardian, but fluff-wise it works quite well so I'm gonna roll with it.
point buy is 13 14 16 7 7 16. level points to con, mythic points to cha.
First tier you're gonna go dual path for your mythic feat(guardian and marshal) with beast's order(guardian, helps with your mount and with the ranger's AC, if any) and rally(marshal, rerolls are just fantastic). for path ability, I'd go with supreme tracker("protecting my people!" type) or retrebutive reach(for a front liner). by tier 3 you'll wanna get legendary item and upgrade at 6 and 9 to artifact and greater artifact.
normal feats are power attack and cleave. consider extra mythic power every level, cuz ,mythic power's just so good.
Wough. that was long.

Ermehtar |

I've been playing a mythic paladin in Wrath of the Righteous with a similar focus. The Bodyguard feat chain becomes a lot more attractive with Mythic Combat Reflexes for basically infinite AoOs. Also, you might consider Dual Path with Hierophant. I've gotten amazing use out of Endure Blessing - I took it twice and now can make some of my really great min/lvl spells 24-hour duration; thematically, you can use it to protect some of your weaker party members with specific choices for weaknesses they might have. Being able to spontaneously cast any spell on my list for mythic power has also been useful, given the relatively small number of spell slots (and high number of decent utility spells) you have.