thesandmn7's page

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Color me intrigued.

To be honest, though, I am far more interested in a game that could deliver on the original promise of BioWare's first Neverwinter Nights PCRPG.

Something with a drag-and-drop, point-and-click, WYSIWYG interface to build modules using a customizable ruleset so I can play and GM a tabletop-style RPG online with my friends in an interactive 3D gameworld.

While NWN met that promise pretty well for its time, it was still far too complicated for the average user. There was TONS of room for improvement in usability design, automated creation wizards, map-building, etc. And there really hasn't been anything to match it ever since. That makes me sad for the state of creative game design.

As a veteran tabletop gamer who plays Pathfinder and quite a few other game systems, running adventures and engaging with my friends in group storytelling, the MMO genere has pretty much become the creative polar opposite of everything I'm interested in as a gamer.

And as the years wear on, through my experiences in UO, EQ1 & 2, SW:G, CoH, WoW, EvE, and on and on... MMOs are not effectively moving towards the kind of interactive, creative RPG experience I believe we as tabletop gamers should be expecting from modern computing and online entertainment. Granted, there is still a space for that kind of game, and people obviously enjoy them (myself included, based on mood). But I believe there's still room in the market for something more.

Static worlds that change only with major patches, or give the illusion of change just because you completed a quest (which to be fair, has been a big step forward in WoW), are just tired and old. I really am curious to learn more and find out what you folks are going to bring to the table to address that.