star20's page

5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Is there a way to confirm that my stuff is all set up for GenCon Pick Up? I've got the items in my Sidecart, but I'm not currently seeing anything under the "Gencon Pick Up" header. Thanks much for any help.

Had this come up, want to check. For the ammo listings in the core book, is the bulk cost per round, or the entire purchase? For example, on the table it says it's 90 credits for 20 heavy rounds, which has bulk L. Is that bulk L for 20 heavy rounds, or 1 heavy round?

So, I'm caught in argument between different camps here. Piloting is a Dex based skill that doesn't suffer an ACP. The character in question in Encumbered. Encumbered says ALL Str and Dex based checks get a -5. So my question is, does Encumbrance override no ACP on Piloting to give a -5, or does it not suffer that since Piloting does not have a ACP?

Also, under the Harry Fire and Cover Fire actions, they talk about firing weapons, but do not indicate how much ammo/charges are expended in doing so. Am I missing that, or what is the cost?

Thank you for any input with these questions.

I didn't see either of them in my email for my September shipment, should I be worried, or just wait until the shipment to contact customer service?

I must be an idiot here, but where on the Hook Mountain Adventure Path card does it say how to reorganize the decks? I don't see anything other than the Path reward box.