
rabbyt's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

Dark Archive


One of my PC's has been interested in utilizing the equipment trick feat in our game, but was looking for some help with applying the feat to other pieces of equipment other than the heavy sword scabbard and the shield.

So I was wondering, have any of you had some success with custom equipment tricks? If so, I would love you forever if you could share some of your ideas (as I've kind of hit a wall myself).

Thanks in advance! =)

Dark Archive

So, my buddy and I were reminiscing about classic video games, when I jokingly said to him, "Hey, I should roll up Link (Legend of Zelda) in the next campaign we run!" Then we got to thinking...exactly how would Link appear if he was in the Pathfinder universe. We thought half-elven fighter with feats/weapon choices focusing on Longsword & shield, Longbow, Boomerang, and some two-handed weapon (for instance, the Sledge and 2H sword he's had in previous incarnations), in addition to some other things, like Skill Focus: Dungeoneering and skill ranks in such things as performing (whether it be an ocarina or a simple baton!).

In any case, how would you bring Link into Pathfinder RPG? =)

Dark Archive

Hello! So...as it appears, my friend and I are the only players interested in playing Pathfinder RPG here in the Big O. This, sadly, causes a little piece of my soul to die on the inside. Drastic times call for drastic measures, and I fear this situation can only be remedied by someone who's running a game in the area and is willing to accept 2 additional players.

Do you like Pathfinder? How about saving souls? Live in Omaha, NE? Then, feel free to help some fellow gamers out and contact me - my emails mike.stillman@hotmail.com.

Thanks! =)