
fernando rojas's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Dark Archive

I can't wait to run Nyctessa through the guild adventures. I'll probably try her out twice even, so I can see what both role cards are like.

Dark Archive

Can't say I'm not disappointed, but my position's quite different: I discovered PACG at a convention recently, playing one S&S scenario and one WotR scenario with my Warrior Class Deck, and fell in love with it immediately.

Being a big fan of Egyptian-themed fantasy, I was really looking forward to Mummy's Mask being the first core set I would add to my collection and introduce to my group. I was really anticipating it, reading and re-reading the AP while I waited for release.

Now it looks like I'll have to get S&S or WotR to tide me over in the meantime, and get tons of play out of that first. Sneaky Paizo!

Dark Archive

No one's said Barbarian yet? For shame!

Dark Archive

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Was the "timeline" of adventures embroidered on Hakon's cloak part of the notes you were given, or is that something you came up with that the story team elaborated on?