
buvixen's page

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Poor, poor Harbinger.. he was truly my favorite opponent so far. He was polite, inquisitive, well-dressed, and nearly 90% of his stuff is now being worn by my wizard. Unfortunately for him, he went down in less than a round. He cast maze on our druid and then proceeded to get charged-with-a-lance-with-smite by the halfing paladin, followed by a double-empowered scorching ray by the wizard, which turned him to ash. Farewell, sweet lich... forever shall we cast commune in looking for your phylactory. You will be fondly remembered.

My elven wizard/loremaster wanted to name our group The Company of the the Hedgehog or Hodgepodge's Gang after her familiar, but someone came up with just simply "We Hate Kyuss" .... intended to basically attract as much attention from any worshippers in the city. It goes without saying that Brokengulf's reaction when the team was announced was absolutely priceless.. it was something out of a movie. And after our first win, our clever DM had the crowd shouting "We hate chaos!" (them not knowing wtf Kyuss is), with which the paladin in the group was very amused. My wizard even put glowing arcane marks on everyone's robes/armor with the Kyuss symbol with a big NO (think Ghostbusters) symbol over it.
This ridiculous team name also had, hopefully, the added benefit of upping our betting payoff by making us look so strange and dumb.