Yooperjer's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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I think a lot would depend on staging. Where is the wizard, where are the elementals? If the wizard and elementals are closer to the wagon it at least offers a clue as to the situation but if the soldiers are close and appear to be defending the carriage then I might feel railroaded.

Were there clues to the situation? Put some things in place that might give it away but not too obvious. A crest on the carriage that does not match the one worn by the soldiers perhaps.

Given opportunities to figure the situation out if I only looked would make me lean toward I made an error of assumption. If there are no clues then I might view it more as a despicable trick.

Atalius wrote:

I have completed my Cleric of Urgathoa build thanks to the help of several different people on the forums here, thanks a lot! Just had a couple questions playing a lawful evil Cleric can I heal my allies? Am i allowed to use Breathe of Life to save their life if need be? Are there any other major things I need to avoid besides:

-Deny your appetites, destroy undead, sacrifice your life.

Thanks for the advice guys, appreciate it!

You might want to consider Versatile Font at second level. It allows you to cast either harm or heal with your font spells regardless of your deity's granted font.

Don't forget the other bonus for Slayer that helps TWF, sneak attack damage. This will help with the other issue for claws, low damage. Multiple attacks with extra Xd6 to each can go a long way.

I have sent the codes to the customer service email.

Thank you for your help.

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Thank you.

I am having the same problem. Do the codes expire or is there another problem with the site?