Devargo Barvasi

Thomi Gallowshade's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 146 posts (3,753 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 10 aliases.

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Well Received by my Players!


I noticed that my players (we have been playing together for 10 years!) were always disorganized in transporting their dice, books, etc. So, I bought each of them a Pathfinder Core Rulebook messenger bag. Well received! Now they just grab their bags and go, and always arrive with everything they need!

List Price: $34.98

Our Price: $31.48

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Nice selection but heavy in some types


My bag had:

d4 - 3
d6 - 27
d8 - 9
d10 - 20
d12 - 5
d20 - 27
d% - 2
Total = 83 dice!

The complete set was pretty ugly. But my wife and I had great fun splitting them up between us. Surely there's a d20 in that batch that won't try to kill me!