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Organized Play Member. 4 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.



Personally I'm glad our group didn't kill Krune.

I would've been disappointed if our ragtag bunch of graverobbers and looters could face a runelord and walk away.

As Matthew said, props to our GM Andrew for running such a complex fight.

Gauss wrote:

Continual light on a stick, attach stick to backpack. Lanterns burn, anyone wanting that source of heat close to tender bits deserves to get burned. (Go camping sometime and see what I mean.) For really cheap and easy way around this: 75gp ioun stone of continual light. Cant beat a lightsource that circles your head.

Honestly, this is a fantasy game that can have a bit too much realism. Worrying about the shadows cast by a lightsource is asking for a headache. 'Player: so Mr. DM if I create a shadow can my buddy the rogue hide in it?' Muahaha!

- Gauss

Cheers for that Gauss.

I do agree, worrying a lot about how shadows cast light could raise other arguments re: hiding in shadows.

Sorry, perhaps I should clarify.

A DM I played with ruled that an everburning torch couldn't be clipped to my belt, it needed to be held for the light cast to be effective. The torch still was casting light, but the light was obscured by what I was holding (namely, a shield and hammer), hence it wasn't doable.

This isn't about whether the light goes out if it's not in hand. A torch on the wall is fine, no arguments there.

The question is whether light cast from an object is still exactly the same whether you hold it in hand or clip it onto your belt.

I'm just trying to clarify how player held light sources can/should work. Specifically with regards to whether they need to be held in hand or can your attach them to your belt or necklace?

In the core rulebook, the lantern description states "You CAN carry a lantern in one hand". Does they mean the lantern must be in your hand to use it as a light source?

Could you get non-burning light sources, such as a lantern, wayfinder or everburning torch and clip them to your belt for them to be effective, freeing up both your hands?

An argument against this is that, if the light source is around your neck or on your belt and you're holding a shield/weapon/ or two handed weapon, your arms will be in front of the light, casting large shadows into the room beyond, reducing the efficacy of the light source.

This goes for casting light spell on a object too. If it's cast on a weapon or shield, then it's the same as holding out a torch to project light. If it's cast on a belt buckle then the light is obscured by whatever you're holding.

I've tried to find clarification for this in the core rulebook but came up empty. What do people think?