SirFerone's page

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Thank you EVERYONE!! I fixed the books with book binding glue.They are now holding strong...I noticed the books are held together by string, no glue is used to help..this is the problem!!!oh well, just an extra step for me. My books where never carried in a back pack NOR lent out..they stay in my house safe and sound( I'm a greedy little geek:)

Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:
Where are you living climate-wise that this is happening? I'll admit that I live in exceedingly temperate California so I have rarely had problems with binding glue melting from heat, shattering from cold, or dissolving from humidity, but I know these can be problems other places. (My own books are mostly fine after years of use, though I have repaired other books before.)

I live in NM, the Desert:)..All of my books are kept inside with me. I fixed the books with books bindings and they have held strong since. I little glue fixes everything:)Thanks!

All my books are falling apart. Core Rule Book, Inner Sea Guide, and Bestiary fell apart. Where can i get them fixed? All are brand new and have been treated with respect. I am a Book Lover and I never miss treat books.

I would like to start off by saying i LOVE the pathfinder rule set and Inner Sea Guide Lore!! I love the art, i love the way the book was written and i love the lore.

My problem is with the structure quality with your books. I bought the Pathfinder starter box and thought, “Wows the quality is excellent". I bought the Core Rule Book (5th Printing China) and was amazed at the quality. After about 5 Sessions and 5 people using the book to create characters the book fell apart (3 months of ownership).

I am a book lover, and I respect all of my books( especially the ones that cost $50) I don't bend my bends weird to read them, I don’t throw them on the floor and I don't stack them. Still ALL my Pathfinder rule books fell apart....Pathfinder Core Rule Book Lasted 5 Months, Inner Sea Guide lasted 1 week and Bestiary lasted 5 months. PLEASE what do I do!!! Where can I get them re-bonded or fixed?

I'm in if your looking for random people.:) Las Crcues NM right?