Red Square Bear's page

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Joana wrote:
Seth Parsons wrote:
Hmm... Maybe they should make a Cleric Archetype called the Pantheist?
They absolutely should not, because a pantheist doesn't believe in any personal, anthropomorphic god. They could make a Polytheist archetype who worships multiple deities within a pantheon.

Pantheism as meant in that article is rather different than what the poster probably meant. Although it's not really a word, "pantheonist" would be a pretty good description.

Also, as noted up-thread, many (most?) clerics already are (or probably are, or might be) functional pantheonists, at least for deities within a standard deviation of their own.

One of my pet peeves with most fantasy realms is how there's so often little to no regional variability within the clerics of a single religion which seems strange and (from my very limited background in the subject, and noting the difficulties of mapping real-world experiences to the game world, and all the usual "realism/verisimilitude" boilerplate) ahistorical to me. That being said, in a world of magical communications you might very well see the homogenization of culture that this sort of thing represents, but it seems like only churches are monocultured like this, not other spheres of culture.

Once this gets cleaned up a little bit it really should get linked-to in the guides guide sticky.

Good stuff, thank you!

How about the Ascension of Iomedae?

Black Moria wrote:

Plants aren't sightless, in fact they have low-light vision. They're specifically immune to illusions though.

Also, a non-mindless vermin (e.g. a familiar not a companion like "B" in your example) would be affected since it isn't mindless anymore, right? (Vermin's usual immunity to illusions is an effect of their mindlessness not their verminness.)

Really interesting discussion. I don't have much to add other than to mention that "Robin's Laws of Good Game Mastering" (an old Steve Jackson Games book about, well, Game Mastering) has a pretty good discussion of how to tailor GMing for gamers across the GNS spectrum.

Zhayne wrote:
First. If you have PC class levels, you are special.

What about the NPC classes?

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I'd go Lawful Good but "Lawful over Good" as described here: