Cleric of Kyuss

Phate's page

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Such a very hard decision. I would go with either one of these:

Full Orc Werebear Barbarian, as it is my favorite char to play, or the MindFlayer Sorc, which even though i have yet to play one, I will eventualy.

Laithoron wrote:

1/2 Orcs disallowed

I would like to know why you have half orcs disallowed. They are my favorite race, and they dont have any big advantages.

Well my group has gone through a huge amount of diverse armors in our days. My latest cleric is clomping around in Full Plate and a nice Tower Sheild. My last Orc barbarian was a Were-bear and there was no chance i was putting a bear in armor, My groups has gone through many armors, many of them being on thew run loot what you need not alot of choice armors but it works to keep everyone out of the same thing.

Wow... not alot of Half-Orc/Orc love here, my main charator has been the Orc/Half-Orc Barbarian, ive played my fair share of others as well, even though i have never strayed far away from the world of melee combat. Human Cleric that was a main melee charactor for that group, a couple Human Fighters following a few different routs of play(2 weapon fighting, heavy armored tank, Human Rouge Assassin. Now that i think about it, Ive never played an elf, gnome, halfling, half elf, and much of my group stays with elf or human. I think Im the only one in my group the play the Half/Orc. Our most played classes would have to be Fighter and Ranger, while our least played is Wizard and Druid. I think i may run a new campaign and ask the players to play sumthing that they normaly wouldnt to diversitize our group.

I dont think that level advancement is too fast, it seems to be just right for my group. Usualy we dont get alot of chances to play with many of us having loads of school work or jobs, or other things that make it hard to scedual gaming in. Also in 90% of our campaigns the group turns on each other before we make it to the good parts of the story. I admit, for many more dedicated players, the leveling may be a bit fast, but hey the rule books are always open to changes right? There isnt a D&D police thats going to break down your door for not using the exp table thats in the DMG. If you like the level rate, go with it, if not slow it down. My group however likes instant gratification and run straight for the NPC that is ment for when they are 10-15 levels higher, and usualy my NPC gets screwed sumhow and dies(grumble grumble)they level quite fast, and im fine with it cause it gives me chances to throw harder and stronger things at them, which is more fun for me. But like i said, if the leveling suits you, use it, if not, change it up.

I think the title explanes it all, but basicaly what are your favorites? Im needing ideas for a new charactor and unable to think of anything fun to buy, My charactor is a Human Fighter, most likly going to with 2 weapon fighting so any ideas will be helpful.

i keep a few things listed. the PC's magic junk, spell lists, max hp(to double check their math,they like to screw with me) and usualy their gp. i keep their magic junk on tabs because i like to let them waste their money on great stuff then dispell it when they arent paying attention.

well i probably the most supersticious about dice out of all of you. i go nowhere without my set, i cant leave them anywhere, i have them in a silk lined, black leather drawstring bag, anything lesser and my dice roll for crap. And about once monthly i have to give the d20 a drop of my own blood, which im about to do again... I also own the most vile set of dice for when i DM, they have a knack for killing at least one PC every week,the players have hidden these dice soo many times, but they have came back to me every time.