Young Master

Misunderstood Monk's page

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OK, so there was a Wall of Fire. There were some baddies on the other side. A PC shoves his weapon through the Wall of Fire to strike at a square that held a baddie in the last round in the hopes he was still in the same square. The PC rolls percentile for his miss chance and hits because the baddie was still there. The PC does enough damage to kill the baddie. The PC goes to attack another baddie within range, using his Cleaving Finish feat. I said no because the Wall of Fire would have prevented the PC from seeing the baddie die and without that knowledge the Cleaving Finish feat is not inspired.
I understand that this is not RAW but our group generally plays RAI which often leads to bending rules on both sides of the screen to better fit the rules into the context and spirit of the game.

What does everyone think of using Telekinesis to take a PCs gun from them and fire it in mid air? Telekinesis rules seem to allow it, but maybe I'm interpreting incorrectly.
Additionally, if I use Telekinesis to throw a creature through a window, would that creature get a reflex save before freefall? What would the DC be for this?


How do I make a 9th level Gunslinger into a Pale Stranger? Is it as simple as adding a couple feats and AC bumps to the Pale Stranger?


I'm thinking about building this to frustrate my players at 12th level or so. My reasoning behind Undead is mostly because I think it would be awesome if she used her own guts as an improvised whip with all that comes with whips.
She would not be designed so much to do tons of damage but more, like I said, to frustrate. I'd use her in conjunction with another or other baddies to take advantage of AoOs that she set up and to take away weapons; disarm the Gunslinger with reach, trip the Rogue, and sunder the Magus' falchion in the same move; sounds pretty tasty.
I have some ideas on what it would take to do this with an improvised whip but I'm wondering how my thinking jives with the rest of you impish GMs and Wiley players. Again, I'd be building her as 12th or 13th level, so I've got room for a couple feats outside the maneuver feats. Go!

I'm thinking about building this to frustrate my players at 12th level or so. My reasoning behind Undead is mostly because I think it would be awesome if she used her own guts as an improvised whip with all that comes with whips.
She would not be designed so much to do tons of damage but more, like I said, to frustrate. I'd use her in conjunction with another or other baddies to take advantage of AoOs that she set up and to take away weapons; disarm the Gunslinger with reach, trip the Rogue, and sunder the Magus' falchion in the same move; sounds pretty tasty.
I have some ideas on what it would take to do this with an improvised whip but I'm wondering how my thinking jives with the rest of you impish GMs and Wiley players. Again, I'd be building her as 12th or 13th level, so I've got room for a couple feats outside the maneuver feats. Go!

Specifically a Clockwork Servant; I'm wondering how long it can go before it winds down. Can't seem to find anything on this in the Beastiary.

If my players decide they don't want to go back to Sheila every time they find a shard to have the proper ioun stone fitted, is there an appropriate skill and DC to figure out the proper stone themselves?

Do they stack? Both seem like concealment bonuses so I would think, NO, but...what say ye?

Do they stack? What say ye?

So...I'm running this module tonight. One of my players can't show up until 3 hours or so after we start. I can stall for a bit before inserting players into the actual dungeon but probably not that long. I'm looking for some ideas on how I can insert the late player into the game and let the group find each other in the dungeon without too much hassle or nonsensical GMing. Let the suggestions flow...thanks

I'm playing a Monk 10/ Barbarian 2. I'm trying to bump my wisdom as high as possible for obvious reasons. I've already maxed my inherent bonus with a +5 tome and my enhancement bonus with a +6 headband and I've bumped wisdom at 4th, 8th, and 12th.
Any suggestions?

Could one buy alchemist bombs just as one buys potions or any other weapon?

"Ability bonuses with a duration greater than 1 day actually increase the relevant ability score after 24 hours. Modify all skills and statistics related to that ability. This might cause you to gain skill points, hit points, and other bonuses. These bonuses should be noted separately in case they are removed."

Are there any spells, magic items, etc. that give an ability score onus with a duration longer than 24 hours? I know manuals and tomes give an inherent bonus, but they don't stack. Any suggestions?