Loris Raknian

lebreton's page

Organized Play Member. 104 posts (110 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

Liberty's Edge

Ok so we have out together a 6 person group from our thread in Gamer Connection.

We have agreed on what we will play, times, best days, DM, etc.....

But we have no place to game.

Local game stores either close too early or do not have the space. Our group is scattered over a 1.5 hour drive, so I am not sure about homes being used. (My home is kind of central but young kids climbing into the game kill it for most people.)

So other where do you game out of the normal places?

Liberty's Edge

I am looking for some fairly casual Pathfinder play in North Houston. Between work, a wife, 2 kids and other hobbies I can’t keep the pace the guys I have been playing with keep and I hate popping in every 3-4 games. I do best on weekend evenings but life keeps me from doing more than once every 3-4 weeks.


Liberty's Edge

OK so I had an issue the other night in a game and would like some advice on it.

Our barbarian was in a rage and was hit to -9 hp. Does Rage end when the barbarian goes unconscious and the rage HP are lost possibly causing death, or does the rage continue into the negative hp range


Liberty's Edge

Mine was named the thieves Campaign. We had three fulltime player and one off and on, all of the players were part thief (2nd ed) and we played a traveling thieves guild. We roll played everything from casing houses, to mugging people, to murder. We crossed a well established guild in a town, and ended up in a mini war. The DM did a great job keeping the actions of the players in story building. it was a whole for each action we took we had to deal with the reaction of those around us, be it a vengful brother, of other thieves pissed we did a job first. It was a very well rounded game which needed a ton of planning and team work from the players.

Just wanted to know what kind of games others enjoyed
