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Our Price: $1.25

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Mostly missing the mark


I was really excited to see what options Undefeatable came up with to help out the struggling shadow dancer. The potential, I thought, was great.

Having completed reading the PFD, I have to say I'm left feeling disappointed.

The feats include some bulky mechanics, such as %based bonuses, and some overly complex mechanics to calculate bonuses. For the most part, they provide underwhelming bonuses to already-existing shadow dancer abilities.

They are all very shadowdancer-centric, with little acknowledgement of the road to get there. A few multi-classing feats are included, but not to the classes I would consider a shoe-in for a shadow dancer. Mainly, they boost secondary abilities of classes.

One feat provides an option that already exists in the game mechanics, functions similarly, and doesn't require a feat to use.

All is not bright, however, in the dark world of the Shadowdancer. There is at least one feat that I will want to take on every shadowdancer I make from this point out. There are a couple others which are ok, and might find themselves tacked on at the very end of character progression.

Is this pdf worth putting money down for?
If you're not playing a shadow dancer, or you're only taking a one level dip, then no. You'll find very little of benefit to you.

If you plan on riding the prestige class all the way, then it's probably worth a couple bucks. One ability you'll definitely want. A few others might make your adventuring career much easier, depending on your dm.

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