
Irina Kayzeld's page

290 posts. Alias of PirateDevon.


HP 19 | Defenses Ref 13 Fort 11 Will 15 | Damage Threshold 11


Deception +8 Gather Information +8 Initiative +6 Knowledge +5 Perception +8 Persuasion +8 Pilot +6 Ride +6 Treat Injury +8 Use Computer +8 Use Force +8

About Irina Kayzeld


Irina Kayzeld
Human Noble 1
Init +6; Perception +8

HP 19
Defenses Ref 13 Fort 11 Will 15
Damage Threshold 11
Speed 6 sq
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +0
Force Points- 2/2
Destiny - Education
Background - Academic
Feats Force Sensitive, Surgical Expertise, Linguist, WP: Pistols and Simple
Talents Educated, Connections
Skills Deception +8 Gather Information +8 Initiative +6 Knowledge +5 Perception +8 Persuasion +8 Pilot +6 Ride +6 Treat Injury +8 Use Computer +8 Use Force +8
Languages Basic, Mirialan, Shyriiwook, Rodese, Bocce, Binary, Huttese, Aqualish
Other Gear TBD {4800 credits}


Field Kit, Utility Belt [Standard] , Medkit, Surgery Kit, 2 additional Medpacs, Sporting Blaster Pistol (w/License), Concealed Holster, Power Recharger, Wrist sized LR comlink & Credit chip w/ 460 credits.


Dark eyed, pale skinned and dark haired, Irina exemplifies much of a certain strain of Chandrilan beauty. Tending towards a slighter, more athletic, build Irina attempts to put the stereotype of "nobility" on its ear by favoring subtle and muted colors and simplistic style yet she often subconsciously falls prey to the affluent and paradisaical tendency of her people to finery by still selecting fabric with delicate metallic trims or subtle brocades.

Though she claims that in her work she finds the finery distracting and cumbersome she has, at any given time, a secreted away fine dress or elaborate shirt for festivals and social events.
Most often Irina favors an outfit of simplicity; gray leather pants and vest, white tunic and subtly colored vest along with her gear. Irina tries to keep her burdens light so she can move quickly in the wild or on the streets.

Generally considered a beauty in her youth, scars from various misadventures and hostile encounters have left Irina with a face that can sometimes seem out of place in "polite" society. Nonetheless Irina strives for civility as best she can hoping her personality overcomes any initial misgiving her countenance might foster.

Outspoken and often impulsive Irina sometimes takes multiple actions before thinking things through.This quickness to act stems from her desire to see the universe and see it now. She is passionate to help those who need aid but doesn't trust the "system" to do the job, though she is polite not to say so out loud. She is eager to apply her abilities and is looking for a cause to make her mark on, both to soothe her sense of helplessness but more broadly to serve as an example. She is a child of Chandrila however and revels in life to the best of her ability favoring the celebratory and musical pageantry her world is known for. Only when you can muster joy is life worth fighting for.

Irina can come across as naive and young as her ideals sometimes embody a childish hope for an abstract "better world" but she is often quick to follow up any far looking dreaming with an acknowledgment that the world is dangerous and so being educated and aware in turn is a superior defense. In this way Irina can be quite calculating and lacking in naivety; she has been trained to heal and political manipulation and she knows that she must use those skills to affect the world around her. She prefers, however, to use her abilities for a good cause and as such has often sought to align herself with groups or missions with whom she can share common cause or positive purpose.

Irina is compulsive, righteous and eager


Irina was born to a diplomat (her mother) and a businessman (her father) who have informed her upbringing greatly. She experienced no broken home and generally little hardship. What she did see was injustice and what she heard from her family was that The Empire was a place of laws but just as often evil.

For a time Irina hoped to follow in her mothers footsteps and became a participant in the Legislative youth Program so that she might learn to lead or secure aid to the downtrodden and despaired. She learned little that felt tangible however and found that she enjoyed the pursuit of knowledge in a more robust and applied setting. Chaffing at the restrictions of public service Irina sought other options.

Irina worked with her father; navigating the world of business and trade. From her father she learned to appreciate the lessons of trade and finance but again grew frustrated at the lack of *action* against the ills she perceived. She felt powerless to apply her knowledge or skills to life.

Looking elsewhere Irina pursued medicine as a tangible expression of her desire to apply her skills and affect others. She took to such acts with apparent prowess, displaying physical ability at times that seemed almost un-explainable for someone of her age. Also too she convinced known stalwarts of education, opposed to special favors or "bending the rules", to grant her access, training or otherwise favors that seemed outside even the privilege her background suggested. Irina spoke of these things as "diplomacy i in action as though she was merely keeping her lessons of government and business close. In Irina's mind to truly heal, she would as much need to be able to navigate influence the systems of being and much as the systems of the being.

Now, having secured certificates of learning and training in the many arts her affluence have provided, Irina has sought a posting as attached staff at New Jedi Academy. Her mixed skills of medicine and education making her an "ideal candidate" to represent the Senate and other similar interests as an outsider. Unknown to anyone is that Irina harbors a more personal mission; to understand her subtle intuitions and apparent unexplained manipulations that have rippled through out her life. The Jedi know something of such things and perhaps by knowing them she can learn more about herself...