
Hemit Flintlocke's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Am I missing something on these listings?

A dreadnought is roughly 4.5km long with a maximum crew of 500.

A star destroyer is 1.6km long and has a crew of 45,000.

A Nimitz class carrier is 0.31km long with a crew of 6000

What am I missing here?

7 bp's a month? Yea i can see why they would expand slowly. Did you remove the magic item market and not replace the lost income with anything? While it is possible that a kingdom can function with no magic item economy it will grow much slower and you may be well into year 5 or 6 before you reach the recommended size for starting book 3.

For example in our game we expanded to 4 hexes by month 4 then stayed there for another 8 months while we built up our main city. After that point we have expanded at maximum speed every month since then (almost to the end of our 4th year). We also made at least 1 city a year with more later on as we were able to build more per turn. All kingdom stats have stayed pretty consistent at control dc +5 with economy always being out front.

None of our expansion would have been possible without the magic item economy or something equal to that as even now we only gain about 25bp from the economy roll itself.

Meophist wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
And a low Cha does not mean you get to just hide and blend in to the background. It doesn't get a non reaction it gets a BAD reaction. People don't just NOT notice you they do notice you , cross to the other side of the street , hold tightly on to small children and keep the torches and pitchforks handy.
I have a pretty low charisma IRL and I can't say I've gotten this reaction from people.

Pretty sure BigNorseWolf is talking about charisma in the 3 to 6 range. Scores in this range would have habits that would cause people to shy away or react openly to you like picking your nose and eating it or a hardcore evasion of general personal hygiene. These would be mental quirks that a being of such low charisma would have. You may feel you have a low charisma but would probably be average if you garner no reaction so 8 to 12.

I am a big fan of the fighter / barbarian / dragon disciple combo with unarmed strikes. Not sure how the "pick any style feat" part of the unarmed fighter variant at level 1 is supposed to work but if it means any feat with style in the name, dragon is the choice. If it means any feat in the style section then dragon ferocity is what I would use. Get double slice and pump strength as high as you can.

Basically imitate this :

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
you need a decent charisma if you want to take the eldritch heritage feat line.

Wondered when someone would mention this. With a high enough charisma and this feat chain you can add up to +12 to a melee character. Seems like a nice bonus that affects something other then social stats. If you want a mental stat to add to physical pursuits then I think you are asking a bit much.

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Azmyth wrote:
Not to wet blanket on your idea, but I prefer to Role Play treaty negotiations instead of governing them with crunch and mechanics.

As treaties provide a mechanical benefit to a kingdom the do need a mechanical creation device. Otherwise it's just a hand wave, which is not always bad but at that point any mechanical benefit should be null.

Our kingdom is size 55 and generating about 100bp a month now. 3 cities with 8 districts total. At size 25 we maybe made 30bp a month at most due to slower build progression.

At our table we had a general rule that if you want to make a character to fill a role try to have a 15 or better in one of the stats for that role at the start. Since the characters should be level 4 by the time they actually start the kingdom that gives a reasonable +3 from them. As far as NPC's go if they can get a +2 to fill all roles but the headsman / assassin the kingdom will work out just fine.

Our GM has allowed 2 years between each book but no progression during the books. Seems to help keep people focused. We are 3 years in and currently size 59 with 5 cities (2 recently founded). Still have a year to run before book 3 so I would guess we would be at 6 to 8 cities by then.

PJ wrote:
Sean Barnett wrote:

What books/sources will you GM allow. I'm playing in a KM game now and my GM has labeled anything from the d20pfsrd site to be okay for the game. If this is the case with you I would look at going half-orc sorcerer with cross-blooded orc and dragon or elemental bloodlines. With the elemental boost feat you would deal +3 damage per die rolled on your fire spells. Not to mention the half level bonus to damage on fire spells from favored class sorcerer. Level 10 casting empowered fireball would be 15d6 + 50 fire damage. Just food for thought.

With charisma being your prime stat you are also golden on the social role and can have some outdoor skills in survival and perception. Sure you don't get the most skills but if the fighter and cleric are going to be totally useless in the group no need for you to carry the entire load.

Hey Sean, how did you get +3/die? I only got +2.Which feats am I missing? I get the bloodlines what's cross-blooded orc?

Orc bloodline arcana = +1 per die with all spells

Dragon or Elemental bloodline arcana = +1 to fire damage per die rolled

Elemental boost (feat) = +1 damage per die with chosen elemental type.
I'm pretty sure this is a 3rd party feat so would need GM approval. You also lag a bit further behind with spells as a cross-blooded sorcerer but that does not matter too much when your burning hands is 5d4+15 at level 5. Even with point buy for character stats you should produce a very heavy magic hitting character.

In our current game the cleric is of the fire domain and can spontaneously cast burning hands and fireball. She did the 1 level dip to sorcerer so gets the full +3 per die with fire and can heal and buff. Very glad she is on my side.

What books/sources will you GM allow. I'm playing in a KM game now and my GM has labeled anything from the d20pfsrd site to be okay for the game. If this is the case with you I would look at going half-orc sorcerer with cross-blooded orc and dragon or elemental bloodlines. With the elemental boost feat you would deal +3 damage per die rolled on your fire spells. Not to mention the half level bonus to damage on fire spells from favored class sorcerer. Level 10 casting empowered fireball would be 15d6 + 50 fire damage. Just food for thought.

With charisma being your prime stat you are also golden on the social role and can have some outdoor skills in survival and perception. Sure you don't get the most skills but if the fighter and cleric are going to be totally useless in the group no need for you to carry the entire load.

In the kingmaker game I currently play in the group just hit level 7 and are just finishing rivers run red. We are just ending our 3rd year and are getting about 80 bp a month with our 3rd city just started. We have 1 standing army in our 2 smaller cities of 50 units and 2 armies in our main city of 100 each. Then again our GM has ruled that armies are payed per month not per week. The idea that a level 3 warrior in an army are payed 40g a week is insane to all of us (1bp = 4000 gold, 100 unit army is payed 1bp a week.) This allows us to actually afford to do this.

We created some odd buildings but our GM simply allows them to add role play bonuses for us. One of the buildings was an aqueduct using a decanter of endless water to supply the fresh drinking water. It really does nothing mechanically but allows for fun fluff to the city.