Arnistolientar Popswicker

Goreb's page

16 posts (122 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


i am asking if eny one had sum ideas on how it will be dun.

Smerf ok now to the way i wont to see it happin is like in this game ware you get 100gp to make the bilding and you get this 3d map to make the bilding you make/draw lines in the form of a 3D piller.

Monk i hope the game has the snapping turtle stile :) race wise i will be a half-orc or dwarf.

well sum races do not allow serten races so can we make it so sum races can not cum in are city?

how a bowt over time say one year the ruins will star to dickay and in say 2 months it will be a fall in ruin and go to the ground, and thin the monsters part paths to attack so you wont to kill them be for the big attack and clear the fall in ruins.

my idea is for sum skills to be trained faster like black smithing if you go the a forage you will train faster in black smithing.

ok so it looks like helaman is going to play.

#1 Neimoidian-Scoundrel (i am not ok with the story pleas make a new one.)

ok 1 maybe player so if he will not play i will end the campaign 3 days after so if you wont to play post now.

ok it is in the Jedi civil war ravein is not yet mind wiped and dantooine still has the jedi enclave on it so may the force be with you.

i will make a NPC to show how to make a hero in my campaign.

Name,rust Age,43 Height,2.0 Weight,75

Str,11+0 hp,30 BAB,+1
Dex,12+1 Ref,18 Fort,15 Will,11
Con,11+0 MB,+1 RB,+1 Speed,6 Fp,5


Strong in the force

Gun Club

Sith Armor cost,8000 AB,+6 FB,+2 MD,+3 W,10
Blaster Rifle cost,1000 D,3d8 SD,2d3 W,6
Comlink cost,25 W,0.1

The campaign is in the old Republic so get going.

all rite so I am new to play by post so if i will get to the point so to make him or her with.
20 Point-by,
the core classes and the Inquisitor,
1 Trait,
all the core races and Mite,
I do not hath a campaign seting yet so i will be back on the next day.

hay is my charctor abill to play einglish is new to me but i know simple words so can i play?

I the small city of Gole he lived but the orcs hand dithrent plans just after he had a wife the orcs killed them all but him thay hid well thay attacked but wen thay back sabed his wife he used the guns to blow up the bombs and the orcs now he looks fore a new home and to kill every orc in the world. so the back story is dun and the Khopesh in the city wuss a sine of a good hart or of love and i look like my Avatar.

Name,Goreb Alignment,NG Age,3d6 + 40 ⇒ (2, 1, 1) + 40 = 44 Height,4ft Weight,157
hp,11 Ac,14 BAB,+0 Fort,+3 Ref,+3 Will,+3 class,Rogue


Disable Device,+5
Sense Motive,+7

Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Khopesh),

Heavy Pick cost,8 Dmg,1d6 crit,x4 weight,6
studded leather cost,25 Armor bonus,+3 max dex,+5 weight,20
Grappling hook cost,1 Weight,4
Flint and stell cost,1
Khopesh cost,20 Dmg,1d8 crit,19-20 weight,8

A small dwarf enters the tavern and shows ARE THAR ANY GOOD MINES a Dwarf answers him HEAR and he sends him 1g GIT A MUG OF ALE ON ME and leaves I SHALL CUM BACK WITH SUM PLAYS FOR YOU IN THE MINE!

yes i wuss planing the same thing can i hath a khopesh or sword cane!?

so if you are hear be cuss the name makes no sens go a way but if you wont to play make a cool guy by useing heroic role and (billed a ray gun) yous all the core books but ultimate combat so get going and billed the guy (and ray gun) so by.
kill with a pick!