Erudite Owl

Gaby Weidling's page

Lone Shark Games. 27 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Lone Shark Games

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I really miss that Gary. What's he doing these days? He was great!

Pathfinder ACG Developer

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<3 <3 <3

Also, this is the best blog title.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

zeroth_hour wrote:

Thanks for reminding me about those memories, Gaby :)

And playing every hand as if it were Magic: The Puzzling really appeals to me as well, and that's what playing Ezren feels like.


Pathfinder ACG Developer

Sandslice wrote:

We have an Ezren player at our table. His philosophy of Ezrenising all the things:

1. Identify: use ALL the divinations.
2. Obtenify: get ALL the spells and magic things from the deck for extra explores.
3. Gooify: Yes, gooify, not liquefy. That's what happens to ALL the banes.

He takes 15 minute turns, ending with nothing discarded and most of the location deck either in his deck or in puddles of blasted goo.

Mmm, goo.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

First World Bard wrote:
I see you came down on the Ezren side of Lemzren. That's okay, I guess. I'm sure you were just trying to cheer up Sad Ezren.

Hahahaha. I went with Ezren because I was only supposed to write about one character. Lem is still near and dear to my heart, though!!!

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Dave Riley wrote:

We call our Baby Triceratops "Captain Tops," because she owns the ship now. She's a dinosaur. Even a baby, you're not ordering that thing around.

Also, my wife and I aren't dinosaur experts, but aren't baby Triceratopses actually Torosauruses? :D

(j/k Torosaurus sucks)

CAPTAIN TOPS IS A CUTE NAME! And yes, she is the captain now.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scribbling Rambler wrote:

Happy from the blog and The Clompster.

Sad from the no more Gary blogs (for now).

Never fear, Gary and the Clompster will return someday!

Pathfinder ACG Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The seven of you that favorited Mike's just made my list. I hope you all get haunted by galvos.

And Mike, don't think I'm above texting your wife to hit you for me!

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Mike Selinker wrote:
Tanis O'Connor wrote:
isaic16 wrote:

The proper terminology here in the south is:

"If you fail a check, y'all must bury a card."

"If you fail a check, all y'all must bury a card."

+1 for Southern upbringing. Am currently pitching "y'all" and "all y'all" to Vic. I'll let you know if I succeed.
Card Guild guide, version 3: "All y'all bring 'em cards o' yourn to th' gamin' hall…"

I quit.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

MightyJim wrote:

So, is the exciting surprise the Loot ally? - or is it the other thing people have been getting confused by on the forums?

also +1 for the giant inflatable Ranzak...

The Loot ally is an exciting surprise but there's an EVEN MOAR EXCITINGER surprise. I believe the thing people have been confused by on the forums is what I'm talking about. But I might be confused about their confusion. Anyway, you'll know it when you open your card packs.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Reptilian wrote:
Nice work there, Gary. I can see some people arguing about who gets the genie's wish (aka skill feat) in the near future :). Also, Pterrence looks like a pretty sweet card, especially with the new Lini. With the right power feat, she can fly between locations and get an extra explore every turn. But *Dinosaur geek mode*, pteranodons aren't technically dinosaurs, just flying reptiles that live around the same period as dinosaurs did *Dinosaur geek mode off*. Anyway, I look forward to getting my hand on this pack too.

I appreciate your dinosaur geek mode.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm only reading the comments to procrastinate work.

That's not completely true...I'm reading it because I love you fine folks. The procrastination is just a bonus.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Oh good! My cat was not interested in helping out. "Will that buzzy thing pet my tummy? No? Do not want." Good luck with strategy planning!

Pathfinder ACG Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That made my day, Hawkmoon!

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Coming soon to a blog near you: Correctness!

Pathfinder ACG Developer

I guess we were wrong. It's extra punishment if you fail by 3 or more. We wrote those cards months ago. Double derp.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Evading doesn't give you the opportunity to make a check, so you won't bury a card.

As for the first point, if the check to defeat is listed as Intelligence or Knowledge 10 (like on Munarei) and you roll a 10, 11, or 12, Munarei is defeated. However, you did not beat that by 3 or more so you will bury the top card of your deck. If you roll a 13 or higher, congrats, you have defeated Munarei and have avoided burying the top card of your deck.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Consider yourselves Cursed.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Well, the caption isn't wrong...that's not what you want if you're trying to look at the Curse. :P We're putting the right picture in there. Derp.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just for you, Hawkmoon!

Pathfinder ACG Developer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks Janis!!! <3

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

First World Bard wrote:
Well, I'd say "this card or another card", since Lirianne has the option of getting rid of the blunderbuss, particularly if her hand is clogged with other firearms. Though I imagine she'd use her favorite gun and reshuffle or bury lesser weapons...

Yeah, believe it or not there could be a time where Lirianne is like, "Oh kraken dung, I have way too many guns," and will opt to get rid of the least powerful ones.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

Feegle wrote:
brad2411 wrote:
Feegle wrote:
I'm about halfway through this blog post, and I feel the need to say that I'm really enjoying Gary's writing style. Please let him write ALL THE BLOG POSTS from now on. :)
Do you mean "Gaby"
Oops, yes I do. And with that correction, then I also mean "Please let him or her (as appropriate) write ALL THE BLOG POSTS from now on."

Haha, thanks! That would be her. I'm afraid I don't have time to write all these posts but I'm glad you enjoyed reading this one!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Gaby Weilding wrote:

I'd be pretty mad at myself if I didn't include a sneak preview of one of the promo cards. This is my favorite card in the whole set. Bonus points to you if you can figure out why.

Image of Goblin Weilding

I mean, look at it! It's awesome. Steal some stuff from your friends in true goblin pirate fashion! Hint: that's not why this is my favorite card.

Here are my guesses as to why it is your favorite card:

1. You love red colored birds.
2. You love monkeys.
3. You love eye patches on fictional fantasy creatures.
4. You are a fan of Kevin Yan's artwork.
5. Your favorite numbers are 5 and 4.
6. Oh wait, it is the name...Goblin. You love the name Goblin.

Let me know how I claim those bonus points!

You found me out. I love red colored birds. Green birds, no thanks.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

Sarah Bull wrote:

Hey Casey. I am going to attempt to answer these based off what I learned to run the demos at Paizocon Hopefully I don't get anything too wrong....

1. One active ship per party. At the beginning of the scenario you will choose what ship you want to bring from among the different ships you have available on your fleet card.

2. The person who is taking his/her turn is piloting the ship. Anyone at that location is also on the ship. Anyone not at that location is anchored (hopefully I got that word right, I was calling it "land locked" -which was my own wording- all weekend.) On your turn, if you move, anyone else at your location may choose to move with you. Once your turn is over, the next person is now piloting the ship and so on.

3. The ships in the demo were separate cards. You would summon them if you ran into a pirate ship bane for instance. I can't remember the details on those bane cards any longer.

4. It's in addition to the normal exploration.

5. Dunno.

6. I believe it is any damage.

Hopefully I didn't get these too wrong.

Thanks for answering Casey's questions. You were pretty much spot on!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh wow. Comments everywhere! I was just made aware of the fact that people comment on posts because I've never used the internet before and didn't know that. Derp. I'm going to time travel back and reply to some past comments and keep up with new ones! Thanks everyone for reading!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

I thought there was a Token of Remembrance around here.