Edwardteach's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 2 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 14 Organized Play characters.

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A good start with a terrible finish


This scenario start off well. It offers many opportunities for role playing and has a few unique combatants to tangle with. However as many of the other reviews state, the final conflict is disappointing and disheartening.

PCs have about a 33% chance (best case, including equipment and spell bonuses to assist) to a 4% chance to be able to function normally given the checks provided by the author. It was really a poor way to end the scenario and the story arc as we had great fun up to that point.

We sadly left the table with bitterness at the end (no fault of the GM) due to this. It felt like we were simply set up for failure with no warning, rolling 15 DC and still failing seems poorly designed at this tier.