Darl Quethos

DungeonCrawler_greyhaze's page

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We're going to take another swing at this, this time leading with the Walking Hut. I hope you'll check us out when we launch, it will be Dec 11th until Jan 3rd directly on our own site using paypal.


Long story short; we had to bypass kickstarter because they will not allow us to run the campaign in USD because we are Canada based. And, we need to.

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Hi Folks,
We will be launching our Storm Riders Kickstarter (Dungeon Crawler) September 7th!
Six of the sculpts and renders have been shown off already.  We're finalizing the finishing steps on our first DCM Kickstarter, but we stuck with it and will persevere!  We believe we've ironed out the kinks in our production process, and as this will be our second project with the same factory, we should be able to excel on delivery.
The behemoth stands on a monstrous 8" diameter base to rival our Kraken.
Our Storm Riders have a great feature where the mounts and riders are interchangeable whose usefulness only grows as new mounts and riders are added to the series!

It feels like forever since we started the Kraken initiative (krakstarter), but we finally have them available for order and are delivering them as I type this (since the beginning of the week).

I know you all are interested in pre-painted readily attainable figures, you can find them at dungeoncrawler.com

We're on the cusp of launching our 2nd kickstarter, the Behemoth. This central pieces is 8x8, and is a beast (see link below). But wait there's more!

It launches Sept 29th, and we hope you'll check us out - always good to have more options for your armies, and I think you'll really like what we're pitching this time around.

RIDERS! And they can be swapped in play.

Check out our tracking page for everything we've announced so far -


- and thanks for checking us out!

There will be a Dungeon Crawler kickstarter in 2014, we estimate by Sept we will have fulfilled our current 2013 Kraken KS and should be able to launch at that time.

We've revealed a few planned releases, and hope everyone will check it out!

These will pre-painted plastic, and unpainted plastic as usual with 2 paint jobs to decide between (PPM = standard, KSX = kickstarter exclusive).

Goblin Spider Rider

Orc Shaman

The Reward Figures are from our first KS and are; Fireborne Skeleton, Hoarfrost Skeleton, Shockwave Skeleton, Stormcloud Skeleton, Angel Mermaid, Koi Mermaid, Midnight Peryton and Winter/Snowy Peryton.

Thanks for checking these out. :)

Hi Folks,

Can't change the title of the old thread, so figured I should start a new thread about the Kraken getting launched - and FUNDED on day 1!

Now we're looking get our Kraken painted! (that sounds so weird) So we can move on to our Giant Skeleton Warrior Sculpt! :D

Come check us out.


http://dungeoncrawler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=975&p=4092#p40 92

You can check out some of Gifted Vision's previous PPMs in the Paizo shop as well.

There's lots of background at the above link, but here is the meat and potatoes.

1. One over-sized unpainted mini.
2. Some KS exclusives:

  • KS Collector T-shirt.
  • A Signed Collector Card for Labyrinth & Authenticity (individually numbered).
  • Blackbyrne Adventure set in the world of Dungeon Crawler!
3. Add-ons include:
  • Our previously released DC Minis.
  • Custom Coins.
  • Our KS Campaign T-shirt.
  • Our ECG Card Game and it's expansions.

4. The secret of our strange bases will be revealed!
5. Shipping will be included in the pledges for USA, +$15 for international.
6. Master Paints by Ben Reigler will be available!
7. A Starting goal of $10,000

For those interested in the pre-painted aspects, that first checkpoint will be at the $15k mark, and the next sculpt will be at the $18k mark.

Hi Folks,

A lot of people came to check out our first miniatures KickStarter and felt that it was far too complex. We're asking folks to come back and take a second look as we've basically overhauled the entire campaign.

Tidal Wave KickStarter

I know there is another thread floating around which our old campaign was mentioned in, but I just wanted to start a fresh thread for those that might be skipping over the old thread.

The biggest news is; thanks to our new reputable manufacturer we are able to lower our goal, which should mean we're able to achieve said goal much more easily. We've done away with exact shipping, and incorporated flat rates (except with one particular pledge level intended for small orders). Most importantly, we've done away with the Credit System and simplified as much as we could, while leaving everything as customizable as possible.

As the campaign goes on we will be adding more pledge levels, but we have 2 that we want to mention upfront.

DIY'r TIDAL WAVE :: For people that like to paint their own minis we have the $15 Two Fer One which gets you a full unpainted set of Tidal Wave as a bonus just for ordering a full unpainted set! This is 16 minis for $15.

TIDAL WAVE :: For people, like me, that like everything already pre-painted we have the $25 "buy what you want" and get a free set of all 8 alternate painted Tidal Wave minis as a bonus! This is a minimum of 16 pre-painted minis for $25.

The launch centralizes around a nautical theme, but as the campaign goes on we plan to branch out in to various other themes. The next two sets have already been revealed in our updates.

Update #1

If you're into print n play games, we also have our FREE downloadable Dungeon Crawler Labyrinth game as part of our campaign. There's also our fantasy story mode expandible card game which we have on special until the end of Halloween.

Update #3

Thanks for taking the time to read this. :)

These are pre-painted plastic miniatures in the works from Dungeon Crawler. A set of 4 tentacle miniatures; grappler, kraken tentacle, outsider arm and plant vine. Should go nicely with any fantasy/sci-fi RPG.


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A player of mine wants to extract poison from the kills they make during adventuring. We found some loose rules and modified them, but couldn't find anything official. I was looking for feedback and figured this would be the place to get that.


1st - The size of creature determines how many doses are possible to extract; tiny 1, small 1d2, medium 1d4, large 2d4, +1d4 per additional size category.

2nd - Roll the correct Knowledge Nature check for the beast with the poison DC 10 + HD of creature to locate the poison sack. Fail increases step 3's DC by 5. This can be done as a Full Round Action.

3rd - Roll a Survival check DC 15 + HD of creature with the sack you are trying to extract. On a natural 1 you accidentally poison yourself and half the doses are spoiled. On failed check, half the doses rounded down are spoiled. This can be done within 5 minutes per HD of creature -1 minute per level of the extractor, to a minimum of 1 minute.
Character’s with “Poison Use” never poison themselves while extracting the sack.

*If a dose is sealed in a container it will last indefinitely until applied.

For each dose being applied to a weapon, role a Craft-Alchemy check. DC = poison save DC. On failed check, that dose of poison is spoiled. On a natural 1 you poison yourself. Applying Poison to a weapon requires a Full Round Action and either a Concentration check as though casting a spell or the extractor’s full attention.
Character’s with “Poison Use” never poison themselves on a natural 1.

*The dose remains active on a weapon until used on a fleshy or watery target (ground/dirt, water/mud, trees, zombies, humanoids, dragons) or evaporates/rubs off over a 2d4-1 day period once applied to a weapon. You could have a special sheath crafted that will make a seal, but this will be expensive and may get damaged in travel/combat.

Those characters carrying poisonous weapons without “Poison Use” must make a reflex save DC20 to avoid poisoning themselves in combat when rolling a natural “1” or when wielding the item and making any Dexterity based Skill checks.

Carrying poisons is punishable by execution in most civilized (and some not so civilized) locations. The bearer will be dubbed as an assassin and possibly tried and executed.

If a PC attempts an extraction in a lab (not just using a field kit), that it could cut down on the time by 5mins, and gives a +2 bonus to all of the DC checks required. Characters require a field kit or cauldron to do extractions at all (Assassins would probably buy the stuff, not procure it themselves, but if they want to they can do it in a lab or get an alchemy kit).

Characters can take the stinger, head or try to remove the sacks (or stuff a tiny spider in a jar) and procure it later on, but the Knowledge Nature check will determine the success (so it's a good idea to do this on the spot, failure might mean not having the body later on). If the Character does not take the time to do the Knowledge check or does not know from experience, then they have a greater chance of messing it up. The creature's poison sack is located elsewhere, the poison turns gaseous in a dead critter after so many hours, that kind of thing is determined by the rolls.

"I've harvest thousands of these spiders why do I still need to make a Knowledge Nature check?" - once a Character has succeeded on harvesting a creature of a specific type, they do not need to make the Knowledge Nature check again on that exact type (read as monster entry). This must be tracked by the Player, basically write down what it was, where it was extracted and if the extraction or Knowledge check was successful.

Sample; in the case of a medium scorpion. HD5.

Gain 1d4 doses by doing the following:
Roll a Knowledge Nature check DC15 to find the venom sacks.
- Succeed, move to next step.
- Fail, +5 to the DC of next step.
Roll a Survival check DC20 or DC25 to safely extract the venom sacks.
- Succeed, move to next step.
- Fail, poison self and/or lose half of doses, rounded down.
Applying Poison to weapon DCX (DC of poison).
- Succeed, weapon is poisonous until discharged or wears off.
- Fail, poison self and/or dose is lost.


We wanted to give people a heads up on a product change over here at Dungeon Crawler. We've listened to our customers and re-sorted our randomly packaged booster boxes in to 5 neat little non-random bundles we're calling Delve Packs. These are not "new" products, just a reworking of what we currently have available.

They've gone live on our site as of April 12th and are already available.

