Dragoona22's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Shadow Lodge

Azten wrote:
Well, for one, is the GM okay with the class and any changes?

he has a sort of do whatever attitude about it so i kind want have an idea of this and then run it buy him.

Shadow Lodge

So I'm playing serpents skull and I was thinking about playing a Dragonfire Adept. I was just wondering if there is anything I need to do to make sure he doesn't become dead weight especially at higher levels. I was going to raise his BAB to medium to match his HD and put breath weapon damage progression at the same as the rogues sneak attack. Any thing else I should do?

Shadow Lodge

So I'm playing serpents skull and was thinking I would play a Dragonfire Adept but I want to know if there is anything I need to do to make sure that that he can keep up power wise with everyone else. I was gonna bring BAB up to medium to match the HD and put the breath weapon damage at the same progression as the rogues sneak attack. Are there any other recommendations?

Shadow Lodge

baron arem heshvaun
"But there are less than one Dwarf female for every Dwarf male"

And there is less than one human male for every female on earth as females are genetically more common so thats not that rare. Or was that a typo. As for the topic why not assume a female dwarfs beard is a fashion statment all dwarves have the ability to grow full beards but some don't because it's not a social stigma for females to be beardless like it is for males.