
DavidB's page

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Pretty please with sugar on top....will we ever see a return of Greyhawk?
Its been my favorite campaign for more than 20 years. I've made it my own. Found own answers to mysteries...ZagYg Y. is the "mystery" god of Castle Maure. Anihilated Iuz ( He thore Kyuss apart in Alhaster, but was "sneakattacked" by a Spherewielding drow ). Wished away Aliens and firearms. And kept it Grey.

A few of them...
All divine spellcasting is spontan. Known = Spell only cast/choose spells that fits the nature of your god.

HP are divided in wounds and vigorpoints(50/50). You get fastheal 1, when out of battle(resting) - but only for vigorpoint. No we are not going back to the inn...

Ftr and Rog gets one hero points (+8 before a roll or reroll with +4 1/ at the levels 2/6/10/14/18.
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