
DarkKnight27's page

Organized Play Member. 239 posts (240 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.

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No Warning and Poorly Conceived


So let's start with The Good:
The people at the table were fun.

The Bad:
The whole concept of this adventure. I get it, you want to show off you're shiny new Ultimate Intrigue rules, that's fine, but let us know ahead of time. This scenario was billed as a social mod so I had a character that wasn't great at social stuff, but not bad either, he had ranks in Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Sense Motive. But I quickly found out that if you used those skills you'd likely get penalized for them because other skills are what is needed... like Profession Merchant, or Knowledge skills (because those pop into my head when I think of social interactions). So basically I was hamstrung right from the onset because I didn't have the right social skills.

The Conclusion:
In the future, what I really, really hope happens is that if there's an event like this, that Paizo and the Author list what shiny new rule set they will be showing off and instruct the GM to look at everyone's character sheet and if there's no chance of succeeding (like my table had) then they are to let us know so we can pick different characters. I mean, I don't mind failing if we legitimately fail, but we should never have been allowed to play these characters in this event because we had ZERO chance of success. I think this is quite possibly the worst Pathfinder Society scenario I've ever played going all the way back to Year Zero stuff.

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Horrible, Uninspired Adventure


This was one of the worst railroads I ever was forced on. The story was NOT interesting and didn't make a whole lot of sense. There was only one way to complete the scenario but there really needed to me multiple paths for characters who would have problems dealing and interacting with evil NPC's.

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Not Good


So we played this with a mostly level 2 party and we almost died more than a few times. Having a swarm that's immune to weapon damage at that level is ridiculous, as is a spring attacking bad buy who's moves 50 feet a round, has a +9 to attack, and is under a constant blur effect.

The story itself is OK, if you have the right class to actually learn what it is, but because we didn't have a druid with us or anyone with Comprehend Languages we missed most of it during the event and had to be told about it afterwards.

Personally I think this scenario should be retired. It seems poorly written both for the main story and the faction missions and was more than a little disappointing.