About Dale FirehairDale Firehair
Channel Energy 1d6 Domains: Liberation, Good Liberation (Su): You have the ability to ignore impediments to your mobility. For a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level, you can move normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement, as if you were affected by freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Touch of Good (Sp): You can touch a creature as a standard action, granting a sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws equal to half your cleric level (minimum 1) for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Racial Traits:
Skills (2 class, 1 Intelligence)
Background Skills
Spells Prepared (Caster Level: 1, Concentration Check: +4 (+9 Casting on the Defensive))
Languages: Common (Taldane), Elven, Sylvan --------------------
Carrying Capacity Light: Less than 38 lb. Medium: 39-76 lb. Heavy: 77-115 lb. Currency: 20 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
Dale was born twenty-three years ago to a family of settlers on the fringes of Brevoy and the Stolen Lands. His mother's father, Domitian, was the patriarch of the family, a human wizard of small skill and smaller repute, while his mother Lia, and his father Kyros were both half-elves and decent hunters. When Dale was born, his father was away, lost in the wilderness, and was led back to his family by a blue butterfly, which landed lightly on the newborn's collarbone, marking him with the sign of Desna. The boy's family was shocked, but not entirely certain what to make of this. Domitian dismissed the whole thing, while Kyros mused that Desna had clearly shown favor to his family. Lia was (pragmatically) mostly content that her son had been born safely, and that she had not died in the process. When he was eleven, Dale went into the wilderness with both his parents, where he stumbled onto an old shrine to the Song of Spheres, complete with a traveling cleric's musings on the nature of Desna's divinity. That night, he dreamt of beautiful music and shimmering stars. He spent a great deal of time studying the texts and delved deeply into their mysteries, even going so far as to set up his own shrine to Desna in his home. When Dale was fourteen, Domitian decided that the boy should become his apprentice, and spent the next six frustrating years trying to push the boy into showing his arcane heritage. He failed (sometimes spectacularly) and Dale spent more and more of his time involved in the texts and his own thoughts on matters of Desna. By the time he was twenty, Dale decided enough was enough, and successfully beseeched Desna to help him cast his first spell - an orison creating water. With this, he confirmed himself to Desna and decided to strike out on his own, entrusting his safety to the goddess. The two years of wandering took him to Brevoy and throughout its cities, helping the once very rural Dale to become more cosmopolitan. He met a great many people, lost a fair amount of money, but never so much that he couldn't afford to live. He witnessed duels and healed the poor, and generally lived a life of contentment as he traveled. Desna guided his steps, he was certain, and he would follow that guidance for all of his (hopefully) long life. It was during these travels that Dale first heard the stirrings of interest in his own homeland - the Stolen Lands. Whenever he introduced himself as coming from those lands, people grew intrigued, and sometimes even with rising patriotic fervor, declared that the lands would be returned to Brevoy soon. This both amused and disturbed the young half-elf, who rather liked the Stolen Lands as they were - open to many adventures and the like. Only recently did he receive news that his mother and grandfather had both been killed by a new self-proclaimed "Stag Lord" character. Having heard also of the call for brave champions of Brevoy to claim the Stolen Lands, Dale decided to ally himself with these champions, to earn justice for his family and to bring peace to the land.
Dale is a tallish half-elf with the fine features typical of his race. With bright crimson hair and dark eyes, he presents a charming front for a genuinely compassionate and gentle soul. Personality:
Dale is a gentle and generally carefree soul, who focuses more on the good things in life than on what suffering his life has brought him. A devout Desnan, he prays every morning before rising from bed, and keeps a pair of journals to record his dreams in, just in case his goddess delivers a message to him in his dreams. Dale is also thoroughly rural - he has very little in the way of city folks' manners, and is often impressed by the oddest things about city folk. He mistrusts the nobility, who have never been present in his life, and continues to do little to favor the Stolen Lands. Now that they are expressing more interest in the Stolen Lands, he wonders how much is motivated in the interests of the settlers who have lived there for lifetimes. He is not entirely convinced of the rightness of the mission to civilize the Stolen Lands - while he acknowledges that killing the Stag Lord would be beneficial, creating civilization, with all its roads and cities and corruption strikes him as unnecessary.
Kingdom Role:
Though he would vocally object to being anything resembling a powerful figure, Dale would make a decent Councilor or High Priest, especially if the High Priest were permitted to go out and talk with people. |