
Arduino the Lesser's page

523 posts. Alias of Arkwright.


Init 7|HP 125/125|Fort 12|Ref 9|Will 15|AC 14, HP151/133|Fort 17|Ref 18|Will 12|AC 38|CMD 30|DR 5/Epic

A:Mage Armor, FLG, SOther, Hero|K:Mage Armor, FLG, SOther



About Arduino the Lesser

GM Pox's Mummy's Mask:
Name: Arduino the Lesser
Race: Male Human
Alignment: CG
Class: Sorcerer (Wildblooded)
Bloodline: Sylvan
Path: Archmage/Hierophant (Dual Path)
Backstory: Scion of a long line of Verduran forest druids, Arduino the Lesser proved a frequent disappointment to his father, Arduino the Greater, who felt he was, possessing of no drive, ambition or discipline and instead resting amid his laziness and the powers due from his blood. Consequently, he cast him out into the world, hoping his son would find something worth striving for. Together with his trusty Roc companion Kin, he moved around Kyonin for a time, pretending to be a minor druidic ambassador seeking refuge in the elven lands. Eventually however he found his calling; after a trip south to the Aspodell mountains in search of a friend for Irra, he fell in with the Bellflower Network. The organization's high ideals and the diabolic fate it freed its innocent targets from inflamed him like nothing before, and over the next few years he was part of several daring raids and secret breakouts, eventually rising to quite a high position in the organization, third or fourth to the Farmer himself. Returning to his father and the forest to explain his new ideals and status, his proud father petitioned the Druidic Circle to perform a ritual on Arduino using a powerful artifact of Gozreh the druids had guarded for centuries. His father hoped these new (mythic) powers might help his son in his endeavors, and lead to great things for him and for the Verduran druids. Eventually he received a letter from an old friend (one of the party members), detailing the recent troubles in Wati. Intrigued, Arduino volunteered for a mission to travel to Osirion to track down rumors of a new generation of aristocrats in Wati holding slavers in horrible conditions, with the intention of also meeting his friend and, if possible, helping them out.
Personality: Flashes of old laziness, generally driven, idealistic, young, compassionate.
Description: Brown hair, brown eyes, pale, crude kheffiyeh, dailors' doublet, backpack, undying leaf on string around neck.
Kin Description: Large-sized Roc, grey feathers, large saddle, red paint hand-print on left leg, trailing cape attached to saddle, thin belt around tail, cloth fragment tied to front of chest, amulet around neck with a full-size roc talon.

Arduino was born as the new scion of the line of Poggle, a great family of Druids. Members of this family took on the responsibility of becoming a warden of nature, a Druid, and were uniquely suited for this task; due to an age-old dalliance with the fey, Poggle blood ran thick with the magic of the forest. Arduino grew into one of the finest heroes of the forest, defending it even against the onslaught of the Worldwound and its demons, widely known as a great and wise man.

Sadly, his son would not inherit those same qualities.

Arduino the Lesser grew into a callow youth, rich with laziness and fickle will and poor in quickness of mind and connection with nature. Knowing his son was not ready, Arduino the Greater delayed his time of Druidic trial. After years of little improvement, the father finally gave up and sent his son out into the world, telling him to return with a connection to nature or not at all.

It has been three years since he left. Meeting other humans and being thrust into the fascinating new environments of Korvosa and other human settlements has done wonders for Arduino, though he still emits an outward image of laziness; whether that is his true personality or whether that is becoming simply a mask he wears requires further observation.

Lazy, idle, seems stupid but that is more due to bored ignorance than to any mental disability. On the other hand, due to his childhood he does have a good heart, and knows right and wrong, and someone too-greatly acting out the latter does disturb him from his haze of 'i-don't-give-a-crap'. New people and places and experiences are enough to drag him out of his usual cocoon of laziness, though when he grows bored of them he lapses back into indolence.

Arduino appears quite ordinary- brown hair, brown eyes, youthful, wearing some strange mix between adventurer's clothes, a mage's robe and a dirty brown leather smock. He does however have thick boots, and a small backpack, indicating he's not totally slovenly about his preparation.

Later life for high-level games:
For some time, Arduino the Lesser lived the very essence of the life of a jack-of-all-trades. Performing jobs with some adventurers, studying at an university or working as an entertainer for a group of travelling gypsies, he travelled the land, finding something interesting to do to break him out of his lazy doldrums before growing bored and seeking something else to do. The latter trend greatly annoyed any friends he managed to make, many of whom he couldn't be bothered maintaining and abandoned.

Arduino's latest venture was working with the Bellflower Network, freeing slaves. With his magics he was able to cloud the minds of Chelish guards and lords and from under their noses free hundreds. He found it a jolly lark, and was toasted by his new comrades as a brave hero. Little did they know boredom was already setting in. Just as he was packing to leave, a call went up and he left the hideout. Upon the river was a Chelish galleon, and as he and his comrades watched, two hundred of the slaves they had freed were pushed over the side and into the water, another hundred behind them. Arduino watched aghast as little children slipped beneath the waves, or were eaten by the ravenous river crocodiles. He tried to summon his great magics but because of the distance he was helpless.

As his comrades cried out with anger and the ship sailed away down the river to port, Arduino changed into a new man. Filled with a consistency of purpose and a suddenly laser-like focus of will, he shouted and badgered and ordered the group into teams and sent them out in preparation for his mission. The next day, the great Chelish port where the boat moored was burnt to cinders. A horde of slaves, Arduino at the forefront, burst out of the enclosures and killed their guards. As he spat syllables and made arcane gestures, ships caught alight and the earth split under the army barracks. It was a great victory.

Forever changed, Ardunio become one of the network's most valuable members, using his magics to sneak or fight thousands of slaves out from their Chelish overlords. A mission to end a labour camp in his home forests lead him to reconcile with his father who, while disappointed that his son is still no more inclined to the druidic path, is still glad that his son has acquired will and purpose.

Character Sheet for Rise of the Runelords:
Arduino the Lesser Level 1
Male Sorcerer (Fey Bloodline)
Init +2; Senses Perception +0

AC 10, touch 10
HP 7

Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2

Speed 30ft

Str 7, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 20
Base Atk +0; CMB -2 ); CMD 8

Feats: Spell Focus (Enchantment), Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment)

Skills : Bluff +9, Spellcraft +4, Use Magic Device +9

Languages Common

Eschew Materials

Laughing Touch

Trait: Magical Lineage (Hideous Laughter)

Trait: Outlander (Exile)

Spells per day:
1- 5x DC 16

Spells known:
Detect Magic
Dancing Lights

Colour Spray

GP 5

Map case
Scholar's Outfit
Waterproof bag
Glass bottle
Trail rations x5
Bachelor snuff
Winter blanket
Silk rope 30ft
Signal whistle
Flint and Steel

The Pharoah's Race:
Character Sheet

The lure of the newly risen Pyramids proved the perfect lure for Arduino the Lesser.

Well, after awhile. First he had to have explained to him the idea of burial customs. Apparently the druids tend to just throw their dead into a lake or even into their favourite pet or kind of animal. The idea of building something to HOLD one's dead was something which took him some time to understand. Then he had to have explained to him the customs of burying people with magical and monetary treasures. And then the idea of what a pyramid is, namely a trap-laden labyrinth designed to keep out a thousand years' worth of graverobbers.

And then he was told there are twelve of them.

Quick-smart he packed up his belongings and headed off for Osirion to search out these fascinating living relics and the umpteen horrors, wonders and curiosities they would doubtless hold within.