
Amandokalips!'s page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Inb4 lock.

Also, All mothers are broken. FACT.

Dark Archive

Urizen wrote:
I think I saw that tattoo elsewhere in someone else's photo as there was a person attached to that arm. Or I could have been hallucinating. :)

Yeah, if it was a photo from the con then it was me attached to that arm. I don't think there are many other tattoos like that.

Dark Archive

This would be the Asmodeus tattoo. Sorry about the cellphone pic and the odd angle. It's on the under-part of my arm and that makes for very awkward photo-taking-ness. Tattoo picture!.

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My tattoo is all healed now so I'll have pics up shortly. Sorry about the late reply, I was distracted with Paizocon.

Dark Archive

Auspician wrote:

It was my absolute pleasure helping to ruthlessly murder 50 of those PCs. But seriously guys, I gotta tell you: you didn't see half of the sheer Anti-Paladin awesomeness. What Jason said at the banquet is completely true; Anti-Paladins are the very definition of 'bad touch'. I'm still looking forward to the day that the Paladin in my campaign runs away from these despicable villains in abject terror.

Thanks for selecting me to help run the event, Jason! I had a blast.

I'm glad you were picked as well Auspician! You were a hoot to play with, in Fight Club and our society play.

I think our table killed our anti-pally with a magic missile!

Dark Archive

This was one of the highlights of my weekend as well. And Neil, thank your wife once again for the fantastic gaming tools she made. I really liked the pog-like 'minis'.

Dark Archive

Ross Byers wrote:
I had the good fortune of playing in a seven-person Lunch Money game with these guys. Lots of fun.

And yesterday I ran out and got Lunch Money to play. That game made me laugh so hard. Great Con guys! And soon I hope to see MORE Paizo cosplay.

Also, I'm SO done with chain mail for a while....

Dark Archive

I actually just got the holy symbol of Asmodeus tattooed onto my arm. I'm super pleased with it. First ink is nerd ink. Yay.

Dark Archive

nathan blackmer wrote:
Hey Niel, Amanda wants to play Tessara, so I'll take Merrick, that way we both have a reason to be there (in game).

Hey guys! Sorry to get in on this thread so late. I'm super excited to be a part of this with you all! See you at the con! Except Nathan, I'm never excited to see you...