
Allard's page

Organized Play Member. 60 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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just kick starting this

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Now just the opposite is happening to me. Firstly I used Amazon due to me living in the UK and the postage charges Paizo charge (yes this is not set by Paizo). I am still waiting to get any info for amazon about delivery etc.. And to top it off they are still taking orders for the book

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Doting for later

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brreitz wrote:
Ok, even better plan. Just buy a bunch of subscriptions, put my address down and your email down. You'll get the pdfs, I'll get the books, and you'll only have to pay US shipping! My plan is foolproof! Foolproof I say!

What a good idea.....

No wait will save made, suggestion spell failed

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LazarX wrote:

You can just buy the PDF files.

The purpose of the subscriptions is to make sure the initial print runs sell out, because books cost to produce and they take up space which also costs money. PDFs don't have that kind of prolem, and Paizo gives you a break by selling them at a major discount already.

Almost every other company that sells you PDFs of a book, does so at the full print price.

No please I am not after any discount just the option to set up a subscription account with Paizo and have the same perk of a early download as people how have a subscription to a hard copy, and this is just to the price of overseas postage and the wish to support paizo by buying direct (which with me buying the PDF still must be better for Paizo that me going to Amazon and buying the hard copy.

The plus side for me is not having to on the day of release having to place the PDF in a basket and then paying of it, I just want the whole thing automated