Belkar Bitterleaf

Aaron C. Malone's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 85 posts (323 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 21 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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Excellent challenge and thematic!


Scenario has a great balance of combat, investigation, and thinking. It's not a cakewalk but most parties should survive. I survived but by the skin of my teeth.

Highly recommend playing!

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Good art but your grid lines are terrible


If you don't like drawing maps, you'll want to get this one. I do like the art on it and it definitely fits the Starfinder theme.

However, once again, the SF map team can't seem to get the gridlines lined up like the PF ones. From what I understand, these were in production before feedback from the Basic Terrain maps were read. Please get the next one right. If not, I'm done buying these products.

This gets 2 stars ONLY because of the art. Grid lines are atrocious.

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Definitely stay away


I bought two of these and I regret it. You can't use the mat in conjunction with any other because the grid size is only 27 x 21, NOT 30 x 24 like advertised. I advise everyone to wait until these are corrected before purchasing.

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Frustrating Encounters and not in the good way


My group was excited to play this as this is related to the Silver Crusade faction. Unfortunately, a lot of us were left feeling frustrated. Multiple combats using annoying stall tactics (same ones too) and a confusing final encounter put a bad taste in our mouths. Don't think I'd play this again and probably won't run it.

Don't read if you don't want to know:

Combats using multiple Obscuring Mists, creatures flying into/behind Walls of Force so you can't get to them, 3 large creatures in a small room.

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This is a monster and not the kind that drops loot.


I have played and GM'd this special and I'm not sure what they were thinking. Now, I think the story is interesting and that it's a good kick-off to the current Year of the Stolen Storm.

From a player side, this looked too burdensome with all the encounters and sometimes it didn't feel like you were making any progress. Being cut off in encounters is not fun.

From a GM side, I'm only running this a second time because I got asked. Prepping this is just way too much. There are too many encounters, too many moving variables to track that can influence each area and each encounter, and it almost feels like you have to rush the table along.

It's such an unwieldy scenario that is not really that fun. I had fun playing it because we built our characters for one year to specifically play this at GenCon.

This may not be Blood Under Absalom bad, but it's pretty darn close.