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Pathfinder Player Companion: Spymaster's Handbook (PFRPG)

Spies Are All Around Me, Spies in Every Country

Spies and information brokers are a fact of life on Golarion, for nearly any large organization. Kingdoms need to know what other kingdoms are plotting, so as to best make their own plans, while at the same time keeping their own secrets hidden. Churches, schools, guilds, and merchants have their own need to control the flow of information leaking out of their inner chambers. Many groups have dedicated espionage branches, such as the Twilight Talons of Andoran, while others combine information gathering and enforcement, as with the Silent Shroud in Nidal. Smaller or less wealthy groups often must depend on independent spymasters, which may be as simple as buying information from the Church of Calistria to as complex as putting together bands of freelancers to acquire specific intelligence.

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Tags: Kiri Ostergaard Leonard Pathfinder Player Companion The Red Raven Reiko Tawny Fritz

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The Magnificent 7 of Set 6

It's Friday, and I've got some delightful news to share with you! I'm pleased to report that last week, WizKids sent Paizo the first batch of digital sculpts for our next, as-yet-unannounced Pathfinder Battles set, and they are PHENOMENAL. A few of our editors looked over my shoulder as I flipped through them the first time, and one even suggested that this may turn out to be the best Pathfinder Battles set yet. I certainly agree that, at the very least, it's in the same league as some of our very best sets!

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Tags: Feiya Hayato Iconic Heroes Lem Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Quinn Reiko Seltyiel

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Combat (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Reiko

Meet the Iconics: Reiko August 4, 2011 Reiko is the iconic character for the ninja class from Ultimate Combat. To read the story for Hayato, the iconic samurai, or Lirianne, the iconic gunslinger—both classes also featured in Ultimate Combat—click here and here. ... Situated on the western coast of Minkai, Reiko’s home town of White Wave was a quiet fishing village, little more than a collection of shacks and cabins clinging to a steep cliff face overlooking the harbor. Crushed...
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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Ninja Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reiko Wayne Reynolds

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