Tik'Klik |

The golem tilts his head as the palm smashes the surface flat. He doesn't seem to feel fear (or if I read it correctly, morale bonuses, or am I getting subtypes confused).
The golem continues to investigate the tank, hoping to find a bit of clear liquid, or that the thing inside comes closer to the glass, to get a good look at it. Also detect magic on the tank

Taicho Blackfeather |
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Taicho, looking for a way to cross the narrow divide sees the inhabitants of the other side what is that creature, she seems to be undead but not, she seems ...unique Seeing the undead female and hearing her plea, Tachio Turns to Aston and says in his tian tenor
"Prease, ret us herp this rady, she seems...."
then in his flat baritone he finishes

Aston Sabroque |

Aston stares at the woman, struck silent by the situation.
The parallels to his own life are startling. Pharasma truly works in mysterious ways, weaving great ironies into the fates of those that serve her whims.
He does not know the whole of this woman's story, nor whether her plea for help is genuine. But in her, he sees a mirror of the boy in the cage, the boy that would have either died or grown up to become a monster like his sire had he not been shown a single moment of mercy by a man whose faith dictated that an abomination against the sacred cycle of life and death like him should be destroyed without hesitation.
Mercy enabled him to live a real life. It allowed him to experience the best and worst of humanity. It granted him a daughter.
Now stands before him a chance to extend that gift to another.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
He notes the two skeletons lingering behind the woman. "Guardians, or perhaps jailers?" he wonders aloud. He knows that, should the woman prove disingenuous in her plea, he would be opening himself and his allies to attack. Still...
"Madame," he begins in earnest, addressing the woman across the pit, "you clearly recognize me as a servant of the Lady of Graves. You understand the position my Goddess holds regarding those torn between life and death, then. But perhaps you also recognize me for what I am..." He opens his mouth and runs his tongue along his fangs, making them as plainly visible as possible; hopefully, his pallid complexion will complete the image for her. "I know not the full extent of what has been done to you, but you have my sympathies- no, my empathy. I too was once kept in a dark prison, far below the streets of this city. 'Twas a twist of fate that saved me, much like the twist of fate that has brought me to you. Yes, madame, if it is your desire to be free, then I will free you." He sheathes his dagger and extends a hand to her as a gesture. His hopeful smile is genuine, and he inwardly prays that his faith in this woman will not be betrayed. "My name is Aston Saboque. Tell me yours. Tell me how you came to be trapped in this place, and what the heretic Tripe did to you. If you are willing, I will do everything in my power to protect you. I swear this, on this symbol of my faith." He raises his holy symbol into view. "May Pharasma strip from me my powers if I am lying."
Sorry for the long post, but I had a moment here. Hopefully she doesn't just try to kill us after all that.

GM Zed |

The woman, still partially hidden behind the corner, replies to Aston, ”My name is Esme…and, a lifetime ago, Tripe and I were to be married. He had already been expelled from your faith when we met and I, unwell with a wasting disease, was freshly arrived from Korvosa – the doctors saw no cure for me yet my Silvennius thought he could abate or even reverse the symptoms of my illness. He worked for months – not once did he slow down his research – yet, in the end, my body failed. I recall little of those last days but when I awoke, I was here – trapped between life and death… and hidden away as my lover’s secret. Poor Silvennius, a madness took him – the obsession became overpowering and he became what you saw earlier – I pray your goddess judges him kindly”
Stepping beyond the corner and into full view, Esme continues, ”How I long for the sunlight once more… Do you think it possible? There are places above where my ‘state’ would be tolerated”

Tik'Klik |

The golem jumps back, and begins firing off Disrupt Undead into the ceiling to get people's attention, pointing to the vat.
"Tik Klik Ick Crick Trick Track Clack Crack ack tack Crack, crik crack crack!"

Aston Sabroque |

Boards went down last night and dragged every post I made in all the games I'm in kicking and screaming down with 'em. D:
Aston smiles at Esme and gives her a reassuring nod, her story filling him with mixed emotions. "I am terribly sorry for everything that has happened to you, and for the sorry fate Tripe found in the end. Obsession is too often the venom that brings down the noblest of hearts..." He considers Esme's condition, and the district of Ankar-Te in Kaer Maga above comes to mind. Undead are accepted as a part of the community there, more or less; however, they are little better than property. A plan begins to hatch in his mind; "Perhaps," he muses to himself, "she might hide out there temporarily... Abigail could watch over her until we could find a more permanent solution... Geb, perhaps? No, no... well, then again..."
Before he can form a proper plan, Tik'Klik's fit snatches his attention. He quickly raises his crossbow toward the vat and shoots an uneasy smirk over his shoulder at the woman. "Esme, you must pardon us a moment. It seems our business here may not yet be concluded after all..." An idea strikes him: "My dear, you would not happen to know if there is anything special about this particular experiment of poor Tripe's?"

Taicho Blackfeather |
turning and watching Tik'Klik getting there attention, Taicho smiles to himself it is truly odd how some unique creatures scream of originality and a desire to preserve, while other unique creatures scream of originality and a desire to be destroyed giggling a little waiting to see what will pop out of Tripe's vat and be destroyed.

GM Zed |

Apologies for forthcoming GM fiat – am foregoing dice rolls to dispense with Graham’s character – was finding GMPC for his character a little depressing (and more work than I wanted when already running a load of games) and was also worried about Mr ‘Destroy everything with a Great Big Hammer’ dominating combat
Intrigued by what Tik’klik is pointing towards, Graham leans forward to inspect the crack in the glass…
As he does so, Esme calls out across the divide, ”Silvennius found a fresh corpse after some carnival or other last month…I don’t think it was human though – he thought that a more primitive brain would be more ‘receptive’ to the kind of resurrection he was investigating...” Your unexpected ‘friend’ is about to call out something else when, with another hard smacking noise, something smashes against the glass… there is a sudden peeling noise as the crack propagates around the vat… and then shatters in a torrent of vile-smelling, green liquid.
Staggering in the sudden flood, Graham is pushed backwards by a muscle-bound corpse of some form… slipping on the wet floor, he falls and is pinned by his heavy assailant – he tries, in vain, to push the snapping jaws away… the jaws of what must have been, some time ago, an ape… but, with a scream that suddenly stops, he finds his head caught – then crushed in an explosion of bone and gore.
Graham is Dead
…with brain matter dripping from its mouth, the vile creature turns to face Tik’klik…
Initiative for Party / Enemy
Tik’klik, Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Taicho, Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Tik’klik, Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Initiative Order
Tik'klik, Taicho, Aston then
Dread Zombie Ape
Everyone may take their turn now

Tik'Klik |

Rather than re-recruiting, maybe you could take a look at the Open Recruitment thread and spreadsheet? I haven't tried it yet, but it looks decent. Also, 5ft adjust if necessary to avoid AoO
RTA Disrupt: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Taicho Blackfeather |
Seeing the dread zombie ape be birthed out of the broken vat and immediately pulverize Graham, Taicho turns from the young lady and begins running toward the abomination calling out in his flat baritone
has he passes the corner he stops an draws a chakram and throws it at the beast.
20 ft. move, throws chakram
chakram attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 for damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
confirm crit attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 for damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Aston Sabroque |

Aston stares, slack-jawed, as Tripe's final creation crushes Graham's skull. Just like that, one of his comrades is gone.
But if he hesitates, the undead ape might do the same to Taicho. He forces the shock from his system and follows Tik's lead.
Disrupt Undead: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

GM Zed |

GM Error 101 – Applying an Undead Template to a beast with a low CHA…do NOT expect bucketloads of HP!!! And then, Taicho double 20’s all of my hard work!!!
Aston and Tik’klik both employ the same tactics, sending blasts of undead slaying energy towards the slavering beast – one of the bolts finds its target resulting in a quite unpleasant smell of cooked dead flesh… the beast, still looming over Graham’s body, staggers and is then struck by Taichos’ thrown Chakram – there is a loud crack of bone as it’s leg is caught. Virtually mindless, it ignores what should surely be overwhelming pain, and moves towards Tik’klik…
Swinging at the diminutive golem twice, the creature can barely stand on its ruined leg…
Dread Zombie Ape, Slam vs Tik’klik: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8, missing
Dread Zombie Ape, Slam vs Tik’klik: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6, missing
Everyone may take their turn now

Tik'Klik |

The golem seems to be more insulted by the attack than afraid.
It adjusts 5ft back, and another burst of energy explodes from an open arm.
RTA, Disrupt: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
RTA, Disrupt: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5 + Damage, if crit: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Aston Sabroque |

Gotta be. We took 20 searching the room, right?
"Let's finish it off, boys!" Aston shouts, trying not to think about the ill fate that Graham met only moments ago, and backs up Tik's blast of divine energy with one of his own.
Disrupt that Undead!: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 dangit
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Taicho Blackfeather |
Taicho moves closer to the abomination and attacks it with a claw.
oops, 5 ft step, full attack :)
claw(sacred weapon) attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 for damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
claw(sacred weapon) attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 for damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
beak attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 for damage: 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

GM Zed |

The creature, its leg already ruined by Taicho’s thrown chakram, cannot withstand the vengeful onslaught from Taicho and his companions… Blow after blow land until, with a tearing sound, the stitching that was holding the zombies’ viscera within its abdomen comes apart – small heaps of rotting meat slop to the floor, mixing with the green liquid from the vat… and then the ape flops face first into the mess…
Combat Over
A voice calls out across the pit, ”Is it dead? Sorry… I suppose it was already dead but you know what I mean. That should be the last of Silvennius’ creations – I suppose apart from myself”, and then, perhaps realising that there may be injuries, ”You are okay?”
Graham’s body, his skull crushed and open, lies still…

Taicho Blackfeather |
Taicho stands silently for a moment, gore dripping from his claws, looking at Grahams body, In his shackles caw he comments
"E was a fine bloke E was"
continuing in the flat baritone he adds
"he will be sorely missed"
going and picking up his chakram, turning to Tik'Klik and Aston, pointing back toward the north he says in his tian tenor
"Prease ret us rescue tha pretty rady and depart from this prace"

Tik'Klik |

The golem picks up Graham's body and staggers over to an empty crypt with it before putting the body in the slot. Then the golem turns to look at the undead lady, then the ape.
The golem seems unsure why one undead is being destroyed but not the other.

Aston Sabroque |

Aston watches quietly as Tik moves Graham's body into the crypt, and then joins him. Lifting his symbol of Pharasma in one hand, he murmurs a prayer for his fallen comrade to hasten his passage through the Boneyard.
This grim task completed, he turns back to the pit and Esme on the other side. "We yet live, my lady," he says, and gives a glance at Tik and then down at himself. "Such as it is. Our mission here appears to have been accomplished; Tripe is slain, the mystery of the stolen cadavers solved. I suppose we should hasten to leave this place; I have gathered Tripe's research and shall turn it over to Sister Nerissia upon our return. Please stick with me, Esme; I will ensure your protection. I know not if there is a cure for your affliction, but I do know that what time you have been granted should not be spent hidden away in this place of rot and blasphemy. Have you a manner of crossing that gap safely? If so, we should depart for the surface as quickly as we can; goodness knows there could be still more threats lurking about."
There are yet mysteries unsolved here, Aston thinks. Perhaps I should endeavor to return here in the future. Abigail should come along next time. He glances back at the crypt where Graham's body has been interred. Then again... no. Perhaps this place is best left alone.
Did we ever find out what those stairs we passed were for?

GM Zed |

Finding a ladder stored behind the damaged vats, the victorious party are able to lay it across the pit and, in doing so, provide Esme with an escape route from her 'prison'. Escorting her across the pit, the smell of decay is upon her body - various floral scents have been deployed to disguise it but ultimately to little avail...
"Which way is out good sers? I fear any route which takes us past those of the faith will result in awkward questions for you and certain destruction for myself...Silvennius had a secret door around here somewhere...sorry, I don't know exactly where though"
Aston - the stairs downwards led to a morgue of sorts...a dead end.
Exploring Esme's 'apartment' on the far side of the pit?

Tik'Klik |

The golem begins moving across the ladder to where the female corpse was kept.
Take 10 on acrobatics to cross, 18
He all around with purple eyes. Detect Magic

Taicho Blackfeather |
a truly unique individual, we cannot let her be destroyed Taicho bows slightly to Esme and says in his flat baritone
"A pleasure to meet you madam"
Then to Tik'Klik in his shackles caw
"Oy Tikky, we's gonna acidify 'em skellies, on tha other side. wroight"
as he follows the little guy across the ladder.
taking 10 (11) on acrobatics to cross also

Aston Sabroque |

I'll stay on this side of the pit, just in case those skeletons get aggressive with Taicho or Tik'Klik.
"We'll figure something out, Esme. In the meantime, is there anything that might be of use in your room, over there? Anything important to you that you might wish to bring with you?" He keeps a suspicious eye trained on the skeletons. "I know of no other way out of this place but the way we came; however, if need be, you will be under my protection as an agent of the Church. You were a victim of Tripe's experiments, as much as he fell victim to his own delusions and ambitions. I am just the sort of being the Church of Pharasma would endeavor to destroy, being the spawn of an undead creature myself; and yet, I am standing before you today. I will ensure that you are treated fairly, Esme. To harm you while continuing to employ my skills would be quite hypocritical, and I trust that the Church will understand."
Suppose we go back the way we came? I don't remember any other way out. We could keep exploring and possibly find something, but I doubt that'd do us any good. We should still have plenty of uses left on the Chime of Opening.

GM Zed |

Apologies for delay in posting – it’s been a hectic couple of days
Crossing the ladder whilst Esme looks on, Tik’klik and Taicho arrive in a large chamber with a vaulted ceiling; unlike the rest of the ossuary, the room bears a distinct impression of habitation rather than abandonment. Lit candelabras reveal old tapestries hanging from the walls to ward off the subterranean chill, and a threadbare carpet covers the floor. Shabby furniture—a few chairs and tables, an armoire, and a dresser—flanks a large canopied bed in the center of the room, topped with satin sheets and a heap of lumpy pillows.
For a moment, it appears that the skeletons – perversely dressed in their ballgowns – are about to attack the pair of adventurers but, with a raised hand and a hissed, sibilant phrase, Esme stops them. Apologetically, she tells you that her ‘handmaidens’ were created to protect her…
There is little of real value in the room apart from, placed in an alcove, is a set of leather bound books – another book is open and lies on the bed next to one of the pillows. Examining these, you discover they are the ‘books and notes of the Chymists of Life in Death’.
Esme addresses Aston across the pit, ”We can leave now, yes? I think I could cross that ladder”
Onwards? And retracing steps?

Tik'Klik |

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Tik'Klik begins bundling up the books for transport.
Then he moves to cross the ladder. Again, take 10 acrobatics
Unless stopped, once the ladder is gone, and the 'ok' undead on the same side as it, Tik'Klik will disrupt undead the 'handmaidens' until they break apart.

GM Zed |

Esme looks on impassively as the small golem destroys her 'handmaidens'; turning away from the scene, she mutters that the pair of undead were hardly Silvennius' finest hour.
Leaving Silvennius' laboratory and apparent love-nest behind, the group retrace their steps - marching past the strange monolith, circumnavigating the pit that the Necrophidius climbed from, crossing the bridge within the high-ceilinged mausoleum before finally arriving at the circular staircase that leads back to the door that Sister Nerissia admitted you into the Ossuary through.
...at no point during the journey back through the Ossuary, do you see any sign of another exit...
Upwards and seeking exit from the Godsmouth Ossuary?

Tik'Klik |

Tik'Klik doesn't know of any exits, he was down here, so...

GM Zed |

Leaving the labyrinthine corridors of the Ossuary behind, the adventurers slowly troop up the spiral staircase back towards the point at which they entered the tomb. Where once were three, there are now four… and one of those initial three, having fallen to the brutality one of Silvennius’ creations, is now replaced with an undead – the very thing that Sister Nerissia, in seeking the assistance of Aston, Graham and Taicho, had sought to stop within the Ossuary.
Moving into the vestibule where Tik’klik had spent an untold number of years within his crate, the glowing sigil of Pharasma – a ghostly white luminescence – shines from the handle and hinges of the heavy wooden door that leads away from the lower levels of the tomb.
Maybe sensing the danger that she is in, Esme moves in behind Aston… keeping the dhampir between herself and the door.

Aston Sabroque |

Aston gives Esme another reassuring smile as he raises the chime to the door and rings it. "Just remain calm, Esme. Tripe's experiments were twisted, yes. Blasphemous, it is true. But you are no mindless zombie or animated skeleton. Your will to live is proof enough in my mind that you deserve a chance to do just that."
He hopes that the Pharasmin clergy will agree. In the past, an exception was made for him; he hopes that this feat could be accomplished just once more. Saving Esme from the cruel hand the fates have dealt her would be a validation of his existence.
Only time can tell, as the chime's tone sounds in the dusty chamber...

GM Zed |

The chime rings out a perfect tone – at once beautiful and mournful – and, in response the Pharasmin spirals across the door features fade… and, with a definite ‘click’, the door is unlocked.
…from behind him, a hand is gently slid into Aston’s hand and a soft voice whispers, ”Thankyou”
The corridor outside the door is quiet and empty… yet from either direction, you can hear softy hushed, reverential whispers as the priests and clergy of Pharasma go about their business. For now though, no one has noticed the door to the Ossuary having opened – nor do they see four figures, a dhampir, a tengu, a small golem and a zombie girl make for the staircase upwards, back towards the cathedral, and beyond to safety…
…exiting the lower levels and moving out on the steps that run, exposed, along the cliff-face, the group allow themselves to become optimistic about their chances…
And then…
”Brother Aston? Is that you?” a voice calls out from behind you as a hooded priestess looks up from her silent contemplation at a shrine, ”Yes, It is you…there were rumours you had some business at the cathedral…have you a moment?”

Tik'Klik |

The golem steps closer to the priestess, peering at her curiously.
Should be a good, if unintended, distraction from the rest of the party...

Aston Sabroque |

I apologize for my absence. Somehow I hadn't noticed that there had been a new post!
Grimly, Aston says: "Three went down, four came up. The Ossuary's lower levels held many surprises for us, good Sister; among them this curious construct. It has proved itself in battle many times over to be a loyal comrade in the battle against evil. Our mission was a success, though we faced many injuries, and..." He wonders whether he should burden this priestess with the news of Graham's ugly fate. Perhaps not. "In any case... please, I wish to speak with Sister Nerissia as soon as possible. Could you summon her, please? We must debrief, and there is a great deal that I have to discuss with her." He sighs. "Although... it might be appropriate to take a quick bath first. I would hate to stink up the chapel after all the sweating our lot has done down there."
If we're left to our own for a moment, I'm going to recommend that we try to meet up with Aston's daughter Abigail and leave Esme with her for the time being; if not, we'll just bring Esme along and hope for the best.

Tik'Klik |

The golem continues to analyze the priestess. Satisfied she's not a threat, since she is speaking calmly with the others, the golem settles itself down, retracts it's arms and legs into it's torso, and then it's head begins to spin in place, it's eyes beginning to glow purple.
Detect Magic, stationary, head spinning in 'radar mode'. Quite the show... :)

GM Zed |

As Aston reassures her and Tik’klik moves into his resting position, the priestess tries to retain a semblance of composure, ”Okay, I see… you have been to the lower levels of the Ossurary? Such a visit is normally forbidden unless the high priestess herself gave you permission… Oh, I suppose she must have done – but, she is unavailable for the time being brother Aston, best that you return… in a little… oh…”
She stops, unsure of her next words… a look of confusion growing across her face…
Tik’klik – a Faint Divination Aura just pulsed from the Priestess.

Tik'Klik |

The golem's head stops rotating, and focuses on the priestess. His arms and legs extend again, one hand clicking as it breaks apart and forms a cuff around the open wrist.
"Tik'Klik?" The golem rotates it's head enough to look at the others, as it awaits to see if the new human is hostile or not.

Aston Sabroque |

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Aston sighs. "Sister, fret not. There is no need to worry your pretty little head over this ugly matter. It is now resolved, at least as far as it concerns our Church. If Sister Nerissia is indeed unavailable, then I and my partners will take the opportunity to go and clean ourselves up and return within the hour. Blood has been shed on this night; the taste of it requires a good, strong ale or two to wash down. I am sure that my companions would agree that we have earned it."
Hopefully, I can use Aston's charm to dissuade this lady from doing something unwise. Time to put that Bluff to work! Not that I'm not necessarily trying to lie, so much as misdirect her concerns and convince her not to worry so much about us.
Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23 This is assuming, of course, that the priestess could conceivably find Aston attractive. If not, subtract 1 from that result.