Single natural attacks

Rules Questions


Question about natural attacks, i dont know if i understand the rules about NA and i have a question about some situation :

- Natural weapon are melee weapon so if a feat or ability talk about weapon it can be use on a natural weapon (for exemple Weapon Mastery (Ex) of the battle mystery should work if i select Bite)
- If you only have one natural attack you deal damage equal to 1,5*STR + the attack damage
- If you only have one natural attack it is a primary natural attack even if it was considered a secondary (like a tail slap or the Bite given by the oracle's Hunger curse )
- If you use a weapon every natural attack become a secondary NA

Now the question :
If you have a single natural attack can you attack multiple time if your BBA is high enough? Or since its a natural attack even if you are full BBA you only gain one ?

IF you gain the same natural attack from multiple source do you keep only one of your choice and gain only its effet or do you take the best of both? For exemple if you gain Unusual Heritage (Dhampir) feat which give you a bite attack that deal 1d4d and 1d4 bleed then you take the oracle curse Hunger which give you a bite attack of 1d6, do you have a bite attack that deal 1d6 + 1d4bleed or only one of them?

Natural Attacks: Attacks made with natural weapons, such as claws and bites, are melee attacks that can be made against any creature within your reach (usually 5 feet). These attacks are made using your full attack bonus and deal an amount of damage that depends on their type (plus your Strength modifier, as normal). You do not receive additional natural attacks for a high base attack bonus. Instead, you receive additional attack rolls for multiple limb and body parts capable of making the attack (as noted by the race or ability that grants the attacks). If you possess only one natural attack (such as a bite—two claw attacks do not qualify), you add 1–1/2 times your Strength bonus on damage rolls made with that attack.

First question, BAB does not related with the number of natural attacks.

Second question, you only get one natural attack for one body part

Addendum on the first question for completeness, as there are a couple of notable exceptions.
1) The Shifter has:

Shifter's Fury (Ex) wrote:
At level 6, a shifter gains the ability to make several ferocious attacks with the same natural weapon. Instead of attacking with all her natural weapons, the shifter can choose a single natural weapon and make a full attack with that natural weapon, gaining a second iterative attack at a –5 as if it was a manufactured weapon. When she does so, all her other natural attacks count as secondary attacks and don't benefit from shifter's claws. At 11th level, she gains a third iterative attack at a –10 and at 16th level, she gains a fourth iterative attack at –15.
2) Animal companions get a special form of multiattack:
Multiattack wrote:
An animal companion gains Multiattack as a bonus feat if it has three or more natural attacks and does not already have that feat. If it does not have the requisite three or more natural attacks, the animal companion instead gains a second attack with one of its natural weapons, albeit at a –5 penalty.

Also the Feral Combat Training feat allows monks to make 1 selected natural attack in place of unarmed strikes when making a Flurry of Blows. Since a monk can make all of their flurry attacks with the same weapon this allows monks to make multiple attacks with the same natural attack.

And then they take the Dragon style line of feats to get 2xStr on first attack and 1.5xStr on iteratives. Also multiclass to druid and wild shape into a behemoth hippo. Improved natural attack and now they are flurrying with 6d8 bites :)

WagnerSika wrote:
And then they take the Dragon style line of feats to get 2xStr on first attack and 1.5xStr on iteratives. Also multiclass to druid and wild shape into a behemoth hippo. Improved natural attack and now they are flurrying with 6d8 bites :)

don't forget the druid spell (i think 'strong jaw' ?)

zza ni wrote:
WagnerSika wrote:
And then they take the Dragon style line of feats to get 2xStr on first attack and 1.5xStr on iteratives. Also multiclass to druid and wild shape into a behemoth hippo. Improved natural attack and now they are flurrying with 6d8 bites :)
don't forget the druid spell (i think 'strong jaw' ?)

Yes. That bumps it to 8d8 (it doesn't stack with INA since these are both "as if" size increases).

Adamarh wrote:

...{minor sp corrections}

Now the question :
If you have a single natural attack can you attack multiple time if your BAB is high enough? Or since its a natural attack even if you are full BAB you only gain one ?

IF you gain the same natural attack from multiple source do you keep only one of your choice and gain only its effect or do you take the best of both? For example if you gain Unusual Heritage (Dhampir) feat which give you a bite (1d4)BPS attack and 1d4 bleed then you take the oracle curse Hunger which give you a bite attack of 1d6, do you have a bite attack that deal 1d6 + 1d4 bleed or only one of them?

Univ Mon Rulez

Natural attacks and PC attacks are two different rules with just a tad of interaction. It's why players keep trying to become multiarmed monsters and bypass multiattack etc due to the non scaling BAB nature of natural attacks. So sadly with one natl atk you get one attack per round. For clever PCs with a high BAB used a mfg weapon then bite as a secondary attack if you want (likely less damage).

With Dhampir alt racial trait Fangs: std actn "as if" natl bite (1d3)BPS, so not an actual natl atk. Unusual Heritage feat {primary} natl bite (1d4 c20 *2)BPS and (1d4)[bleed] 1/d {the bleed is recurring until treated/healed}. IF it is your only natl attack (likely) then +150% Str dmg to the BPS.

For a medium sized dhampir oracle with the hunger curse gains {secondary} natl bite (1d6 c20 *2)P {plus other debilitating issues} which is worse than the feat's primary (1d4) and would replace the whole thing (it is all one thing (bite 1d4 & bleed 1/d)). So the feat gets a free retraining into something else. A Home GM might parse it or allow the Feat to override the curse to a bit better bite BUT it is a curse and not an advantageous thing...

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