Sacred summons

Rules Questions

It says that the alignment of the aura has to match that of the summoned monster, so if you worship a lawful neutral deity, you would only have a lawful aura, so Sacred summons is useless then, or would it affect all lawful creatures which can be summoned?

Grand Lodge

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the errata. 1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I had a similar question, the wording is strange, but do monsters with the * in the summing monster list, which have your alignment, count as having that alignment subtype? (thus be eligible for this spell)

Galnorag: I believe the consensus at this point is, unfortunately, that it will not work with those creatures as the feat specifically says alignment subtype, which is listed in the table itself.

If it had said "spell subtype", then it would've worked. But it does not.

I thought that you would be able to only sacred summon animal type monsters with the resolute template.

From the Summon Monster spell description:

Creatures marked with an "*" always have an alignment that matches yours, regardless of their usual alignment. Summoning these creatures makes the summoning spell's type match your alignment.

Based on this I would say sacred summons would at least work on all monsters with an "*" regardless of your alignment.

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Sacred Summons wrote:
When using summon monster to summon creatures whose alignment subtype or subtypes exactly match your aura, you may cast the spell as a standard action instead of with a casting time of 1 round.

It doesn't matter what the alignment of the creature is, nor what type of spell it is. It only matters that the creature has the same subtype or subtypes that your aura has. And merely possessing an alignment doesn't mean you have that subtype.

Adding Celestial / Resolute / Fiendish / Entropic to a creature doesn't change that either, oddly enough.

RAW, and most likely RAI due to the specific wording of the feat, it does not work with creatures marked with *.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.


"Creatures marked with an "*" always have an alignment that matches yours, regardless of their usual alignment. Summoning these creatures makes the summoning spell's type match your alignment."

So if you're a lawful neutra cleric of a lawful neutral diety, you will have a lawful aura, and the "*" monsters will be lawful neutral, and the spell will be lawful. Doesn't that constitute an exact match?

To Cheapy:

But the spell doesn't call out what the creatures subtype normally is. I think the creatures with * can be summoned from the various planes.

My understanding of why the creature matches your alignment is because the spell plucks the creature from the plane that matches your alignment, so the creature is of the appropriate subtype.

If what you say is correct Sacred Summons will be an incredibly useless feat. Why would they design a feat that seems so good on paper but you can't use it for the majority of the summons regardless of your alignment?

The summon monster list actually calls out what the subtypes of each creature are, and the templates, nor possessing the alignment, do not grant the subtypes.

It's great for evil clerics. Lots of evil summons.

But unfortunately, when you follow everything, it does turn out that it only works on those creatures with the listed subtypes. I'm still hoping for clarification from the rule designers.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I marked for FAQ, It isn't a high priority item, but maybe some one can drift in and tell us what they had intended.

Cheapy wrote:

The summon monster list actually calls out what the subtypes of each creature are, and the templates, nor possessing the alignment, do not grant the subtypes.

It's great for evil clerics. Lots of evil summons.

But unfortunately, when you follow everything, it does turn out that it only works on those creatures with the listed subtypes. I'm still hoping for clarification from the rule designers.

No it is not, because if you are matching subtypes you still need to match the lawful and chaotic part of the subtype. So the feat wouldn't work for probably half the evil summons either, for the chaotic/lawful evil clerics.

If you are neutral evil cleric, unless there is a neutral evil summons you are SOL, because you wouldn't mathc on the chaotic/lawful subtype.

Gignere wrote:
If you are neutral evil cleric, unless there is a neutral evil summons you are SOL, because you wouldn't mathc on the chaotic/lawful subtype.

This is one of the reasons why summon monster lists should be customizable despite certain objections of developers.

So basically you need a summon monster list that includes agathions, daemons, proteans, aeons, and inevitables to cover all the alignments for sacred summons.

bfobar wrote:
So basically you need a summon monster list that includes agathions, daemons, proteans, aeons, and inevitables to cover all the alignments for sacred summons.

I think the intent is that the creatures with * comes from the plane that matches your alignment and therefore have a matching subtype.

Perhaps (and hopefully), but nothing says that's the case right now. So if it's a homegame, house rule it. If it's PFS, sorry about the barely useful feat.

Cheapy wrote:
Perhaps (and hopefully), but nothing says that's the case right now. So if it's a homegame, house rule it. If it's PFS, sorry about the barely useful feat.

But the summon monster spell just said the creatures are pulled from a different plane. The creatures with an * does not have a defined subtype that I can see in the spell description or list of monsters.

Any creature summoned from an appropriate plane has that plane's subtype. That is why I am saying at the least the Sacred Summons feat should work with all creatures with *. The only way the summoned creatures with an * can match your alignment is if they came from a plane that matches your alignment.

Any creature summoned from an appropriate plane has that plane's subtype.

I'd be very happy to see where the rules say that, as I've been looking for a few months.

Text such as this:

Chaotic Subtype wrote:
This subtype is usually applied to outsiders native to the chaotic-aligned Outer Planes.

doesn't cut it, since it says usually. Were it not for that word, it'd work.

Also, they aren't outsiders. They're animals.

For more information (or really, just the same information in a different way :)), check out this old thread of mine, asking this very question.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Drejk wrote:
Gignere wrote:
If you are neutral evil cleric, unless there is a neutral evil summons you are SOL, because you wouldn't mathc on the chaotic/lawful subtype.
This is one of the reasons why summon monster lists should be customizable despite certain objections of developers.

Better yet would dump the summon monster table as anything but a basic reference, and instead insert in the Bestiary at the end of monster entries something to the effect:

"This monster may be summoned with using Summon Monster III"

or put the table as a one page in each bestiary for the monsters in that bestiary.

Galnörag wrote:
I had a similar question, the wording is strange, but do monsters with the * in the summing monster list, which have your alignment, count as having that alignment subtype? (thus be eligible for this spell)

This is how I thought this feat should work...marked it as a FAQ candidate.

Was pretty excited about this feat, but further review makes it totally useless as a Cleric of Calistria. No Chaotic:Neutral Options in the lists. But even for others, the best playable alignment with the earliest options is Lawful:Good and there just aren't enough to make the feat work. The feat needs to come with at least 3 Monsters that can be summoned with the option to apply templates up and down like a the Druid Shaman ability.

Is Sacred Summons still a near useless feat or has it been updated to include more then the small handful of options?

Sacred summons has never been useless. It doesn't work for the * creatures, and many alignments have few or no monsters to summon through it, but it is one of only three ways to summon faster than a 1 round action (Acadamae graduate and being a Summoner are the other two). This is absolutely not useless. Losing that first round is awful tactically. If you can summon as a standard action, you get creatures that can act immediately, placed where you want them. Once these are up, then you can take your one round casting time if you want, though it is also an iffy proposition. With the extended summons lists from the Summon Good Monster and Summon Neutral Monster (and probably Summon Evil Monster one day), there are more options, even low level ones that make the feats more useful.

The feat as written is too restrictive IMO, but I have seen nothing to say the RAI does not match the RAW. I am seeing a lot of "but I dont like that interpretation". I don't like it either, but that seems to be the correct way to do it. I think that if it allowed you to stay within one alignment of the caster's deity for outsiders that would ok, but as written the subtype has to match up with the deity's alignment exactly.

Not to mention clerics can't cast spells with alignment descriptors opposed to either their own or their deity's alignment. It is usually a VERY good idea to match your deity's alignment exactly as a cleric.

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