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149 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

OK, i know this is last minute but i've got a session on tomorrow and i have spent the whole day scouring the system reference documents, pdf's, my books, all of it looking for a monster that fits the bill and i can't find one, so i am coming to all you wonderful people to help me.
Ok, so I need a fish person with a low CR for my adventure. I wanted murloc's, but they don't exist in pathfinder, what is the closest equivalent of a prebuilt monster? I desperately need help people!

Hello. I want to build a rather unique character for an upcoming AP i will be playing in but am having trouble coming up with a statistically sound character. My concept is a character who used a sword in their main hand and a hand-crossbow or pistol in the other. I want to be able to be stealthy and charismatic. Any advice?

Hello, i am building an Elven arcanist for an upcoming Second Darkness campaign, and am wondering what feat to take at level 1, any advice?

Hello to everyone! first off i would like to apoligise about my last campaign falling through in recruitment, it was due to extrenuating circumstances, and i wish to restart it agian in the future. But alas, i am quite taken qith Fifth edition and wish to start a fifth edition campaign, entitled Guardians of light. so this is the recruitment.

World Details:
The world this is set in is my homebrew world, yet to be named. There are five continents set in a circle, curving around 7 islands in the centre. The northern continent is called just that, the northern continent, it is a cold environment and is a nordic culture, using the norse gods and a new language called Skandian. The western continent is Called the Civilised land and is the nation known for the invention of common, it is controlled by the Greek pantheon. the western continent is called Ademre, worshipping the egyptian gods and speaking Ademic, the southern continent is yet to be fleshed out all i know is they worship the celtic gods. However you do not start here, you are starting in the seven isles, 6 island kingdoms of Dwarves, Men, Elves, and little folk, known as the alliance. The nation of the horde consisting of mostly orcish races. And lastly Dracaris, the nation of dragons. The seventh island is rocks and desolate, occupied by a single neutral city called Stormwall, which is famous for The University. Your characters are a class group from the University, about to begin your final graduation exam, trial by combat!

Character Creation:
Stats: Roll 4d6 6 times and drop the lowest, they will be your stats.
Alignments: No evil and no chaotic Neutral, and id prefer if you were closer to good that evil when playing neutral.
Races: No drow, and tieflings and Half-Orcs are rare and often people are fearful in this section of the world but they are allowed.
Classes: all classes but Warlocks are treated with the same cautious fear as tieflings and half-orcs
Gear: Roll your wealth and buy your items.

First off, this campaign is in 5e, not pathfinder but the WotC D&D forums are filled with people who are less than useless, but i digress. I have just started a campaign with 2 of my players from pathfinder in 5e, and one of them is playing a rogue, he is trying to b+!!!&#+ to get items and he just murders everything and only does stealth, and then gets upset when the cleric makes noise in his chainmail, i really need help with this. How should i handle this?

Ok, so i need a class for my friends character concept. Basically he is a Dragon Fighter, he wants to go twf with his fists or studded gauntlets or something like that, and he also wants to be able to throw around fire spells and do some form of a rage or something like that to use his inner strength to buff him. any ideas?

Hi, I'm about to start dming a new campaign and my friend is looking for what class to play. His requirements:

Preferably martial, he doesn't like the low hit dice of the wizard and sorcerer and hates divine casting, he also has an issue on the limited number of spells per day at low levels.

Multiple combat options, he gets really bored with the standard move and full attack and doesn't want to rely on one weapon

Out of combat ability, he was to be valid out of combat, so preferably 4 ranks, or even better 6 per level

Any ideas?

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Hey im looking to start a PbP cityscape sort of game here on the paizo forums. It is a cross between Investigative, Horror, And Gang Warfare and intrigue, with some dungeon crawls and exploration outside the city. I don't have the city entirely fleshed out so if you want to add areas just run it by me. Being Psuedo Horror character death is a frequent threat, expect to go through a couple characters. In this city most gods aren't worshipped, mostly the odd cult and old run down church. So full divine casters are rare. Though paladins and rangers are common enough. You work for an Investigators office and your boss is a Mr. Sicarian. You've been on a couple low risk jobs but are only starting to get into danger. This city is run mostly by billionaires and mob bosses, drug addicts line the streets and you can get someone "disposed of" for a handful of change. it is not a pleasant city, but its home. The arcane magic is monitored by a corporation known as the grey circle, most people with significant magical talent are inducted, some are missed though, such as your characters.

Character Creation
Stats- 3D6 7 times choose the highest 6, i know its tight but your characters arent fully fledged heroes.
Classes- All Paizo, though the eastern classes (samurai and ninja) and the antipaladin aren't big fits for the campaign. I have a houserule where a paladin can be any lawful or good non evil, but if its neutral lawful, it gets smite chaos instead, same with the evil spectrum for antipaladins. I'm also not a huge fan of the summoner. DSP Psionics unleashed is also allowed. I'll also go over other 3PP if you can provide me with a PDF of the system.
Races: All core, tiefling, Drow, Dhampir and Orc, though the city is mostly human and human hybrids (half-elves and half-orcs)
Traits- 2 Traits
Feats: You gain a bonus feat at first, fifth, tenth, fifteenth, and twentieth level.

I hope to post once a day, and once during the weekend, but i understand real life can get in the way.

I'm leaving it open until the 20th and hope to get 4-6 players.

Hey, in 4e theres a book called dungeon delve which has 30 different mini dungeons for the basis of an adventure for the dm to expand upon, one for each level. but with no actual plot, just a dungeon. is there an equivalent for paizo?

I'm looking to build an NPC character, either Cleric or Warpriest, that worships Szuriel the horseman of War. Can you give me any build advice? I want him to use a greatsword and be viable as a front line combatant.

hey, i'm looking to build a boss for a first level party. I want him to be an alchemist with vivisectionist, uses his mutagens pre-combat then uses claws as a weapon against the party. Is there any race that this would excell at, and what level should i build it?

I'm starting a new IRL campaign on the weekend and i am in need of character creation advice. Normally i get them to roll 4D6 6 times and allocate the scores, but they always seem really powerful, but they hate point buy, any ideas?

Hi, on saturday i introduced my new character into my home game. the issue is i felt useless and didnt have fun, and my DM has a big issue about replacing characters. I played an Archeologist bard, built to be a skill monkey, the issue is there wasnt a single situation that needed my skills. Chest? monk breaks it. Door? barbarian kicks it down. In combat i threw daggers and i only hit twice, though that was due to my poor dice rolls. The only time i contributed was when i used silent image on a boss, but once the wizard realised how good that went he started using illusions for the rest of the session. What do i do?

I just started a RotRL campaign with a few of my close friends, who i normally game with. To get them to play something different i got them to roll 4D6 down the line and build a character around that. One of my players rolled a Druid and is complaining about his lack of spells and the low ac of his animal companion, how do i deal with this?

Hi, I want to start a homebrew campaign set in a custom city of Kalibri, Kalibri has a large multistory catacombs and ruins running underneath it, and im looking for a party to explore it.
You are all in the city for the lottery, giving out keys to people to explore undertow, you can be from the city or not, its up to you.

character creation rules:
-20 point buy, no stat below 8 or above 18 after racials
-all classes and archetypes by paizo, including the psion, psychic warrior, souknife, and wilder from DSP.
-all core races as well as tiefling, dhampir, drow, Aasimar
-2 traits
-1000 gp to spend
-level 2, max hp at first, then roll at second
-bonus feat at 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level

I'm looking for a game, but i'm having trouble finding one that suits my needs. I want it to be PbP pathfinder rules with access to all paizo materials. I don't want ti to be all adventuring and dungeon crawling, i want it to have roleplay and the ability to wander around a city, talk and roleplay with NPC's, so i can play a character that doesn't revolve around combat. i want to play a bard with the archeologist archetype whos a conman and used bluff and sense motive to cheat people out of a few gold to make a living.

Hi, im starting a Dicing with Death campaign. If you dont know what that is it is a king of campaign played By Neal "Koibu0" a DND streamer. it's a 1 on 1 campaign where one person is a played and plays through a campaign on his own and when he either dies or the campaign reaches a natural conclusion you then swap who is the game master. I will be game master first, and i was wondering if theres an Adventure Path that can be run by 1 player? I could add 1 maybe 2 NPC's to help him out if required.


I have an idea for a character, he is a witty, charismatic street magician and am wondering what class/ archetypes would be good.

Good skills
Some roguish talent
6 levels of arcane casting
Some combat utility
Not horrible AC and Saves

All advice appreciated, thanks.

Hi, i'm the DM of a homebrew game and my players just tend to steamroll through every fight i send at them, even the ones that are meant to be threatening. They are currently level 6 and we have an Telekineticist from the playtest and a Catfolk rogue. I'm having serious issues making an encounter that they don't annihilate in 2 rounds. Please help.

I'm looking to build a slayer with a spiked chain. I need advice for building it. Please help.

Hi, I'm newish to DMing pathfinder as this will be my second campaign DMed. I'm looking for a group to share the Roll20 Campaign with me as players.

Character creation rules:

STATS: 20 point buy
RACES: All core accepted, all others on a review basis
CLASSES: All, including Dream scarred press psionics and path of war. All archetypes also accepted.
STARTING WEALTH: max for class plus 1 +1 weapon or piece of arm our.
TRAITS: 1 trait, can be either campaign or non campaign, up to you.
BACKSTORY: Back story is required, you can be from sand gate or a traveler

Skype may also be included, everything will be AEST, looking to play once a week, though some weeks it maynot be on. ALSO I'm a teenager if that makes any difference.

I'm interested in making a Drow Noble Paladin, but how powerful are they? Do they make other races pale in comparison? Because in our homebrew game the only Paizo races that are worth playing are Strix and Human. How does the drow noble fit in?

Hi, im looking to make a Words of Power wizard and have a few questions. 1. how exactly does it work? 2. how does its power level compare to normal wizards? 3. is it worth it?

Hi,i'm looking to build a Dwarven Fighter. Preferably using a longsword, can i have some build advice? Mycampaign is going to level 12.

Hey, im looking for people to join a skype game. It will be both combat and roleplay heavy. I'm not the best DM and not an expert at pathfinder and have a few houserules. We will use the Roll20 program and i live in australia so will be setting everything to AEST. it will try to be played once a week. Also im a teenager if that makes any difference. Message me if your interested.

Hey, im looking to play a sorcerer as both my character and the party wizard have just died. Im looking to be a blaster Sorcerer with a heavy focus on the spell Spontaneous immolation. We are level 4 and we roll for stats so can you give me stats in order of priority, alsowe are far above WBL with characters having +2 and +3 items, so most gear is acceptable. Thanks

Hi, i just posted asking for slayer advice but ive been thinking is that the best choice for my party? The party consists of a universalist Wizard, Barbarian, Archer Ranger, Swashbuckler, and Monk.

Hey, i'm wanting to build a slayer. Preferebly TWF, but i have a few questions. 1. are strix worth it? 2. is the stygian slayer worth it? this is in a home game so there are home brew rules. 1. dex applies to attack and damage for ranged weapons and for finessed weapons. 2 we roll 4d6d1 stats. thanks for any help you can provide.

Hey, i'm thinking of playing a paladin and am looking for your advice on building him. we have a few house rules in our game. First, you gain a free feat at level 1, Second Dexterity adds to attack and damage with ranged weapons and attack and damage with finessed weapons. Im looking to use a bastard sword and be able to switch to Sword and Board if needed. I'm also looking to have good saves as i will be the tankiest front liner. The stats i rolled are 16, 16, 16, 12, 8, 8.

Hi, i have a character in my campaign that is looking to buy property, is there a book with rulings for this? If not how much should it cost for the materials to build a house, a keep, a castle, etc?

i want to start a gestalt in RotRL with 25 point buy, will only 3 players be an issue considering the power level? Also can you give me any advice for RotRL or Gestalt?

Hey, i'm looking at playing a Warblade for 3.5 and was wondering how it compares to the other PF classes. Can anyone here help?

Hey, my character was recently turned into a wraith, and as he has a hatred for undead, i feel like he would of left the party to go and cure himself by his own means, so essentially retire him. My DM wont let me and is making me play the character i dont want to play. He has been my dm for about a year and a half and he is a quite good friend of mine. What should i do in this situation?

Hey guys, I'm in need of a new character as stated in my last thread, ive decided what i want to play but im not sure how to build it in pathfinder. In 4e there was a class called the Avenger, Basically a divine assassin who used cloth armour and Wisdom. I'm looking at 2 handed melee, preferably a bastard sword. The big thing i want is Wis to AC when in cloth, i also want spellcasting. How should i do this?

Hey, my Human Swashbuckler has recently died and i'm looking for ideas for a new character to help compliment the party.

Firstly, we have a couple of house rules. Weapon finesse applies to both attack and damage rolls with the weapons, and we add dexterity to all damage rolls of ranged weapons.

Secondly, i'd like to avoid full casting classes as they're not really what im going for, neither is a magus.

Lastly, the party is a Barbarian, Wizard, Archer Ranger, Monk, and Shaman. So i don't want to be any of those classes, a little overlap in abilities or fighting style, 2 archers for example, is ok though, but not huge amounts.

Hi, i just purchased the ACG and i like the look of the Warpriest. I want him to wield the Dwarven Longhammer. I can use whatever blessings he wants as the DM says we can create gods as long as it makes sense. My starting stats are 18 16 16 14 12 6. Thanks for your help.