Ross Byers

Ross Byers's page

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32. RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 10,442 posts (11,642 including aliases). 2 reviews. 2 lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 11 aliases.


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RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Is the eBook going to be available from the Google Play store? (Or library services like Libby/Overdrive?)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

How would you build a 40K-style techpriest, servant of the Omnissah?

Technomancer? Which spells?

Mechanic? Exocortex has a good bit of 'the flesh is weak' flavor, but drone would let you have a servitor.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Just because the First World is infinite doesn't mean it doesn't also have planets and Space.

The 'First World' version of an infinite void might be a little more...interesting than the Material Plane one.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Jaxom Sandstrom wrote:
And thus we see the natural superiority of the Technomancer class! Without having a feat, I made cover out of Idar!

Spellcasters: Hiding behind the warriors since...we don't actually know, because of the Gap.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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What's the Break DC for a pulsecaster shaped like an umbrella? Idar is about ready to snap this thing over his knee.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Did Idar's (or Diamaante's) shooting hit anything?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Look out world, Idar has a gun again.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Theharlequeen wrote:
Why is this a $27 PDF? That's the most expensive PDF I've seen

It is a $27 PDF because it is a $40 book.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Items getting damaged by AoE spells if you roll a 1 on your saving throw.

Yes, I totally want to stop the game, consult a bunch of charts, figure out exactly what the HP and hardness are of your magic hat, because rolling a 1 isn't bad enough.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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pad300 wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Ring of Shooting Stars(50,000GP) I have always liked the idea but is so overpriced especially when you can get a ring of freedom of movement for 40,000GP.
It's a historical holdover thing. The Ring of Shooting Stars was a lot more potent when originally designed, when say the average troll had 27 hp (6d8), not 63 (6*(d8+6)). At that point, the damage on the shooting stars and ball lightning abilities was significant... but they ported it directly, and now it's kind of a waste. There's a fair amount of stuff like that if you look.

Related, burning hands and thus grim lantern doing 1d4 per level instead of, say 1d6.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I thought an absorbed bolt took up a free hand?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Knight Magenta wrote:

I nominate the Grim Lantern.

It costs 5k and casts a CL 5 burning hands. Except the save DC is 11... We picked this up in a level 1 PFS adventure, and I was pretty exited about being able to use it as an off hand item. However, the only time in said adventure that I could fire it off, my target turned out to be a monk. With evasion :(

Half of 5d4 is 6. Which is pretty sad when a warrior with 16 strength and a knife deals 1d4+3.

The grim lantern is at an unfortunate intersection of 'what the rules say DCs are on items' and 'what a 3+/day command-word item' should cost.

Compare against a 5th-level wand of burning hands, which costs 3,750 gp and has the same save DC, but will eventually run out and can only be used by spellcasters.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

That's a valid choice. We'd be trading our ability to have readied actions vs. a bit more discretion.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Page 42. "In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal effects of being in a vacuum."

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Given that Idar apparently can't hide his weapons either, I'm increasingly inclined to agree with that plan. Throw a smoke grenade to disperse the crowd (since it acts like tear gas on anyone not wearing armor), then kick in the door.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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James Jacobs wrote:
Kaladin_Stormblessed wrote:
What PC races are your personal most/least favorites?

Favorite PC races: human, elf, half-elf, tiefling, halfling, tengu, gnome, aasimar, samsaran

My least favorite PC race: dwarf

Do you have asimilar set of preferences for Starfinder, or is the game too young? Or just not your personal style?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Grey Lensman wrote:
Barbarossa Rotbart wrote:
Malefactor wrote:
HWalsh wrote:
For my home game all I did was bring back the Drugar (the Dwarven version of the Drow) but I made them a male dominated version of the Drow because I felt the game needed a mirror of the same. ]
Eh, I always felt that the "evil patriarchy" counterpart to the drows "evil matriarchy" was the orcs. I mean, if you look at the orc pantheon, only one of their 10 gods is a woman, and that's Dretha, who's pretty much the goddess of being "barefoot and pregnant" (or whatever you call the more barbaric orcish equivalent to that idea). Sure, she doesn't seem happy about it, but she still is. I doubt many drow men like being treated as second class either

And if you think that this is not patriarchalic enough:

In the German RPG "The Dark Eye" orcs do not recognize their female brethen as orcs but as animals bearing orcs...
In the Man-Kzin Wars series you learn that their females were turned into that - they no longer have enough intelligence to think of equality, much less actually try to fight for it. They are basically living incubators and nothing more.

Just to double down on that, the Kzinti empire is literally called the Patriarchy, their monarch is 'The Patriarch', not 'King', 'Emperor', or similar.

But, like Drow, and Orcs, the Kzinti are evil adversaries.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Jimbles the Mediocre wrote:

Not sure if you're aware, but Paizo actually beat you to the punch - they introduced Disintegrator weapons in the second volume of the Dead Suns AP:

** spoiler omitted **

I was not aware, but it'll be neat to see how close together the designs might be.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Ross Byers wrote:
August Vydoc wrote:

Sadly I don't have Sleight of Hand - thought about it but it wasn't justified by my character! Yet, anyway.

You have +3 from Dex?

So, umm, Sleight of Hand is Trained Only and I didn't notice this.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

August Vydoc wrote:

Sadly I don't have Sleight of Hand - thought about it but it wasn't justified by my character! Yet, anyway.

You have +3 from Dex?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Based on discussion here, I've whipped together some acid-energy ray guns. The stats are a bit paint-by-numbers, but hey, the system is young.

Disintegrator Weapons
Disintegrator weapons generate a field that suppresses fundamental bonding forces, causing most normal matter to crumble into highly reactive mono-atomic dust.
Usually this dust forms molecules similar to those of the disintegrated material, but they sometimes react violently with ambient oxygen or other amospheric compounds.
Disintegrator weapons are named for the level on which they break up matter, from molecules down to baryons.

Disruptor Pistol (Atomic, baryonic, molecular, nuclear)
Disintegration pistols emit a pulse of distruptive energy wrapped in a pocket of magnetic force to prevent it merely disintegrating the air between the barrel and the target.

Disruptor Rifle (Atomic, baryonic, molecular, nuclear)
Disintegration rifles work similarly to disintegration pistols. However, they have the ability to sustain a heavier beam, instead of a bullet-like pulse.

Matter Disruption Excavator (Heavy, Light, Portable)
Originally designed as a industrial digging tool, a matter disruption excavator can be used as a dangerous, if short-ranged, weapon. A matter distruption excavator has increased range in a vacuum, as it does not waste energy breaking up air.

Disintegration Cutter (Industrial, Precision, Weaponized)
Disintegration cutters are used for slicing materials that are otherwise extremely difficult to damage, such as diamond or adamantine alloys.

Advanced Melee Weapons
One Handed Weapons
Disintegration Cutter, Precision
Level 5
4,100 cr
Damage 1d10 A
1 Bulk
Penetrating, Powered (Capacity 20, Usage 1)

Disintegration Cutter, Industrial
Level 10
15,600 cr
Damage 2d10 A
1 Bulk
Penetrating, Powered (Capacity 20, Usage 2)

Disintegration Cutter, Weaponized
Level 15
103,000 cr
Damage 4d10 A
1 Bulk
Penetrating, Powered (Capacity 40, Usage 4)

Small Arms
Disruptor Pistol, Molecular
Level 3
1,600 cr
Damage 1d6 A
Range 20 ft
Critical Burn 1d4
Capacity 20 Charges
Usage 1
L Bulk

Disruptor Pistol, Atomic
Level 8
12,200 cr
Damage 2d6 A
Range 20 ft
Critical Burn 1d6
Capacity 20 Charges
Usage 2
L Bulk

Disruptor Pistol, Nuclear
Level 13
46,000 cr
Damage 4d6 A
Range 20 ft
Critical Burn 1d8
Capacity 40 Charges
Usage 4
L Bulk

Disruptor Pistol, Baryonic
Level 18
46,000 cr
Damage 8d6 A
Range 30 ft
Critical Burn 1d10
Capacity 80 Charges
Usage 8
L Bulk

Disruptor Rifle, Molecular
Level 4
2,500 cr
Damage 1d10 A
Range 30 ft
Critical Burn 1d6
Capacity 20 Charges
Usage 2
1 Bulk

Disruptor Rifle, Atomic
Level 9
15,200 cr
Damage 2d10 A
Range 30 ft
Critical Burn 1d8
Capacity 20 Charges
Usage 4
1 Bulk

Disruptor Rifle, Nuclear
Level 14
74,000 cr
Damage 4d10 A
Range 30 ft
Critical Burn 1d10
Capacity 40 Charges
Usage 8
2 Bulk

Disruptor Rifle, Baryonic
Level 19
609,000 cr
Damage 8d10 A
Range 40 ft
Critical Burn 1d12
Capacity 100 Charges
Usage 10
2 Bulk

Matter Disruption Excavator, Portable
Level 5
4,100 cr
Damage 2d6 A
Range 10 ft (20 ft in vacuum)
Capacity 20 Charges
Usage 2
2 Bulk
Blast, Penetrating, Unwieldly

Heavy Weapons
Matter Disruption Excavator, Light
Level 7
6,500 cr
Damage 2d8 A
Range 20 ft (40 ft in vacuum)
Capacity 80 Charges
Usage 4
3 Bulk
Blast, Penetrating, Unwieldly

Matter Disruption Excavator, Heavy
Level 14
120,800 cr
Damage 4d8 A
Range 30 ft (60 ft in vacuum)
Capacity 120 Charges
Usage 10
4 Bulk
Blast, Penetrating, Unwieldly

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

On one hand, I really don't want to give up Idar's primary weapon. On the other hand, this is probably a bit early to start muscling our way in.

On the gripping hand, Idar did not do a good job hiding those grenades and the bouncers might not look kindly on him trying to smuggle explosives into their club.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Torbyne wrote:
Ringworld series, yeah?

Known Space, yeah. I can't recall if one ever actually appears in a Ringworld book.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Torbyne wrote:
Kamin_Majere wrote:

Well I guess an acid spear is pretty nice. I'm still saddened by the lack of acidic weapons. The dart guns are fine I guess but I was hoping to eventually get some that could use batteries like the cryo guns.

I super like acid damage and was sad that only dart guns gave me that option overall. But at least i can have a melee weapon now so thats cool

i was day dreaming about something similar a while back, some psuedo science ray that attacks electron bonds would basically translate to acid damage, wouldnt it?

Oooh. Niven invented one of these. A Thrintun Disintegrator worked by emitting a field that rendered electrons chargeless. The resulting cloud of atomic nuclei would blow itself apart due to mutual positive charge.

So there's your pseudoscience, if you want to design one.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

6 people marked this as a favorite.
HWalsh wrote:

So, to start off...

I'm not happy that they're still matriarchal. With the new setting, with them getting rid of the sex based traits of the Lashunta and what not I kind of thought that they were moving away from this. Especially since there is often a double standard that is a bit weird in fantasy regarding it.

The Drow are Evil. The Drow are bad guys. Gender-based oppression is the kind of thing bad people do.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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179. Your new implant also mines BitCoins.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

They're also priced high because they're priced similarly to magic items in Starfinder. We're mid level 1 - we can stock up on Alchemical Items (grenades), cheap potions, and arrows (bullets/batteries), but a +1 sword or magic armor (bigger guns and tougher armor) are still a big stretch.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Torbyne wrote:
I suspect something similar is happening with the Lashunta, the artist sees that the race as a whole is universally attractive so no matter what each individual is supposed to look like they end up being very close to the artists concept of beauty. This is all rampant speculation on my part however.

I suspect this too. It doesn't help that the reference art pool is fairly shallow right now, and that the Lashunta iconic is Damaya.So if you use her as Lashunta reference art when sending an art order, even if your text says 'short and stocky because this is a different subrace', artists will frequently look at the reference art as much/more than the written art order.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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There are red-skinned 'humans' on Akiton in both Pathfinder and Starfinder.

Do they lay eggs?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

My understanding is that any armor provides enough environmental protection to negate the smoke from a smoke grenade.

Smoke grenade, pg. 184:
A smoke grenade deals no damage; instead, it releases a cloud of
dense smoke. Each character who inhales smoke must succeed
at a Fortitude saving throw each round (DC = 15 + 1 per previous
check) or spend that round choking and coughing; he can do
nothing else. A character who chokes for 2 consecutive rounds
takes 1d6 nonlethal damage. (Active environmental protection
from a suit of armor prevents this effect altogether.)
of the armor a character wears, smoke obscures vision, granting
concealment to anyone within it.

Armor Environmental Protections, pg. 196:
Space can be an inhospitable place, with countless dangerous
worlds within it. Unless otherwise specified, all armors protect
you from a range of hazards
to ensure that you can survive for
at least a few days if you must make emergency repairs to the
hull of a starship, explore an alien world, or endure exposure
to an environmental breach in a space station. Some armors do
this through an environmental field (a minor force field specially
attuned to pressure and temperature that does not reduce
damage from attacks), while others can be closed with helmets
and airtight seals. The most common environmental dangers are
detailed in Environment beginning on page 394.

The purpose of the rebreather is to extend the environment protection from 'days per level' to 'weeks per level', and improving resistance to acid and poison.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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David knott 242 wrote:

The biggest problem that I see with them is that they like to help people and will do so if they are not already busy doing something else. So if they have completed the task that you gave them and your enemies show up and know how to handle them, they will start helping your enemies.

Also, how smart/wise are they? Small children love to 'help' to, even when you'd rather they not.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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158. Your new hand skinned in synthetic gecko-foot adhesive, handy for wall crawling. But now you can't turn it off.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Maybe we can talk about the book in this thread instead of arguing over the inherent fairness/unfairness of Paizo's shipping and fulfillment process?

(For the record, I think that the system, while imperfect, is as fair as it can be given the constraints of physical reality.)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Nothing in our budget is going to be a meaningful upgrade from the hunting rifle, so if we're going shopping, Idar will probably just be buying grenades.

Besides, hopefully meeting with the level 21 crew will be mostly peaceful.

We'd definitely need to go shopping before Confrontng the downside kings, though. That I'd expect to turn violent.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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151) You just don't like it that much, and want your original bio-part back. Shame it's rotting in the bottom of a red 'Biohazard' bin.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Yay! We actually learned things!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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143a) It will also do this automatically. You have discovered this feature no fewer than five times.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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141) It lets you perceive space-time in more than three dimensions, and colors outside of the visible spectrum. Unfortunately, your brain can't handle the extra input, so all you get is a migraine.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I was going for the Hitchhiker's Guide reference, but enraging the most British Frenchman in Federation history is probably worth something too.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

119) No interior doors, not even on the head.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

113) Food synthesizer cannot produce a proper cup of tea.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

So our only real clue lead us to a bodega on level 21, where we placed some kind of order, and then made a halfling crap himself in fear.

While we wait to see if that order ever materializes, we're chasing what is probably a red herring, but hey, at least a lot of people gather at casinos and drink alcohol and maybe we'll luck into overhearing something useful. Heck, maybe all the dwarves in the Armada know each other and Curney himself knew Kreel.

What should we do if nothing materializes by the time we leave the casino?

Visit the Downside Kings and Diplomacy/Intimidate/beat some answers out of them?

Go back to Mama Fats to ask about our order? Or just to beat some answers out of the gang members?

Go buy some weapons, before doing one of the above, so we're better prepared when things go south?

Something else?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

111) Tribble infestation.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

113) You always set off the anti-theft detectors when leaving a shop.

114) The charging port is nonstandard, and you keep losing the cable it came with.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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105) A loud beeping noise whenever you move backwards.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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104) Your new hand cannot activate touch screens.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

102) Haunted.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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101) Your cyberlimb contains an integrated Small Arm weapon. However, 50% of the time it extends a 'BANG!' flag instead.

101a) 1% of the time, it fires the BANG flag with great force, causing 1d4 damage to the target anyway.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Barbarossa Rotbart wrote:
31. Your new cybernetic eyes come with a mature content filter.

31a) This makes it difficult to shower.

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