Ross Byers

Ross Byers's page

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32. RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 10,442 posts (11,642 including aliases). 2 reviews. 2 lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 11 aliases.

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Male Kasatha Soldier (Sharpshooter)

My second child is being born tomorrow. I'll be doing my best to check in and post, but please DMPC as necessary.


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Male Kasatha Soldier (Sharpshooter)

"Never proof. Always bigger bite. Only bite-resistant, yes?"

Idar reloads his magazine.

"This why guns separate from animals. When separate, less biting, no?"

A pause.

"Is pun. No funny?"


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Male Kasatha Soldier (Sharpshooter)

The Coilgun is a long-range weapon. It's range increment is 20 hexes. Looking at the map, I shouldn't have a penalty. (The lasers are short-range, but we can't use them anyway.)

Attack!: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 1 = 19
Damage: 4d4 ⇒ (4, 1, 4, 2) = 11

Idar lines up his shot as the fighter turns to flee. "Flee in straight line. Never. Unless faster than bullet."


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Male Kasatha Soldier (Sharpshooter)

Idar shifts priorities - he can't connect with the increasingly distant Ratrod. It might be time to just make sure they don't come in dead last. He pivots the turret to target the racer in orange.

Ranged attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 I have no words.

Exo-Guardians RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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August Vydoc wrote:
"Yes,and how could a government named after picking over the remains of the dead and dying not be trustworthy?"

"Relax, friend August. Maybe less coffees?"


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Male Kasatha Soldier (Sharpshooter)

So we're agreed that August is three skittermanders in an android suit?

Exo-Guardians RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Why do I get the feeling that August prefers a recycler because it also disposes of evidence, not because UPBs are superior to credits.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Just because the First World is infinite doesn't mean it doesn't also have planets and Space.

The 'First World' version of an infinite void might be a little more...interesting than the Material Plane one.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Jaxom Sandstrom wrote:
And thus we see the natural superiority of the Technomancer class! Without having a feat, I made cover out of Idar!

Spellcasters: Hiding behind the warriors since...we don't actually know, because of the Gap.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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What's the Break DC for a pulsecaster shaped like an umbrella? Idar is about ready to snap this thing over his knee.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Theharlequeen wrote:
Why is this a $27 PDF? That's the most expensive PDF I've seen

It is a $27 PDF because it is a $40 book.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Items getting damaged by AoE spells if you roll a 1 on your saving throw.

Yes, I totally want to stop the game, consult a bunch of charts, figure out exactly what the HP and hardness are of your magic hat, because rolling a 1 isn't bad enough.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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pad300 wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Ring of Shooting Stars(50,000GP) I have always liked the idea but is so overpriced especially when you can get a ring of freedom of movement for 40,000GP.
It's a historical holdover thing. The Ring of Shooting Stars was a lot more potent when originally designed, when say the average troll had 27 hp (6d8), not 63 (6*(d8+6)). At that point, the damage on the shooting stars and ball lightning abilities was significant... but they ported it directly, and now it's kind of a waste. There's a fair amount of stuff like that if you look.

Related, burning hands and thus grim lantern doing 1d4 per level instead of, say 1d6.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Knight Magenta wrote:

I nominate the Grim Lantern.

It costs 5k and casts a CL 5 burning hands. Except the save DC is 11... We picked this up in a level 1 PFS adventure, and I was pretty exited about being able to use it as an off hand item. However, the only time in said adventure that I could fire it off, my target turned out to be a monk. With evasion :(

Half of 5d4 is 6. Which is pretty sad when a warrior with 16 strength and a knife deals 1d4+3.

The grim lantern is at an unfortunate intersection of 'what the rules say DCs are on items' and 'what a 3+/day command-word item' should cost.

Compare against a 5th-level wand of burning hands, which costs 3,750 gp and has the same save DC, but will eventually run out and can only be used by spellcasters.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Page 42. "In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal effects of being in a vacuum."


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Male Kasatha Soldier (Sharpshooter)

Idar cannot roll his eyes hard enough. That does not stop him from trying.


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Male Kasatha Soldier (Sharpshooter)

"Long rifle elegant weapon. Precise." Idar shrugs. "Subtle, not." And, of course, he still has a very sharp knife and some boom-booms.

He stays close to Diamaante, upper arms out from show, lower arms inside his poncho near his other weapons. Not so much to keep them ready, but ot keep them from being disapppeared by those with 'light fingers' in the dense crowd.

He does not dance.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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James Jacobs wrote:
Kaladin_Stormblessed wrote:
What PC races are your personal most/least favorites?

Favorite PC races: human, elf, half-elf, tiefling, halfling, tengu, gnome, aasimar, samsaran

My least favorite PC race: dwarf

Do you have asimilar set of preferences for Starfinder, or is the game too young? Or just not your personal style?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Grey Lensman wrote:
Barbarossa Rotbart wrote:
Malefactor wrote:
HWalsh wrote:
For my home game all I did was bring back the Drugar (the Dwarven version of the Drow) but I made them a male dominated version of the Drow because I felt the game needed a mirror of the same. ]
Eh, I always felt that the "evil patriarchy" counterpart to the drows "evil matriarchy" was the orcs. I mean, if you look at the orc pantheon, only one of their 10 gods is a woman, and that's Dretha, who's pretty much the goddess of being "barefoot and pregnant" (or whatever you call the more barbaric orcish equivalent to that idea). Sure, she doesn't seem happy about it, but she still is. I doubt many drow men like being treated as second class either

And if you think that this is not patriarchalic enough:

In the German RPG "The Dark Eye" orcs do not recognize their female brethen as orcs but as animals bearing orcs...
In the Man-Kzin Wars series you learn that their females were turned into that - they no longer have enough intelligence to think of equality, much less actually try to fight for it. They are basically living incubators and nothing more.

Just to double down on that, the Kzinti empire is literally called the Patriarchy, their monarch is 'The Patriarch', not 'King', 'Emperor', or similar.

But, like Drow, and Orcs, the Kzinti are evil adversaries.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Based on discussion here, I've whipped together some acid-energy ray guns. The stats are a bit paint-by-numbers, but hey, the system is young.

Disintegrator Weapons
Disintegrator weapons generate a field that suppresses fundamental bonding forces, causing most normal matter to crumble into highly reactive mono-atomic dust.
Usually this dust forms molecules similar to those of the disintegrated material, but they sometimes react violently with ambient oxygen or other amospheric compounds.
Disintegrator weapons are named for the level on which they break up matter, from molecules down to baryons.

Disruptor Pistol (Atomic, baryonic, molecular, nuclear)
Disintegration pistols emit a pulse of distruptive energy wrapped in a pocket of magnetic force to prevent it merely disintegrating the air between the barrel and the target.

Disruptor Rifle (Atomic, baryonic, molecular, nuclear)
Disintegration rifles work similarly to disintegration pistols. However, they have the ability to sustain a heavier beam, instead of a bullet-like pulse.

Matter Disruption Excavator (Heavy, Light, Portable)
Originally designed as a industrial digging tool, a matter disruption excavator can be used as a dangerous, if short-ranged, weapon. A matter distruption excavator has increased range in a vacuum, as it does not waste energy breaking up air.

Disintegration Cutter (Industrial, Precision, Weaponized)
Disintegration cutters are used for slicing materials that are otherwise extremely difficult to damage, such as diamond or adamantine alloys.

Advanced Melee Weapons
One Handed Weapons
Disintegration Cutter, Precision
Level 5
4,100 cr
Damage 1d10 A
1 Bulk
Penetrating, Powered (Capacity 20, Usage 1)

Disintegration Cutter, Industrial
Level 10
15,600 cr
Damage 2d10 A
1 Bulk
Penetrating, Powered (Capacity 20, Usage 2)

Disintegration Cutter, Weaponized
Level 15
103,000 cr
Damage 4d10 A
1 Bulk
Penetrating, Powered (Capacity 40, Usage 4)

Small Arms
Disruptor Pistol, Molecular
Level 3
1,600 cr
Damage 1d6 A
Range 20 ft
Critical Burn 1d4
Capacity 20 Charges
Usage 1
L Bulk

Disruptor Pistol, Atomic
Level 8
12,200 cr
Damage 2d6 A
Range 20 ft
Critical Burn 1d6
Capacity 20 Charges
Usage 2
L Bulk

Disruptor Pistol, Nuclear
Level 13
46,000 cr
Damage 4d6 A
Range 20 ft
Critical Burn 1d8
Capacity 40 Charges
Usage 4
L Bulk

Disruptor Pistol, Baryonic
Level 18
46,000 cr
Damage 8d6 A
Range 30 ft
Critical Burn 1d10
Capacity 80 Charges
Usage 8
L Bulk

Disruptor Rifle, Molecular
Level 4
2,500 cr
Damage 1d10 A
Range 30 ft
Critical Burn 1d6
Capacity 20 Charges
Usage 2
1 Bulk

Disruptor Rifle, Atomic
Level 9
15,200 cr
Damage 2d10 A
Range 30 ft
Critical Burn 1d8
Capacity 20 Charges
Usage 4
1 Bulk

Disruptor Rifle, Nuclear
Level 14
74,000 cr
Damage 4d10 A
Range 30 ft
Critical Burn 1d10
Capacity 40 Charges
Usage 8
2 Bulk

Disruptor Rifle, Baryonic
Level 19
609,000 cr
Damage 8d10 A
Range 40 ft
Critical Burn 1d12
Capacity 100 Charges
Usage 10
2 Bulk

Matter Disruption Excavator, Portable
Level 5
4,100 cr
Damage 2d6 A
Range 10 ft (20 ft in vacuum)
Capacity 20 Charges
Usage 2
2 Bulk
Blast, Penetrating, Unwieldly

Heavy Weapons
Matter Disruption Excavator, Light
Level 7
6,500 cr
Damage 2d8 A
Range 20 ft (40 ft in vacuum)
Capacity 80 Charges
Usage 4
3 Bulk
Blast, Penetrating, Unwieldly

Matter Disruption Excavator, Heavy
Level 14
120,800 cr
Damage 4d8 A
Range 30 ft (60 ft in vacuum)
Capacity 120 Charges
Usage 10
4 Bulk
Blast, Penetrating, Unwieldly

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

6 people marked this as a favorite.
HWalsh wrote:

So, to start off...

I'm not happy that they're still matriarchal. With the new setting, with them getting rid of the sex based traits of the Lashunta and what not I kind of thought that they were moving away from this. Especially since there is often a double standard that is a bit weird in fantasy regarding it.

The Drow are Evil. The Drow are bad guys. Gender-based oppression is the kind of thing bad people do.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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179. Your new implant also mines BitCoins.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Torbyne wrote:
I suspect something similar is happening with the Lashunta, the artist sees that the race as a whole is universally attractive so no matter what each individual is supposed to look like they end up being very close to the artists concept of beauty. This is all rampant speculation on my part however.

I suspect this too. It doesn't help that the reference art pool is fairly shallow right now, and that the Lashunta iconic is Damaya.So if you use her as Lashunta reference art when sending an art order, even if your text says 'short and stocky because this is a different subrace', artists will frequently look at the reference art as much/more than the written art order.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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There are red-skinned 'humans' on Akiton in both Pathfinder and Starfinder.

Do they lay eggs?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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David knott 242 wrote:

The biggest problem that I see with them is that they like to help people and will do so if they are not already busy doing something else. So if they have completed the task that you gave them and your enemies show up and know how to handle them, they will start helping your enemies.

Also, how smart/wise are they? Small children love to 'help' to, even when you'd rather they not.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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158. Your new hand skinned in synthetic gecko-foot adhesive, handy for wall crawling. But now you can't turn it off.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Maybe we can talk about the book in this thread instead of arguing over the inherent fairness/unfairness of Paizo's shipping and fulfillment process?

(For the record, I think that the system, while imperfect, is as fair as it can be given the constraints of physical reality.)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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151) You just don't like it that much, and want your original bio-part back. Shame it's rotting in the bottom of a red 'Biohazard' bin.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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143a) It will also do this automatically. You have discovered this feature no fewer than five times.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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141) It lets you perceive space-time in more than three dimensions, and colors outside of the visible spectrum. Unfortunately, your brain can't handle the extra input, so all you get is a migraine.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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105) A loud beeping noise whenever you move backwards.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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104) Your new hand cannot activate touch screens.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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101) Your cyberlimb contains an integrated Small Arm weapon. However, 50% of the time it extends a 'BANG!' flag instead.

101a) 1% of the time, it fires the BANG flag with great force, causing 1d4 damage to the target anyway.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Barbarossa Rotbart wrote:
31. Your new cybernetic eyes come with a mature content filter.

31a) This makes it difficult to shower.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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87) It itches.

88) Your new cybereye allows you to see the subliminal messages embedded in everyday life, and the true faces of alien invaders hidden among us. Also you are out of gum. That seems related for some reason.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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It's the end of an era.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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80) Your new leg runs on an alcohol fuel cell. If you're sober enough to walk upright, you can't.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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JiCi wrote:

May I ask how much "legally creative" Paizo can be with aliens?

Ok, so in Pathfinder, they clearly inspired themselves for modern/sci-fi fictional works for some monsters, such as Mogaru (Godzilla) and the Hive (Aliens' xenomorphs). However, thoese were fantasy versions, and thus aren't "carbon copies" of the actual creatures.

For aliens, it feels a little... trickier... as it's an existing modern/sci-fi creature converted into a new modern/sci-fi setting. While I don't think that Paizo would publicly announce that Toho Entertainment and/or 20th Century Fox sued them for making similar monsters in a fantasy setting, it remains a possibility :S

So... for instance, how legally "in the clear" is Paizo for creating aliens that look and feel like Chozos (Metroid), Lombaxes (Ratchet & Clank) or Locusts (Gears of War)? or Kryptionians (Superman; DC), the Symbiotes (Venom/Carnage; Marvel) or the Utroms (Krang; TMNT)? or Vulcans (Star Trek), Ewoks (Star Wars) or Na'vis (Avatar)?

You're talking about the area of (American) Copyright law usually called 'Fair Use', which is a broad concept, and like 'Obscenity', it's an 'I know it when I see it' situation.

It really is a grey area, with any solid definitions being provided mostly defined by precedent rather than statute. "What can I get away with' is counterbalanced by the IP holder wondering 'what can I successfully fight', and also the optics of who is being sued.

There is no fast and clear answer. Lawyers earn their money for a reason.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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36) It has a vibrate setting. You try not to think about this.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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32) You keep getting comm calls for the previous owner. Some of them refuse to believe they have a wrong number.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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More specifically, if the Weapon specialization granted by a class is supposed to count as a prerequisite for Versatile Specialization, then there is no reason for Weapon Specialization to exist as a feat, period.

Any character with more than three levels in a single class qualifies for Versatile Specialization, which provides a strictly superior benefit to Weapon Specialization.

Also, it pains me to type 'Versatile Specialization' and 'Versatile Focus' as they are oxymorons.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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By my reading, the Versatile Specialization feat requires the Weapon Specialization feat (on page 163), not 'specialization with a weapon' (page 243).

Compare, for instance, Longarm Proficiency, with requires 'Proficiency in small arms' not 'Small Arm Proficiency'

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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10) The clock is wrong and you can't figure out how to change it.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Mark Carlson 255 wrote:

I thought this was going to be about a group of all operative PC's and how they had trouble and got wiped out in the first game.


I did too.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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6) You inherit the previous owner's browsing history.


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Male Kasatha Soldier (Sharpshooter)

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

So much for it just being a corner market. "No. Will not be doing that.", Idar answers the shoppers.

"Answer big-nose lady's questions, yes?"

Aid another, diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Look, Idar is 'helping'.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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1) Rovagug broke free and wrecked the universe. Starfinder actually happens in Universe 2.0, after the Gods built a new one. The Gap is actually the result of the Gods not making a perfect copy.

Or more accurately, nothing before the Gap actually happened in this universe.

The Gap having a slightly different duration and ending point is a result of the Gods having more/less knowledge about certain parts of space (for the start of the Gap) or being rebuilt at different times (for the end of the gap.)

2) Aroden actually did return, eventually. He raised the Starstone to orbit and created Absalom Station the same way he originally raised it from the sea and built the first Absalom. The Gap is because of history 'snapping back' when Aroden's return un-broke prophecy.
Aroden then sacrificed himself to destroy Golarion, forcing Humanity to find its destiny among the Stars - Aroden is a God of Human Manifest Destiny, after all.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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whew wrote:
PathfinderWiki says the red-skinned Akitonians can interbreed with Golarian humans.

Egg-laying didn't stop John Carter.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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85) The ship is essentially stolen (see Farscape, et al.) No one cares when you're just buying supplies or getting docking permissions, but you can't run a title history.

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