MensisChemske's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I am Nemesis wrote:
this is my PFS alchemist, played w/ grenadier archetype** spoiler omitted **...

Nice build , but a question not just to you also to everyone else (which are being really helpful thnks a lot)

What is your favorite/best elemental bomb im doubting which to choose Void Bomb, Frost Bomb or Force Bomb

Arachnofiend wrote:
I'd recommend replacing the Extra Discovery you're using for Darkness Bomb with Precise Shot. Lowering the light level is going to help enemies and hurt allies

You are god deem right , didn't think about it , I've though that I could solve that with the darkvision extract

About the Int/Dex being high and the really low WIS it was about roleplay . I tend to play high WIS characters normaly guiding the other players/PC (as im the most experienced so far) but i've decided to take a step back and let them take the lead thus the low WIS.

Also I want to roleplay as semi-insane but super nerdy

Any item to increase will save ?

If you are talking about monster poisons being too weak I will go for the first

10 + 1/2 char lvl + primary modifier as it is for spell like abilities or using the option below

If you want to make humanoid npc use poison I would just delete a feat that they have(normally they have some useless stuff) and giving the a +2 increase on the DC keeping the balance

It would also be useful to know your groups saves to check if the have really high saves or are just lucky

Hi,just wantted to post an alchemist build that I've come up , and wanted to know you thoughs , advice and changes you may suggest. 3pp material is available.
The build has some decisions based on flavor ,as for the race , the tumor parasyte familiar and the stats; but everything is still up to change

Race :Changeling witchborn(+2int,cha -2 Cons)- Gnome fcv
Stats: 12,18,12,20,7,9 (a variation of the point buy sistem)
Alchemist Grenadier

Traits(we get 3) Firebug,Clever Wordplay(diplomacy), Bruising Intellect.
1 Point blank shot
2 Tanglefoot Bomb / Precise Bomb
3 Extra Discovery Darkness Bomb
4 Infusion
5 Extra Discovery Tumor Familiar(Parasyte familiar+4 initiative Jerboa)
6 Directed Bomb/Void Bomb*
7 Rapid Shot
8 Fast Bombs
9 Extra Discovery Blinding Bombs*

No idea for lvls 10 and 11

Note that even for the racial restriction of the void bombs my GM alows them
One of my main concerns is the need for Precise Shot and change it for darkness bombs.
I'll be starting at lvl 6 with a +10 to hit(4 dex+4 bab+1 firebug+1 item)
The main point of the build is combat versatility

Thanks in advance

So, I'm GMing for my group , and starting by one player and then chaining into almost all the others. They started getting interested into the skills with subvariants : Craft , Profesion and Performance(there is no bards in the group)

They propouse me to create a rule that allows, by training and without spending ranks , gain increasing bonus. I'm okey with the idea of them crafting their own items.

So, I've thought of a "Practice" increasing bonus from +1 to +15 which requires you to train in the skill by (X+4)x5 Hours to gain the next bonus(where X is the bonus from +1 to +15).
Requiring 25 Hours to get a +1 Practice Bonus, 30 Hours for the +2 Bonus and so on.

What do you think of the idea? Too easy? Too dificult?

Also, does a system like this already exist or did someone already created one?

So me and my group highly dislike both , headbands that Bost mental stat and the same with belts. So , we decided to insert this bonuses by level instead of by items.

Here is the progression.
2 +1
4. +2
6. +1
8. +1,+1 to all stats
10 +2
12 +2
14 +1
16 +1,+1 to all stats
18 +1
10 +2

The only condition that we made was that you can't put two consecutive bonus ( say lvl 2 +1 and lvl 4 +2 ), to the same stat

Max stat +10 from original
Min stat +2 from original

Important facts:
-We use this sistem in both a roll stat array(2d6+6) and in a 20 point buy

-Both groups take place in a highly magical word but at the same time we are 2 to 4 lvls behind expected wealth (including magic items)

-Important NPC'S also use this sistem
-This bonus are untyped

What are your opinions on it? Should I make any changes?

As it sounds ,I've read trough the fighter several times , and no matter what , I found it incredibly underpowered in what versatility concerns...
So I've decided to add it some buffs, tell me what you think...

-First of all 4+Int skills
-Heal(wis),Diplomacy(Cha), Escape Artist(dex) and Knowledge(local) are
added to class skills
-Both Fortitude and Reflex good saves
-Bonus feats can be any type of feats not only combat

-At lvl 2 , the fighter add ½ lvl to Heal(wis) and Knowledge(local)

-At lvl 4 the fighter gains endurance as bonus feat
-All bravery is substituted by fear immunity at lvl 8
-At level 12 , if the fighter makes a successful fortitude save , gets to ignore the other effects( evasion for fortitude)

Probably is a lot of stuff ,what do you think??

Now I have several options in mind thanks to you guys and talking with the GM's

1-Use a Quarterstaff or another monk weapon in order to hold back and use my "all mighty fist" in the right moment

2- lesser my Str and up that Cha (this doesn't make much sense lore-wise but still viable option)

3-Change dragon style for Jabbing Style or another one

4-Delay Dragon Ferocity by choosing another feat(open to suggestions)

The GM's don't actually agree , one of them tells me to not hold back and go all in and the other wants me to turn down a little

We are pretty much the worst guys(all our missions finish with thousands of deaths a collateral damage, in the last one we blow up a hole city) and the Sensei is theoretically a bad guy too(but not that bad)

Also; it's our last game (we played from 1 to 15)

In the Nirvana

I'm the one who wants to rescue the Sensei , one of the others owns me a favour and there are 3 murder hobos

So it's a "stealth" mission somehow , not going murder hobos, at least not before we got my Sensei

Okei , The mission is to rescue a beloved one from the most top level , highest security prison in the plane

As crazy as it sounds , my character and his other 4 friends all of them lvl 15 have decided to make a huge incursion on a Neutral Good plane.

We managed to get 21.800.000 gp in order to make the attack.

So, how would you spend that crazy amount of money?
I'm a Blaster Sorcerer with some enchantment tricks , there is a u.rogue (two weapon fighting), a winter witch , an alchemist(bombs) and maybe a summoner.

I had 1 year (in game) to prepare all of it.

Get crazy
The GM said that is gonna be difficult, we are all super exited hahaha
Probably the boss is a CR20-25

Thanks in advance. :)

I do to much damage ( it hasn't been tested in table yet) +8 (1d8+17) +8(1d8+12) + extra attack if ki point

So yehp , I'm currently playing in a compaing where i'm , by far, the most experienced player and the most knowledgeable.

So, insted of playing a full caster or something that could mest up their game , I decided to go with an unchained monk ,to keep myself in combat and maybe some parkour

Even that I let the other players shine out of combat, help the GM sometimes , help ALL of them with their spell selection but still giving them room for self improvement (all of them are 9 or 6 lvl spell casters exept for a U.rogue) One of the GM(there is 2 of them wordbuilding and switching ) told me that I do too much damage and I should nerf myself.

He told me that I may cause the encounters to be unbalanced,so I should turn down my Character

The party consist of a Sorcerer(undead bloodline),Wizard(fire school),Unchained Rogue ,Kensai Magus (1 lvl dip crossblooded sorcerer) and a Mesmerist and Etth Sheiranh(my U.Monk)

Also say that the U.Rogue is using the Jaunters chain(quite unbalanced) and the Kensai Magus is optimizing as much as he can for damage , both the GM characters and after me, the most knowledgeable who also didn't want to help the other players(for them to discover all by themselves,quite a dikc move in my opinion)

20,14,12,12,17,5 (the stats are correct, we use a diferent system)
Traits Heavy Hiter , Indomithable faith
1 Power Attack-Dodge
2 Deflect arrows
3 Dragon style
4 High jump
5 Dragon ferocity- flying kick

I went for as much damage as I could , keeping a low initiative to let the others act first and having some out-combat utility (as much as a monk can have hahahahah)
Is he right or wrong?

Waiting for you answer...

I'm working in a huge setting for my players and one idea that one of them give to me was to assaciate 3 skills craft , profesion and performance with three schools of cooking.


each of them with diferent styles yet to define (sincerly , I have no idea how to make them haha) so any advice will be welcomed

And now , the real "problem" with this , the skald , the player really likes bizarre stuff, and roleplay so , his idea is to play a lizardfolk with tendency to cook his fallen enemys (which I do not consider evil due to a really good justification that he gave me). Who wants to become famous not only by his heroism but also for his extraourdinarious ability to preapare dishes with incredible flavor.

The thing is that he wants to use versatile performance with cooking.
So, which two skills will you link to this new performance???
Diplomacy? Use Magic Device? Heal ? Survival? Sleight of hands?
(Note that I would like to give his decent/useful skills)

Thanks in advance.

Also ,I plan to add a rule to add "spells" to the food
DC (20 + (5xSpell lvl)) can be made by any of the cooking "schools"
What do you think? I saw it somewhere else , don't remember where

Okey, so lets go(sorry I was out and couldn't answer properly by
phone,thanks for the feedback);

First of all, clarify that i'm the GM so , whatever i give to my players they would be mostly accept it. Im making this for a player that loves Rogues (but its also pretty bad with the rules and game balance) and for fleshing out a really big campaing im working on. That said , I highly doubt that my players abuse a 1 lvl dip, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut , I still will love it to make it balanced.

About the speed , yeph , it's somehow an overkill. I'm thinking on turn it down to +15, +30 ,+45 keeping initial +10 boost and as an untyped bonus.

In Trapfinding area , the idea is to make it as good as the rogue.

About the proficiencies , yeph ,the idea was to limit somehow the damage potential , so what do you think guys of just allowing one handed martial weapons? Or maybe another way to limit the damage? In case that damage doesn't end up beeing a problem, I would probably give it full martial proficiencies.

As I see, there's seems to be no problem with the fast strike abilitys.

Also , something I fear is that this archetype may lead to an AC monster for the DEX bonus and the bonus to AC (instead of DR/-) What do you think?

I like both 6 skills and the d10 idea.Also keeping it as an archetype of the barbarian , even if it is a radical modification.
The other option will be; make it an hybrid of rogue/barbarian; Dex to damage as the unchained rogue , alter rage powers and rogue talents.

Thankss again for the feedback

DP ypu consider the fast strike feats an improvement or a downgrade from the rage powers?

I mean , flying kick its awesome , but the others are somehow equal or weaker than a rage power

So yeah , I created an archetype for the barbarian that focuses on more on rogue-like versatility lowerig the damage and changing HP defenses for AC defenses here it is

Uncanny barbarian.
The Strenght of many tricks
the uncanny barbarian gains 6+skills and adds Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex),Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Knowledge (local)

and losses , Knowledge(nature) (Int), , Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis)

Light Weight
Uncanny barbarians are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, short sword, and shortbow. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

this alters the barbarian armor and weapon proficiencies.

Uncanny Rage
At 1rst level an uncanny barbarian can rage for 4+ her Dex modifier. For each level after 1st she possesses , the barbarian can rage for 2 additional rounds.
While in rage , the barbarian gains +4 morale bonus to her Strenght and Dexterity as well as +20 ft movement.. While in rage a barbarian can only use Dexterity or Strenght based skills.
An uncanny barbarian wearing medium or heavy armor can not use uncanny rage.

A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is exhausted after a number of rounds 2 times the numbers spend in rage.
this alters barbarian rage feature.

At level 2 The barbarian gains the evasion class feature.
This substitutes the rage power gained at level 2.

The barbarian gains the trapfinding class feature at level 3
This substitutes Trap Sens gained at level 3,6,9,12,15,18

Fast Strike.
At levels 6, 10, 14, 18 can learn one type of Fast Strike, whenever she makes a full attack , she can designate one strike as a style strike. Those styles are selected from the Style Strike list of the unchained monk. Those attacks have to be made with a light weapon or the fist.
Flying Kick: It's a dash.
Elbow Smash: this is made with the handle of the weapon
this replaces the rage powers gained at lvl 6,10,14,18.

Enhanced Reflexes.
At level 7 a uncanny barbarian gains +1 to dodge AC , at level 10 and every 3 levels thereafter the bonus increases by 1,
the rage power damage reduction gives dodge AC instead of DR
this replaces damage reduction

Improved evassion
At level 8 The barbarian gains the evasion class feature
this substitutes the rage power gained at level 8

Greater Uncanny Rage

At 11th level, when a barbarian enters rage, the morale bonus to her Strength and Dexterity increases to +6 and the movement bonus increases to +40

Indomitable March
At lvl 17 The uncanny barbarian gains immunity to fatigue and exhaustion
this replaces tireless rage.

Lightning Rage
At 20th level, when a barbarian enters rage, the morale bonus to her Strength and Dexterity increases to +8 and the movement bonus increases to +60

The uncanny barbarian still gains rage powers at lvl 4,12,16 and can still chosse the extra rage power feat.

What do you think?Should I reduce the HD to 10? Any nerf or buff to an ability ?

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Hi, i'm currently playing a level 4 Bloodrager with the Arcane Bloodline.

Race :Half-Orc
Important racial traits :Skilled , City Raised , Scared Tattoo

Primalist Metamagic Rager

Our DM allows us to pick a signature skill for free (Probably intimidate)

And he let me use Str to intimidate while raging (note , I don't want to depend on intimidating)

He said that we can change/trade 1 or 2 feats during all the levels

I'm using the unchained barbarian rage and the new rage powers

Ability Scores(20p buy)

Feat progression

Favored class bonus to round of rage

Mindlessly cruel
Fate's Favored

1 Power Attack
3 Toughness
5 Extra Rage Power (Witch Hunter)
7 Step Up
9 Extra Rage Power (Beast Tothem)
11 Improved Critical (Falchion)
13 Critical Focus

Bloodline feats

6 Power Attack (change the lvl 1 feat for something else like cornugon Smash or Accurate stance)
9 Quicken Spell
12 Combat reflexes
16 Iron will

I haven't planned anything yet for the late levels

Rage Powers
Level 4
Superstition , Lesser Beast Tothem

Level 12
Come and Get Me , Greater Beast Tothem

Important items
It's a low money campaign so

Falchion (looking for a Furious Corageous)(2d4+ 6+6+1+3=2d4+16)
Agile Breastplate.(+6AC , total 18AC)

Saves (raging)
F 13
R 8
W 8

I have never play a mele character before , not even in other games so I will welcome every recommendation or change that you propose.

Also , this is my first post