
Haita the Shepherd's page

1,497 posts. Alias of James Keegan.


Kaigon the Miscreant
"Badger" Bloom

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds (446 posts)
Count Lucinean Galdana
(77 posts)
Friendly Fighter
Auric Ironwright

Male Half-elf Paladin 4/Champion Tier 1 (711 posts)
Kaigon the Miscreant
Ben Forrester

Blood Pool: 10/12 Willpower 5/7 (87 posts)
Cayden Cailean
Ben Shrike

Male Human Rogue (Scout) 1 (55 posts)
Birds Of Prey
(13 posts)
Bran of Cimmeria

Cimmerian (Barbarian 2/Thug 1/Smuggler 1) B 1, M 2, R 0, D 1; LB 0/12, HeroP 4, AR/ACR 4/4 (61 posts)
Shield Guardian

Male Human Paladin of Lothian 2 (71 posts)
Sheriff Belor Hemolock
Garridan Krale

HP 16/16; AC 17/11/16; CMD 14; Perception +1 (47 posts)
Esme Verisi
Gloria Newsom

Ghoul/Bennies (1/2)/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Parry 4 /Toughness 7(8 vs. bullets)/Charisma -4 (-2) Laser pistol- Energy weapons 1d6/2d6 AP2/(15/30/60)/ROF 1 [21/30] or 2/SA Crowbar- 1d4-2/1d6+1d4 (113 posts)
Haita the Shepherd
(1,497 posts)
Halek the Duskwarden

HP 20/20 Armor 1 Base Damage 1d8 XP 0 Str 13(+1) Dex 16(+2) Con 12(+1) Int 9(0) Wis 15(+1) Cha 8(-1) (11 posts)
Harpram Gavers
Harry Klein, P.I.

HP 10/10 MP 14/14 SAN 70/70 Idea 50 Luck 35 DB +1d4 Build +1 MOV 7 Dodge 40 (20/8) Fighting (Brawl) 45 (22/9) Firearms (Handgun) 30 (15/6) Listen 20 (10/4) Spot Hidden 60 (30/6) (1 post)
Verik Vancaskerkin

Male Half-elf (Planar) Ranger 5/Rogue 2/Plane Walker 1 (1,022 posts)
Radi Hamdi
Jonas Vikstrom

Mox 4/4, TT 4 (6), LUC 20 (30), IR 40 (60), WT 8, DUR 40, DR 60, INIT 7 (8), SPD 1 (44 posts)
The Scribbler
(27 posts)
Glass Dragonfly

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2 (202 posts)
Trident Seller
Lightbulb Larry

Male Radioactive/Hypercognitive 1st (18 posts)
Nasir of the Kiln

Might 13/13 Edge 1; Speed 13/13 Edge 1; Intellect 8/8 Edge 0; Effort 1; Armor 1 (130 posts)

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76 (864 posts)
Troll Guard
Peregrine Garl

Male Troll Templar 1 HP: 26/26 Armor: 3 Damage: d8 Valor: 1 Hold: 0 (31 posts)
The Enraged Warrior
Ragnar Stolen-Voice

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6 (428 posts)
Modoru Redgrave
Saulden Solanus

HP 11/20, AC 17, Saves: Wisdom +3, Charisma +4, Initiative 0, Passive Perception 11, Passive Investigation 9, Inspiration [X] (103 posts)
Ser Calder
(106 posts)
The Shepherd

Warden of the Woodmen Endurance 26/26 Hope 16/16 Parry 6 Standing 2 (76 posts)
Sable Company Elite Marine
Simon Gellner

Male Human Paladin of Sarenrae 2 (94 posts)
Shield Guardian
Sir Oscar of Khorsburg

Human Paladin of Khors 2 (23 posts)
Ten-Foot Tollo

Init +4; Perception +5; AC 16; HP 7/8 ; Fort 0 Ref +5 Will 0 (193 posts)
Sheriff Belor Hemolock

A Tough Glaive who Defends the Weak Sheet M: 7/14 S: 6/11 I: 4/9 Edge: M 1 S 1 I 0 Effort: 1 (35 posts)
Ulrich of Ravensmount

Male Human Fighter 4, AC 20, Touch 10 (12), FF 19; HP 21/41(47), Fort +8 Ref +1, Will 0; Initiative 0; Perception -2, Bravery +1 (+1 saves vs. fear); Hellfire Private (Order of the Bonfire) 3 Con damage (505 posts)
The Black Monk
Warden of Doors
(1,618 posts)
Red Mantis Assassin
Yoritomo Haruki

Male Mantis Clan Yoritomo Bushi, IR 1 (16 posts)