Race |
Ghoul/Bennies (1/2)/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Parry 4 /Toughness 7(8 vs. bullets)/Charisma -4 (-2) |
Classes/Levels |
Laser pistol- Energy weapons 1d6/2d6 AP2/(15/30/60)/ROF 1 [21/30] or 2/SA Crowbar- 1d4-2/1d6+1d4 |
About Gloria Newsom
Radiation has done it's work with Gloria, rotting her nose straight off along with patches of flesh all over her body. Her lips remain, just barely, and she usually puts a peach lipstick on them. To cover her scraggly limp hair, she wears a platinum blonder "Marilyn Monroe" wig. As a scrapper, she wears a dusty suit of kevlar reinforced leather armor and a faded nametag on her backpack strap that reads "Gloria Newsom, Sales Associate"
Agility d6 Smarts d8 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d8
Energy Weapons d6
Explosives d4
Lockpicking d6
Notice d8
Repair d8
Stealth d8
XP 4
Scrapper- +2 notice checks to locate specific item, one additional Build per week when overseeing salvage, +500 starting caps
RAD-ical- immune to all but high and lethal radiation
Tough Like Jerky- starts with a d6 Vigor and has a d12+1 maximum vigor
Outsider (minor) -2 charisma to non-Ghouls (Beat with the Ugly Stick)
Ugly (Beat with the Ugly Stick)
Bad Luck (major) One fewer Benny per session
Cautious (minor)
Pacifist (minor)
Laser pistol (200 caps, 3 lbs.)- Energy weapons 1d6/2d6 AP2/(15/30/60)/ROF 1 or 2/SA
Crowbar (75 caps, 3 lbs.)- 1d4-2/1d6+1d4
Combat knife (250 caps, 1 lbs.)- 1d4-2/1d6+1d4+1
Powder charge (2)- Drop only, 3d6+1 AP 1, small burst template, proximity, heavy weaponry
Frag grenade (4)- (150 caps, 0.5 lbs) 05/10/20, 3d6+1 AP1, medium burst template; heavy weaponry
Leather Armor MK 2 (150 caps, 15 lbs.)- Armor 1, 2 vs. bullets/Torso, arms, legs
Backpack (50 caps, 2 lbs.), bedroll (75 caps, 5 lbs.), canteen (5 caps, 1 lb.), standard lockpicks (150 caps, 1 lb.), Energy cell (51 total, 120 caps, 4.8 lbs.), 2 powder charges (50 caps, 2 lbs.), Med-X (20 caps, Addictive (0), 2 hrs., ignore all wound penalties), combat knife (250 caps, 1 lbs.),frag grenade (8) (150 caps, 4 lbs.), Junk food (4), (5 caps, 1 lbs.), Purified water (2) (20 caps, 2 lbs.), scrap electronics (5) (5 caps, 5 lbs.), mechanic's jumpsuit (2 lbs.), Food (14 lbs.) 10 caps