Harpram Gavers

Harry Klein, P.I.'s page

1 post. Alias of James Keegan.


HP 10/10 MP 14/14 SAN 70/70 Idea 50 Luck 35 DB +1d4 Build +1 MOV 7


Dodge 40 (20/8) Fighting (Brawl) 45 (22/9) Firearms (Handgun) 30 (15/6) Listen 20 (10/4) Spot Hidden 60 (30/6)

About Harry Klein, P.I.

Occupation: Private Detective
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Residence: Arkham, Mass
Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY

Accounting 20 (10/4)
Art/Craft- Photography* 25 (12/5)
Charm 20 (10/4)
Credit Rating 15 (7/3)
Disguise* 40 (20/8)
Dodge 40 (20/8)
Fast Talk* 40 (20/8)
Fighting (Brawl) 45 (22/9)
Firearms (Handgun) 30 (15/6)
Intimidate 25 (12/5)
Language (Own)- English 65 (32/13)
Law 30 (15/6)
Library Use 30 (15/6)
Locksmith 40 (20/8)
Psychology 60 (30/12)
Spot Hidden 60 (30/12)
Stealth 39 (19/7)

Unarmed- 45 (22/9)/1d3+1d4/touch/1 attack
Brass Knuckles- 45 (22/9)/1d3+1+1d4/touch/1 attack
.32 Revolver- 30 (15/6)/1d8/15 yards/1 (3) attacks/6 ammo/Malf. 100

Gear & Possessions
Brass knuckles, .32 revolver w/6 bullets loaded, Camera, Notepad + Pen, Lockpicks

Cash & Assets
Spending Level $10
Cash $30
Assets $750
Rented office/apartment


Description: Harry is Stubborn, Lean and Unremarkable

Ideology/Belief: I'll get ahead in life even if I have to bend the rules to do it.

Significant People: My brother Marty, the favorite son.
Cynthia, my old flame, who remains a dear friend.

Treasured Possessions: Letters from Cynthia that kept me going while I was at the sanitarium out west.