Gameday XII year of shadow lodge special 8-9 std (Inactive)

Game Master Merisal The Risen

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Maps and slides

You are in the Silver Fox Inn having received a missive from Baron Jacquo Dalsine

Dear Friend.

It has come to my attention that the grand lodge is once again overbooked for the annual passion of the first siege of Absalom. We may not always seen eye to eye with my efforts to see Taldor's interests aided by the society but you are all valued agents so I have secured lodgings for you at the Silver Fox. I regret I can not join you in Absalom but I have a family matter to attend to in Oppara

Baron Jacquo Dalsine

The baron was the head of the taldor action in the early seasons of PFS Just trying to set the scene and atmosphere for this special Official start is still a week away but feel free to introduce characters and discuss what your characters have known of the shadow lodge and the pathfinder society

Scarab Sages

human arcanist 9 HP 47/47 | AC 16 F14 T14 | F+6 R+8 W+9 | init +6 | perc +13

A quiet human wearing no armor responds to the letter. She silently waits for instructions.

The Concordance

Female Undine Wizard (Water Elementalist) 9 | F:+6, R:+8, W:+8 | hp: 56/56 | S/d 2/5/1/4/1 | AC:19 | I:+3 | P:+18 | 124312-17 | CE

Spica, an undine but looks human, isn't wearing armour either. She's wearing plain aqua coloured robes that reflect her connection to the sea and a dark cloak with white dots on it. Anyone who knows the stars will recognise it as a map of the northern night sky, and the speck representing Cynosure has a tiny butterfly in it. She also wears a butterfly pendant, a headband, and practical walking boots.

Currently she is at a table in the Silver Fox, perusing the letter, with a slight frown. Currently she is unoccupied.

Liberty's Edge

CN Male Nagaji 19/T 11/FF18, BAB +8 F+13/R+6/W+3 CMB +15(+17 w/Disarm) CMD 26(28 vs disarm) rage 12 of 12 left Bloodrager 4/Brawler 2/Fighter (High Guardian) 2 HP 72 / 72 Init +3, Per +13

Entered the tavern, a bald headed Nagaji standing 6' 10" has to hunch over to fit in the room in order to not smack his head on a beam. Two pole weapons are strapped to his back, with a pair of spiked gauntlets on his hands that accessorize the mountain pattern armor he wears. "Me Khugron." he said as he reached into his backpack. "You might want poncho if stand near me. I hit thingsss real hard." he added, tucking a poncho that could be used as a tent for a halfling in his belt.

The Concordance

Female Undine Wizard (Water Elementalist) 9 | F:+6, R:+8, W:+8 | hp: 56/56 | S/d 2/5/1/4/1 | AC:19 | I:+3 | P:+18 | 124312-17 | CE

I shall take that under advisement. Thank you

Season of Ghosts

**House GM Announcement**

The City of Absalom is abuzz with excitement. The streets are full of revelers and feasting, as residents celebrate the city’s independence from tyranny. All seem most eager to witness the evening’s biggest event, the annual Passion of the First Siege of Absalom, where hundreds dress in elaborate costume, don fake armor and weaponry, and crowd the Irorium floor to participate in a mock combat, reenacting the first siege of Absalom. I suggest you do what you need to prepare yourselves and then get to the Irorium to find yourselves some seats.

Table GMs, the Irorium gates are open. Please run the introduction and describe the setting while we are finishing mustering. Do not begin Act 1 until my announcement on the 4th.

Maps and slides

You begin to make your way through the streets, when a lean-faced man hiding behind a long cowl slips alongside. “A moment of your time,” he says and pulls you aside, into the shadows of a nearby alley. “It seems we have two things in common, an eagerness to participate in good celebration, and this…” He punctuates his sentence by holding out an elaborately carved wayfinder, the type only granted to Pathfinders of great importance. “I assure you, its mine,” he adds quickly, closing the device and tucking it back into the folds of his cloak with a quick, easy motion. Then he continues, “I know a good number of you are already planning to attend the festivities this evening. I need but a casual favor. An old associate of mine, Charvion Eater-of–Bones is set to make an elaborate display of some artifact he claims to have recovered. I’ve not had contact with him in a year or so, and I’ve a curious feeling about the event. More I cannot say; however, I’d appreciate you keeping an eye on whatever stunt he’s considering. He’s a natural charlatan that one. Just keep an eye out is all—nothing serious. Don’t let him know that you’re watching, and do not approach the artifact during the showing. Most importantly, tell no one of this conversation.”

The Concordance

Female Undine Wizard (Water Elementalist) 9 | F:+6, R:+8, W:+8 | hp: 56/56 | S/d 2/5/1/4/1 | AC:19 | I:+3 | P:+18 | 124312-17 | CE

This basically explains the wooden dagger shoved in her belt and the shoulder bag containing several small wheat filled cloth balls.

And what does this Charvion, Eater-of-Bones look like?

Maps and slides

Charvion is a middleaged human man who likes to wear a bone necklace with at least on of the bones slightly chewed. He seems to think his self given title Eater of bones makes him seem dangerous. He is a well known pathfinder You will know him when you see him

good question I skipped ahead to give the description in the up coming box text to find "A man who fits the description of the Pathfinder known as Charvion Eater-ofBones..." Link to pictures and maps in my header (maps will be there when needed)

Scarab Sages

human arcanist 9 HP 47/47 | AC 16 F14 T14 | F+6 R+8 W+9 | init +6 | perc +13

Zinta stands quietly, watching the others without saying anything.

The Exchange

Fem Ratfolk NecroOccultist(6) / Evangelist(3) | Init +5 | HP=58/58 | AC=22 | CMD=20 |Fort=9, Ref=10, Will=8| Perception +14 (Darkvision 60)

RogjamedA - is a typical ratfolk-laborer from Numiria’s Scrapwall. Slim and covered with rugs and battered studded leather underneath she proudly wears a small polished rat-kin skull as part of an blackish chain amulet. She likely may wear creepy Stalkers’ mask if have to step out from shadows (but not yet)

There are many scars and stitches at small ratfolk body, there are subcutaneous piercings and other traces of surgical interventions. When she removes mask and hood of her gray (with red lining) hoodie, a trace of a skull opening can be seen under her short, thin hair.

As far as RogjamedA reads letter she gets gloomy agitated.
- Dalsine means troubles and political games. Someone will die. God will it is.

The ratfolk periodically do small diversions, battering buildings or devices around.
When you see RogjamedA - she carries only cold steal heavy pick and has a lot useful things in her pockets, few magic wands are almost obvious.

Outdoor RogjamedA usually rides a slow covered catafalque cart, being representative of small funeral business “Spirits and Accidents Co”.
Not sure if it is possible to ride through crowded Absalom prepared for festivities. But if possible - she invites human, undine and nagaji to step in. She shows them her Wayfinder to bring some trust despite she looks grim.

-Hoi, fellas. Need a ride? Festivities might be dangerous, you know? Especially one about First Siege. My name is RogjamedA, with stress at last syllable. From Exchange.

The Exchange

Fem Ratfolk NecroOccultist(6) / Evangelist(3) | Init +5 | HP=58/58 | AC=22 | CMD=20 |Fort=9, Ref=10, Will=8| Perception +14 (Darkvision 60)

After strange meeting with possible society representative - RogjamedA is happy to be grabbed into shadows. She obviously prefer to hide her ugly appearance, as this man. After they continue journey with occasional visiting of local shops - the ratfolk talks. She finds it really convenient to use nagaji's poncho for cover.

- Soo. Churgon, Zinta and Spica. Seems like we a going to work together for a while. I might be unpleasent person but if we need to talk rationally - I can bring arguments. As for this strange mission - I suppose it is Shadow lodge. Did you ever meet Grandmaster Torch? Controversial person, and likely connected to this Shadow lodge, who mostly try to help other Pathfinders in danger. And stand against the Ten in some ways. I heard from a guy who restoring Nunerian lodge now. Anyway that is strange we just need to overwatch.

Liberty's Edge

CN Male Nagaji 19/T 11/FF18, BAB +8 F+13/R+6/W+3 CMB +15(+17 w/Disarm) CMD 26(28 vs disarm) rage 12 of 12 left Bloodrager 4/Brawler 2/Fighter (High Guardian) 2 HP 72 / 72 Init +3, Per +13

Khugron listened to spiel from the stranger. The comment to not mention the conversation or let Eater of Bones know that he is being observed would be a bit of a problem for the massive Nagaji. "I guess I will need to find someplace like a wall to hid behind and use a mirror or such to keep an eye on them. he said.

Sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

At the comment from RogjamedA the Najgji looked him over. "Pleased to meet you. As I serve Gorum, I have sent many a corpse to your co-workersss for their business." Khugron said with a proud smile as he held out a hand.

The Concordance

Female Undine Wizard (Water Elementalist) 9 | F:+6, R:+8, W:+8 | hp: 56/56 | S/d 2/5/1/4/1 | AC:19 | I:+3 | P:+18 | 124312-17 | CE

Spica has no objection to accepting a ride.

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Khugron finds the whole situation rather unusual but gets no read that the man is obviously lying

The Irorium is quite the arena there will be a large crowd that even a nagaji will be hard to stand out in the man replies And you suddenly realise that this must be Osprey a high ranking druid pathfinder

Grand Lodge

F Tengu Ninja 9 Init+10 Ac:25 Touch 17 Fort +5 Ref + 15 Will + 8 Perception +17

"Nice to meet you all!" A short tengu walks into the alley.
"If you need someone spied on, I'm very good at that."

Dark Archive

Male NG Warpriest 9 of Ragathiel | Aasimar Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Speed 30ft | HP 89/89 | AC 21, T 16, FF 15 | CMD 23| F +14 R +14 W +16 | Init +6 | Perc +14, Sense Motive +9, Diplomacy +17 | Reroll 1/1 | Sacred Weapon 9/9 | Fervor: 9/9 | War blessing 9/9 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Active Conditions: Defending bone

A lean and agile man with red hair walks forward to join the group.

”Hey everyone, I am Suussmaar! Did I miss anything?

He has a bastard sword at his hip and a longbow on his back.

He wears a mithral chainshirt that looks like it has not seen much battle.

Resting on top of his chest is an amulet showing the holy symbol of Ragathiel which looks like a bastard sword crossed with a crimson wing.

Scarab Sages

human arcanist 9 HP 47/47 | AC 16 F14 T14 | F+6 R+8 W+9 | init +6 | perc +13

Zinta continues quietly watching.

The Concordance

Female Undine Wizard (Water Elementalist) 9 | F:+6, R:+8, W:+8 | hp: 56/56 | S/d 2/5/1/4/1 | AC:19 | I:+3 | P:+18 | 124312-17 | CE

Well, if you ran into Osprey then yeah, there is someone that needs to be spied on Spica tells Ninneye

She then turns to Rogjameda and says with a grin. I'm a Desnian that dated a Zon-Kuthonian for a while. I'm not sure there's much you can tell me that will phase me.

The Exchange

Fem Ratfolk NecroOccultist(6) / Evangelist(3) | Init +5 | HP=58/58 | AC=22 | CMD=20 |Fort=9, Ref=10, Will=8| Perception +14 (Darkvision 60)

First RogjamedA greets red hair person as she drive...
- Oh, Suusmaar! My favorite bow master. You missed nothing serious. Jump to the catafalque!..
Dear, I spent several years in Nidal thanks to som Zon-Kuthon follower. I still look for cold revenge let's say.

Last words she sent to Spica. RogjamedA touch her face lobotomy scar and also stomach, then pointing her rat-skull amulet.

-This is my only child thanks to them. So I'd ask you not to talk about this unless you want to irritate driver. Speaking about irritation, how often you face sudden and tragic deaths as Pathfinders?

Grand Lodge

F Tengu Ninja 9 Init+10 Ac:25 Touch 17 Fort +5 Ref + 15 Will + 8 Perception +17

Ninneye snorts with laughter on hearing Spica's dating history.
"How did meeting each other's parents go? And was snuggling hard to do with all the piercings and such?"

Dark Archive

Male NG Warpriest 9 of Ragathiel | Aasimar Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Speed 30ft | HP 89/89 | AC 21, T 16, FF 15 | CMD 23| F +14 R +14 W +16 | Init +6 | Perc +14, Sense Motive +9, Diplomacy +17 | Reroll 1/1 | Sacred Weapon 9/9 | Fervor: 9/9 | War blessing 9/9 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Active Conditions: Defending bone

Suussmaar smiles.

"Ahh Rogjameda! You here? Hmmm ... you were quite dark inside your heart when we last saw each other ... have you changed?" he asks with a hopeful look on his face.

The Concordance

Female Undine Wizard (Water Elementalist) 9 | F:+6, R:+8, W:+8 | hp: 56/56 | S/d 2/5/1/4/1 | AC:19 | I:+3 | P:+18 | 124312-17 | CE

Well, I did have to be resurrected once Spica replies. Don't remember much about the circumstances though but something must have gone terribly wrong.

Actually she didn't have that many piercings, at least not where it mattered. And we never got to the meeting the parents stage

Maps and slides
GM Merisial the risen wrote:
You begin to make your way through the streets, when a lean-faced man hiding behind a long cowl slips alongside. “A moment of your time,” he says and pulls you aside, into the shadows of a nearby alley. “It seems we have two things in common, an eagerness to participate in good celebration, and this…” He punctuates his sentence by holding out an elaborately carved wayfinder, the type only granted to Pathfinders of great importance. “I assure you, its mine,” he adds quickly, closing the device and tucking it back into the folds of his cloak with a quick, easy motion. Then he continues, “I know a good number of you are already planning to attend the festivities this evening. I need but a casual favor. An old associate of mine, Charvion Eater-of–Bones is set to make an elaborate display of some artifact he claims to have recovered. I’ve not had contact with him in a year or so, and I’ve a curious feeling about the event. More I cannot say; however, I’d appreciate you keeping an eye on whatever stunt he’s considering. He’s a natural charlatan that one. Just keep an eye out is all—nothing serious. Don’t let him know that you’re watching, and do not approach the artifact during the showing. Most importantly, tell no one of this conversation.”

The full quote is a little overkill but Osprey is still here if you want to ask any further questions, But chatting between your characters is perfectly fine but Osprey has nothing to add to that conversation

Scarab Sages

human arcanist 9 HP 47/47 | AC 16 F14 T14 | F+6 R+8 W+9 | init +6 | perc +13

Zinta nods, making a mental note of the assignment.

The Exchange

Fem Ratfolk NecroOccultist(6) / Evangelist(3) | Init +5 | HP=58/58 | AC=22 | CMD=20 |Fort=9, Ref=10, Will=8| Perception +14 (Darkvision 60)

- Ah, nonsense, dear Suussmaar! I have only good intentions! But people around still die pretty usual. Strangely my lord still spares me though - despite all omens.

After RogjamedA realized there is still Osprey (perhaps) nearby, she decides to talk with him seriously :
- So, are you really Osprey? I thought you are not human.. What can you tell us about Grandmaster Torch? And about Shadow Lodge? From my fellows in Society I heard your missions usually interesting although dangerous. So why you want us to watch over this bone eater? J

Liberty's Edge

CN Male Nagaji 19/T 11/FF18, BAB +8 F+13/R+6/W+3 CMB +15(+17 w/Disarm) CMD 26(28 vs disarm) rage 12 of 12 left Bloodrager 4/Brawler 2/Fighter (High Guardian) 2 HP 72 / 72 Init +3, Per +13

"Yes, what can you tell us about the Shadow Lodge and Grandmaster Torch? I had joined after they disbanded and just heard talesss from other membersss of the Society." Khugron said.

Maps and slides

Grandmaster Torch? The information broker? Last I heard he was in Qadira. Strange place for someone who likes to keep moist but not here. I have heard the shadow lodge say he got his injuries on a pathfinder mission but thats recruiting propaganda. No danger no glory right. As for Charvion I have a bad feeling in my gut. And I have learned to pay attention to my gut. Although I cant inspect my guts like the troll soothsayers

Season of Ghosts

**House GM Announcement**

"Welcome to Absalom!" The MC's voice, magically enhanced, booms throughout the arena. "On this glorious eve we gather again in celebration of our wonderful city and its freedom from tyranny. We present to you all—the Passion of the First Siege of Absalom! A performance great and terrible, reenacting Absalom’s victorious slaughter of Warlord Voradni Voon’s troops upon the city’s rocky shores. As the highlight of this year's performance, directly following the Passion, the Pathfinder Society has generously agreed to a public unveiling of its latest acquisition, a terrifying device dredged from ancient ruins in the Mwangi Expanse. And now, ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. The performance is about to begin."

The Passion is long, tediously so, though the rowdy crowds more than entertain themselves, booing and cheering the performers and throwing rotten cabbages. In all, it turns out to be a fine afternoon of celebration.

Following the performance, a large stage is wheeled in to the west side of the Irorium. The stage is covered with a large curtain. Beneath is a scaled set of a ruin and in the center stands a bizarre, cage-like structure of weathered metal covered with strange runes and other ornate etchings. A man who fits the description of the Pathfinder known as Charvion Eater-of-Bones stands next to the cage.

"Good evening, friends! On this auspicious night I present to you an incredible spectacle, the type of which you have never seen before. From the darkest jungles of Mwangi, I have procured an ancient device, an artifact capable of ripping through the very cloth of our reality!"

Charvion touches something on the cage, and it falls open, slowly unfolding like a blossoming flower. He steps inside, and the cage begins to close around him, crackling with swirling tendrils of mystic, silvery ether. In an ominous and unearthly voice he bellows, "I am now fused to the ethereal plane—the realm of ghosts! Ask me what you will, and the dead shall answer through me! But be wary of what you seek, for you may not like the answers."

GMs you have one day for the crowd to ask questions of the spirits through Charvion.

Scarab Sages

human arcanist 9 HP 47/47 | AC 16 F14 T14 | F+6 R+8 W+9 | init +6 | perc +13

Zinta stands tall, her arms crossed. She does not approve of parlor tricks.

The Exchange

Fem Ratfolk NecroOccultist(6) / Evangelist(3) | Init +5 | HP=58/58 | AC=22 | CMD=20 |Fort=9, Ref=10, Will=8| Perception +14 (Darkvision 60)

Surprisingly, RogjamedA follows Zinta's example and just look with interest at what happening.

-Sieges allways so dread, my lord!

Maps and slides

Some one calls out Whats the answer to life the universe and everything? Charvion responds Who, Why and I dunno Why Tomorrow and today are on the baseball team Life the universe and everyhing

Liberty's Edge

CN Male Nagaji 19/T 11/FF18, BAB +8 F+13/R+6/W+3 CMB +15(+17 w/Disarm) CMD 26(28 vs disarm) rage 12 of 12 left Bloodrager 4/Brawler 2/Fighter (High Guardian) 2 HP 72 / 72 Init +3, Per +13

"Any idea what item isss? Khugron asked as he tried to make sense of it.

The Concordance

Female Undine Wizard (Water Elementalist) 9 | F:+6, R:+8, W:+8 | hp: 56/56 | S/d 2/5/1/4/1 | AC:19 | I:+3 | P:+18 | 124312-17 | CE

Spica turns to Khrugon. I'm not sure ... what he's describing is some sort of interplaner bridge. Sort of like a portal but he's half on this side and half on the other.

k planes: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22

Maps and slides

Yes it does appear to be a planar bridge and you have travelled the planes enough to know merely being connected to the ethereal plane does not give you access to much (just like being in absalom doesnt give you acceess the all the dark archive and the other arcane libraries of the arcanium or whatever its called

Season of Ghosts

**House GM Announcement**

A low, droning horn suddenly rises over the cacophonous throng. Soon after, it is joined by a second horn, then a third, then dozens. A moment later, the more perceptive spectators notice small black dots appear on the horizon.

What are those horns? Kn. History (DC 20):

These sound like ancient hunting horns.
If you matched DC 25 on this check, open the spoiler below.

These sound like Ulfen Linnorm horns, used in the Land of the Linnorm Kings to hunt dragons.

The spots grow steadily larger and the crowd begins to panic as it becomes clear what the spots are: a flight of dragons, headed directly toward the arena! Pandemonium reigns as spectators and staff alike abandon their positions and scramble toward the exits.

A massive black dragon dives through the center of the Irorium, spewing gouts of acid onto the arena floor. She heads straight for the small stage where Charvion stands within the cage. Striking with both claws, she plucks the artifact free from the base, shattering the stage and sending remnants of the mock ruins everywhere. The creature lifts into the air, with Charvion clinging to the bars and screaming in terror. The great beast continues her flight, winging off toward the Grand Lodge. A few short moments later, rattling explosions shake the city, and a shimmering column of pale, silvery light shoots up out of the grounds of the Grand Lodge and into the night sky.

GMs, please begin the Dragon Attack encounter.

Maps and slides

As the huger dragon flies away more dragons arrive. On their backs they carry small groups of goblins, and as soon as the dragons hit the ground, the goblins jump off and attack. Not all of the goblins are elegant in their dismount: some simply fall off their dragon,
and others jump poorly and break bones, flailing about the arena and squealing in pain

One black Dragon in particular takes exception to a nagaji and swoops down breathing a line of acid at Khugron and up to two others targets: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 6) = 15 Different numbers differnt targets in order of first post

So Khurgon andSuusmaar please make a dc 17 reflex save or take the full acid damage: 6d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 6) = 26 (half on save)

Dragon is about 5 feet up to delver a line breath weapon

Round 1

Grand Lodge

know arcana: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (15) + 17 = 32
Zinta calls out Its a young black dragon not big enough to be truly scary Immune to acid not immune to

Casts fireball somehow missing all the other dragons flying around

fireball damage: 8d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 4) = 24

Maps and slides

reflex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Dragon (-12)
Rest of party

Zinta does have a move action and would probably suggests spreading out

Grand Lodge

F Tengu Ninja 9 Init+10 Ac:25 Touch 17 Fort +5 Ref + 15 Will + 8 Perception +17

Ninneye vaults over the edge and runs to stab at the dragon.
acrobatics to avoid AoO: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (12) + 18 = 30
attack: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

The Concordance

Female Undine Wizard (Water Elementalist) 9 | F:+6, R:+8, W:+8 | hp: 56/56 | S/d 2/5/1/4/1 | AC:19 | I:+3 | P:+18 | 124312-17 | CE

k history: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Spica lets loose a barrage of magic missiles
mm: 5d4 + 5 ⇒ (3, 3, 1, 2, 1) + 5 = 15

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Ninneye vaults into action in great style but find her blade fails to penetrate the dragons scaly hide

know history Zinta: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

Spica and Zinta do not know what to make of the horns but Spica finds the dragon does not have any resistance to her magic barrage

Dragon -27
Khugron (-26 acid damage dc 17 reflex for half)
Suusmaar (-26 acid damage dc 17 reflex for half)

The Exchange

Fem Ratfolk NecroOccultist(6) / Evangelist(3) | Init +5 | HP=58/58 | AC=22 | CMD=20 |Fort=9, Ref=10, Will=8| Perception +14 (Darkvision 60)

History: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Maps and slides
Rogjameda wrote:

[dice=History] 1d20+12

(are you doing nothing but trying to figure out what the horns are and ignoring the dragon attacking the party this round?) Will bot if your internet is not fixed soon

Liberty's Edge

CN Male Nagaji 19/T 11/FF18, BAB +8 F+13/R+6/W+3 CMB +15(+17 w/Disarm) CMD 26(28 vs disarm) rage 12 of 12 left Bloodrager 4/Brawler 2/Fighter (High Guardian) 2 HP 72 / 72 Init +3, Per +13

Reflex DC 17: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
The blast of acid catches Khugron full on his body, causing the Najaji to roar in pain that is quickly followed by anger as he stepped up a bit to start swatting at the dragon. A mighty crunch echoes through the arena as the adamantine bec de corbin makes contact with the dragon on the first hit. "I will wear your hide as a trophy!" he roared.

Rage:Furious focus+ PA: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 351d10 + 23 ⇒ (10) + 23 = 33
Rage: +PA: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 131d10 + 23 ⇒ (5) + 23 = 28
Arms have +5 reach when raging (Aberrant Bloodline)

Maps and slides

The Nagajis first strikes hit true the second bounces off the dragons scales it snarls back

You can't even speak properly


Suusmaar (-26 acid damage dc 17 reflex for half)

Bold to act

The Concordance

Female Undine Wizard (Water Elementalist) 9 | F:+6, R:+8, W:+8 | hp: 56/56 | S/d 2/5/1/4/1 | AC:19 | I:+3 | P:+18 | 124312-17 | CE

Can I have the scraps left over? Spica shoots back. A black leather scaly swimsuit sounds SO cool

Dark Archive

Male NG Warpriest 9 of Ragathiel | Aasimar Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Speed 30ft | HP 89/89 | AC 21, T 16, FF 15 | CMD 23| F +14 R +14 W +16 | Init +6 | Perc +14, Sense Motive +9, Diplomacy +17 | Reroll 1/1 | Sacred Weapon 9/9 | Fervor: 9/9 | War blessing 9/9 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Active Conditions: Defending bone

ref : 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26

Suusmaar can evade the acid partially. He casts defending bone on himself and draws his bow.

“What is going on here!!“

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Suussmaar casts a spell and draws his bow.

He considers the first dragon has carried off charvion and is apparently attacking the grand lodge more dragons carrying goblins have appeared and these are attacking the crowd left in the Irorium

(botting Rogjameda) The shock of these events take her back to port Godless but she does remember preparing at least one boneshaker this morning and casts it at the dragon

boneshaker damage dc 22 fort: 6d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 5, 4, 4, 6) = 24
fort save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Badly hurt the dragon takes flight provoking aoo

Do you want to take some time to regroup or go looking for trouble

Liberty's Edge

CN Male Nagaji 19/T 11/FF18, BAB +8 F+13/R+6/W+3 CMB +15(+17 w/Disarm) CMD 26(28 vs disarm) rage 12 of 12 left Bloodrager 4/Brawler 2/Fighter (High Guardian) 2 HP 72 / 72 Init +3, Per +13

AOO: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 201d10 + 23 ⇒ (7) + 23 = 30

Seeing the dragon trying to take off, Khugron tried to swat it back down to the ground.

If this was the last battle, I would be using my reroll.

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