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Welcome to the PF1 Special: Blood Under Absalom for Gameday X!

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A general summons has gone out to all Pathfinders, and you have answered the call. You stand in the courtyard of the Grand Lodge among a large crowd of other Pathfinders, awaiting further news or instructions as to what this is all about.
Gameday X officially starts at midnight GMT on 6 Sept 2021, but we can begin mustering now; feel free to post in-character meeting the other agents in the courtyard.

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10 PRINT "Hello, world!"
"Greetings, associates. My signifier is PumpkinCorp DivinoBot RNG-31029003," an orange-skinned android who has been standing motionless says flatly to those nearby. "For ease, you may refer to me as Orenjii. My function is to utilize my malevolent ocular implant to reduce the effectiveness of our opponents, then to provide fortune-telling services to them at high velocity."

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A nearby flame-haired gnome stares at Orjenjii with a mixture of amazement and joy. "Wow, you're cool!" the gnome says. "I have no idea what you just said about implants and velocities, but it's nice to meet you all the same. I'm Jilla. Hey, did you say something about fortune-telling? Like the Harrow?"

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A heavily built nagaji responds as well. Armed only with spears and what looks to be the fur of a bear draped over him.
"I am Dimlock Blackfang. You get into a fight and trust me that I'll show them a battle revelry. "

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"Quiet, all of you! I am trying to hear what news or instruction is so urgent or important to require us all to assemble here." a fiery-haired ifrit cries out in hushed tones. "You would do well do the same, no?"
Amidst the crowd of agents, Javid jumps up and strains, trying to get a glimpse of what may be happening close to the main doors of the Grand Lodge.
Unable to make out what is going on in the distance, the tensed, hot-headed young man relaxes for a moment. "I am Javid Samrad and this is my first official mission with the Pathfinder Society. It would not do well for me to miss out on the briefing--if that is the reason for the summons."

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"Sulmoro works as a guide to the darker parts of Absalom, the Society is a...nicer...patron than usual."
The quiet words come from an imposing Nagaji, clad in black scalemail that match his own. His eyes are serious but his lips curl into a smile. He looks about the group nodding at Javid's insistence to be quiet.
"Yes, listening is good. Do well to listen if I ever tell you to step behind me. I will protect us if this mission gets dangerous."
Aside from his armor, the warrior uses an exotically long sword of Nagajor make.

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Orenjii opens one of the pouches on their belt and removes a deck of cards. "Yes, the harrow is my preferred method of divination. It would be this one's pleasure to provide a reading to any interested individual as time permits."

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"That'd be neat! I just got back from Korvosa, and I met a really good Harrower there. She told me lots of interesting stuff, though some of it was kinda fuzzy."
Jilla's most recent Chronicle was from Curse of the Crimson Throne Chapter 1.

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”The Decemvirate are truly grateful that so many of you have answered this summons to the Grand Lodge, for they, above all, know the trying lives that field agents endure. Indeed, you have only to look about this courtyard and gaze upon your colleagues to know they have come from all ends of Golarion to be among us. Look not grim, but rather determined, for this summons is not one brought by dire threat or terrible consequence. No! The Decemvirate has instead summoned you to taste the opportunity to enter the greatest contest of martial arts the world has ever known—the Ruby Phoenix Tournament!”
”The legacy of Tian Xia’s legendary mystic arcanist, the nearly immortal Grandmaster Hao Jin, the Ruby Phoenix Tournament is held only once every ten years. The Tournament is run by Sifu Xho Nuo, Emissary of the Ruby Phoenix and sole heir to Hao Jin’s secrets. The prize for victory: an artifact pulled from Hao Jin’s fabled collection of the greatest wonders Golarion has ever known.”
”Though Xho Nuo has made no formal announcement, we have learned the sifu has chosen to hold the qualifying round for this decade’s tournament here in Absalom. The Pathfinder Society has long sought to send one of its members to compete in this tournament. If our information is true, this means that for the first time, the Society has the opportunity to qualify a good number of its field agents. While the chance to glean an artifact from Hao Jin’s collection is enticing, that is hardly the entirety of our goal. However, I shall speak more on this subject at a later time.”
”At present, we have learned that Xho Nuo plans to host a covert meeting to address all would-be contestants. Don’t get too excited though; it’s supposedly being held at a decrepit tavern in the Docks called the Devil’s Dregs. Go there and see what details you can pick up about the competition and the other entrants, but watch your backs. There’s little law to protect you down on the wharves, and it’d take a riot to raise any attention. Oh, and I wouldn’t expect an appearance from Xho Nuo either, as his social status prevents him from contact with such filthy and common places. My guess is that he’ll send one of his agents to rile up as many lowlifes as possible to serve as fodder for the first round of the contest.”
”Lastly, though it’s likely Xho Nuo is aware of our interest in the competition, we need all our agents to maintain as much secrecy as possible. For all we know, he has deliberately chosen Absalom to bait our interests, so it’s imperative that he identify as few of our agents as possible. From here out, to keep our affiliations covert, we request all of you make arrangements for your stay outside the Grand Lodge. Try to pick a place that’s low key to avoid attention. Don’t worry about the cost though. The Decemvirate will pick up the tab. Good luck!”
Welcome to #3-S Blood Under Absalom! Please make your character introductions, collect yourselves, and set out for the Devil’s Dregs. Act One begins September 9th.

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After listening to the announcement, Orenjii tells Jilla, "It appears my services will need to wait. Once we have located suitable lodgings, I will provide your divination."
She pauses a moment, then says to the group, "I calculate my odds in the tournament to be infinitesimal. However, I will support the Society's champions in any manner of which I am capable."

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A tall, heavy armored man with brown hair stands stiffly in the courtyard with his back to a wall. You can see a greatsword on his back and a dagger in his belt, but no shield. A heavy backpack sits next to him on the ground.
If you look closer, you can see that he has a holy symbol of Sarenrae hanging around his neck. As far as you can tell he's quite young, too. He has well defined muscles and looks ruggedly handsome - but at the same time also quite intimidating. Maybe it's his height...
The man does neither move nor talk. Only after the announcement is made, he walks to the nearest group of Pathfinders and introduces himself.
"Greetings, fellow pathfinders! I am Kurik, paladin of Sarenrae."
Kurik offers his hand (and shakes the hands of his fellow pathfinders with a firm grip).
"I'm not an expert on many things, but I do know how to use my sword to defend my comrades and make our enemies cry. I can provide some healing and also make some small talk - but most people seem to find me a bit intimidating."
Kurik is a STR-frontliner with a greatsword and power attack. If ranged attacks are necessary, he uses his sling. His best skills are Diplomacy(+9) and Intimidate(+9) - he uses the latter regularly to demoralize enemy combatants. He has some experience in Animal Handling(+7) and is not too bad in Bluff(+3) and Disguise(+3) - despite not being trained, though he will not tell lies. He surely isn't very perceptive(-2), and Knowledge isn't his domain, either.

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"Testing our might in the darker corners of the city. It shall be done and easily by the looks of the warriors within our den." he says looking over the group again.
Sulmuro is a fledgling samurai, he uses a Nodachi but doesn't have Shield Brace yet so wields his a Light Flail with his Heavy Shield atm. He is a Dragon Order so helps his party and will eventually be an aid another machine.

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"YES!" cheers Javid at the announcement that Pathfinders may have an opportunity to participate in a martial contest of such renown. "Perhaps, I will be among the agents chosen to represent the Society."
With considerable enthusiasm, the ifrit urges, "Let us make haste to this 'Devil's Dregs'! I will not see the Society fail to compete do to my hesitation."

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Jilla's halfway there before the announcement even finishes!

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Mixed healer/fighter here.
With longspear will be more then happy to provide secondary support.
["Yes we go now. Hiding ourselves might prove to a little diffcult."

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In a quiet, rundown section of the Docks, you spot a weathered wooden sign hanging above a wide alcove that reads “Devil’s Dregs.” A pair of thick double doors within the alcove lead into the tavern that you’ve been directed to.
Despite its sizable taproom, the Devil’s Dregs seems filled to capacity. The smells of cheap ale, unwashed bodies, and thick pipe smoke mix in the crowded room, as tightly squeezed contestants push and shove their way about the tavern. As one might expect in the Docks district, the tavern extends over the harbor, and beneath the floor lies the silty, brackish water of Absalom’s wide bay. The dim light of the tavern’s few lanterns exposes few specifics about the patrons or the surroundings.
Aside from the front doors from the shore, a set of double doors leads out of the tavern onto rickety piers in the center of both the east and west walls, and a number of windows look out over the harbor to the south. The other hopeful contestants seem to hail from all over Avistan and even beyond. You easily spot members of the Aspis Consortium with their snake badges proudly displayed, Red Mantis agents bearing their trademark sawtooth sabers, as well as some foreigners the likes of which you’ve never seen before. Among the foreigners stands a unshaven swordsman in ornate lamellar armor and a full helm bearing the visage of a snarling demon. Over there is a team of aquatics: a merman and triton are arguing next to a quiet sea-elf holding hands with an undine. In another corner stands a group of plane-touched including an aasimar joking with a tiefling while a shabti and a man-sized earth elemental chat. Another team seems to be comprised of those from the Underdark with a Drow Noble holding court to a Svirfneblin, a duergar and an unhappy and sullen trox.

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"I calculate that 53% of known sentient races are represented here. Success will require many diverse skills."

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"We too have skills to match them." Dimlock declares solemnly.
"So who are we facing this time as I can't see very far..."

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Jilla's eyes go wide. "Wow, Orenjii--there's even weirder things than you are here!" It's clear enthusiasm has gotten ahead of the gnome's tongue, and no insult is intended.

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"So, this is the competition, eh?" Javid says with a nod. "They are no match for this student of Irori!"

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Without warning, a flash of smoke flares up from the center of the tavern floor. As it clears, a towering, golden-skinned humanoid of hideous and terrifying countenance steps forth, ebon teeth gleaming fiendishly. Standing before the crowd, she greets them with a slow and gracious bow, yet her eyes never look away. The creature gestures to call the crowd’s attention, and one by one they fall silent.
"Good evening, and allow me to introduce myself. I am called Kiang Zhen. My sifu, Xho Nuo, the Emissary of the Ruby Phoenix, wishes for me to tell all of you that he is most pleased to see so many of you eager to attend the tournament. It is his desire that everyone please find a table and make yourselves comfortable at his expense."
The room becomes increasingly packed as contestants file in, and barely a minute later arriving contestants quickly fill all remaining tables leaving the tavern with standing room only – yet more and more continue to fill the place out – it is tightly packed and it is a struggle to both keep a hold of your own food and drink as well as dodging the spilled food and drink of others.
After a few moments, the creature clears her throat.
"Again, your attention please. I regret to inform all of you that Sifu Xho Nuo will not be present this evening, though he has appointed me to speak on his behalf."
"To speak with candor, there are many who wish the Sifu dead and wish to steal from him the ancient secrets he was appointed to guard. This comes as no surprise to the Emissary, for he has been charged with the protection of a great and terrible power. Even now, in this very room, some of these same individuals sit amongst us. To them I say, Sifu knows who you are and fears you not. He even entreats you to join the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, for he shall not compromise the primary intention of the contest – to find the world’s greatest martial artist. Rest assured, this tournament shall test the mettle of its contestants, regardless of their intentions. Competition shall be fierce and violent without regard for contestants' lives. That is your concern – not mine, not the Emissary’s. Those who fail might be lucky enough to walk away with their lives. For this reason, there are few places where our tournament is truly welcome. Thus, given the nature of the tournament and other circumstances, the Emissary has expressed to me the need to retain secrecy. However, I assure you he shall make an appearance before the end of the qualifying round."
"Lastly, I have noticed many of you have come as teams. This is good, for initially, you may need help from allies you trust." The beast pauses for a moment, letting her dark, pupil-less gaze hover upon the crowd. From her belt she unfastens a leather satchel and holds it aloft before the crowd. "I have here 100 rubies. On the morrow, fifty of these rubies will begin to glow, and those individuals or groups in possession of one such gem shall be contacted by one of our agents, who will give them the details of where the first event of the qualifier will take place." Then, with a wide and wild grin she says, "And so it begins!"
On her final words, she tosses the bag into the air, sending the rubies scattering everywhere. The next moment, she vanishes, leaving behind only a vaporous wisp.
GMs, you may now begin Act One!

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As the rubies scatter, contestants leap from everywhere to grab them. Those few individuals lucky or quick enough to catch a gem before it gets lost in the sea of bodies filling the tavern are immediately assaulted by the nearest empty-handed opponent.
Among the scuffle of the hopefuls scrambling for as many rubies as they can grab, it takes a keen eyes to notice the faint shimmer of a ruby from among the mass of legs and muddy boots, though getting and holding onto it proves an entirely different challenge, as anyone who manages to get hold of a ruby becomes an immediate target for the many nearby contestants.
Dimlock : 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Javid: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Jilla : 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Kurik: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4
Oremjii : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Sulmoro: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Red Mantis: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Dimlock : 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Javid: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Jilla : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Kurik: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13
Oremjii : 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Sulmoro: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Sulmoro spots a ruby as it skitters across the floor and bumps against his foot. Meanwhile everyone else sees a Red Mantis grab one out of the air. She turns to try to get out of the room, but doesn’t get far and is now quite close to Dimlock.
Conditions: Crowded, cannot move more than your move speed in a round
Brawl at the Devils’ Dregs
Bold may act!
Red Mantis
If you kill the Mantis, you get her ruby. Sulmoro can pick one up also. As a reminder Kiang Zhen stated that only 50 of the 100 rubies would glow.
The crush of people in the tavern makes movement difficult, and while the tavern does not count as difficult terrain for purposes of movement or skill checks, the sheer number of combatants prevents any creature from moving more than its speed in a single round.

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Orenjii has no interest in fighting, but will make life more difficult for the Red Mantis.
Evil Eye: -2 AC for 7 rounds. DC 15 Will save reduces duration to 1 round.

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Dimlock picks the easy option as his Longspear jabs at the Mantis!
Poke her with Long spear 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 111d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
"Don't mind me, Just following the rules of this battle." he explains.

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Jilla hops on a chair so she can see better, and then spots the Red Mantis. She fumbles for a wand and waves it around dramatically, but nothing happens. "Blast, it's defective!"
Use Magic Device: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

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"Oh, no! You're not running off with my ruby!" Javid declares. With fiery fervor, he races towards the Red Mantis agent, ducking and rolling in an effort to avoid being hit.
Acrobatics to Tumble Through: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
He brings his bo staff to bear as he rises to his feet and strikes at the ruby holder!
Melee (bo staff): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Damage (B): 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
He waves his staff in invitation. "Do wish to surrender the gem? Or shall we take it and more?"

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"Hah, fortune smiles on this one but we need more. Foul assassins deserve no place here. Stand strong together and claim another." Sulmoro gloats as he scoops up his ruby clenching it in an open hand. Challenging the Red Mantis.
Move: Take the ruby. Swift: Challenge Red (Allies Get +1 Attack when I threaten. Standard->Move: Move towards enemy.

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Sulmoro picks up the ruby at his feet and moves into position to assist his newest allies.
Orenjii holds their position and pins the Mantis with a menacing stare while Dimlock and Jilla both misstep in their attempts.
Javid easily maneuvers through the crowd and whacks the assassin upside the head, knocking her out cold!
I’m going to bot Kurik retrieving up the ruby from the Mantis’ body, so that I can move us to Round 2 before I go fly today.
Dimlock : 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Javid: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Jilla : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Kurik: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4
Oremjii : 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Sulmoro: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Javid sees a ruby fly past his shoulder, likely lost by another contestant in the melee. It lands between him and Sulmoro, and either could easily pick it up. However, the Aspis fighter standing behind them also saw it and tries to get to it by going through Sulmoro.
Attacking Sulmoro: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
greataxe: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
But the crush of the crowd and the distraction of the ruby makes her whiff with her greataxe.
Conditions: Crowded, cannot move more than your move speed in a round
Brawl at the Devils’ Dregs
Bold may act!
The crush of people in the tavern makes movement difficult, and while the tavern does not count as difficult terrain for purposes of movement or skill checks, the sheer number of combatants prevents any creature from moving more than its speed in a single round. Acrobatics checks are NOT required to move though.

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The Aspis deserves no different than the Red Mantis from Orenjii.
Evil Eye: -2 AC for 7 rounds. DC 15 Will save reduces duration to 1 round.

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In the rush of bodies, Jilla can't reach the Aspis. She hops up on another table and tries not to get hit!
Move action and total defense.

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Dimlock sees yet another target and his spear licks out once more!
Long spear, Reach 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 151d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 yep that's me. taking all teh low rolls you that you guys don't have too.

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"Another ruby is mine!" Javid declares as he tries to duck past the Aspis agent and claim the one on the floor for his own.
Acrobatics to Tumble Through: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Yellow dotted line indicates where Javid intends to move.
Assuming a standard action to snatch the ruby?

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Kurik moves up, drawing his greatsword, and attacks the Aspis fighter.
"No! Bad Aspis Agent!"
Greatsword: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Slashing: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 3) + 6 = 14
crit? + Anatomist: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 1 = 15 Aspis has -2 to AC (evil eye)
Slashing: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 5) + 6 = 17
Thanks, Dimlock. That's very kind of you. ;-)

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Turns out I didn't roll. Knowledge (Planes) vs DC 19 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

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With the ruby snatched up, Sulmoro focuses on the Aspis agent. He stares it down while swinging his light flail.
Light Flail: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

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Orenjii shifts their unsettling gaze to the fighter causing her to leave herself open to Dimlock’s spear. In spite of how he feels the attack went, he actually manages to hit - only because of Orenjii’s assistance, though. His spear pierces the Snake’s side, leaving a deep gash and almost killing her.
Kurik takes advantage of the situation and his greatsword catches the woman in the exact same spot, driving deeply into her abdomen and cutting her cleanly in two. Her eyes go large as her upper half falls to the floor and her legs remain standing in place.
Javid easily tumbles past the woman as she’s sliced in twain. He grabs the team’s third ruby from the floor just as Jilla hops onto a table to get out of the fray.
GM Stuff: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Dimlock : 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Javid: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Jilla : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Kurik: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (13) - 2 = 11
Oremjii : 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Sulmoro: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
No one attacks the Pathfinders, and none of you spot another ruby right away.
Moving to Round 3, but Sulmoro may do something different for Round 2.
With three rubies in their possession and a bit of breathing room, Jilla notices something. It seems that many of the contestants are leaving as soon as they grab a ruby. It also appears that there’s some commotion just outside each of the three exit doors. In the center of the room, due south of where Orenjii stands, Jilla spots a hole in the floor that drops into the bay. It’s an option for egress should you wish, but it would likely be very wet and deep.
Conditions: Crowded, cannot move more than your move speed in a round
Brawl at the Devils’ Dregs
Bold may act!
Sulmoro (Pending redo of Round 2 action)
The crush of people in the tavern makes movement difficult, and while the tavern does not count as difficult terrain for purposes of movement or skill checks, the sheer number of combatants prevents any creature from moving more than its speed in a single round. Acrobatics checks are NOT required to move though.
I didn’t forget to roll the save for the Aspis vs Orenjii’s evil eye. It just wasn’t needed between Dimlock’s hit and Kurik’s crit. Together they did 41 damage, and she only had 13 hp!

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"Be careful!" shouts Jilla from atop a table. "I think folks are gettin' waylaid once they step outside with a ruby! Maybe we could try swimming for it through that hole in the floor!" With no rubies or obvious foes in sight, she hops down from one table and rushes over to another, hoping to spot one.
Move action and total defense.
@GM: We only need one ruby per group?

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"Calculations indicate 87.5% chance we are in possession of at least one ruby that will glow. Recommend leaving via subterranean waterway at once."
Sorry, GM, I had to.
Orenjii moves to the hole in the floor and (assuming they have enough movement left) hops in.

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"I think folks are gettin' waylaid once they step outside with a ruby! Maybe we could try swimming for it through that hole in the floor!"
"If that is the case, then there are more rubies to be had beyond the door!" cries Javid. The hot-headed ifrit exudes a clear sense of over-confidence, which is buoyed by his quick success and youthful inexperience.
"If you are planning to run away, then here. Take this ruby and keep it safe. " he says, offering a ruby to Dimlock as he prepares to rush out the door. "I intend to collect as many as possible!"
Readed action to move towards the door in the event that Dimlock accepts the ruby.
No, I don't want to split the party, but going after more rubies is clearly in character for this hot-headed youth of a PC. Still, more experienced agents might be able to provide some wisdom or explanation as to why he should think otherwise.

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"Wait! There should still be some rubies here! Check the crowd!"
Kurik looks around the room for more rubies.

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"That not mission. Mission is qualify into competition. Anything else is putting mission in danger." Dimlock states as he stows the ruby away into one of his many pouches upon his person.
"There also be more enemies then rubies beyond door." Dimlock points out as he heads towards the egress appointed.

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Knowledge: Planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
"It may also be wise to get as far as possible from the one throwing the rubies, as it could defeat us easily if it so chose."

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Orenjii pushes their way through the crowd and drops down into the cold dark water of the bay below. It’s not a long fall, and the android feels none the worse for it. Luckily, the waters here are calm, too. Someone else falls into the water, and Orenjii is greeted by the merman they saw earlier. ”Too many damn Legs up there. I got a ruby for our team, so we’re off. Fair seas to you,” he says as the rest of the water-folk drop in and quickly swim away.
The drop is only 15’, so no damage from the fall. The water is calm. As long as you have a +0 or better Swim modifier, you can Take 10 and reach the shore in a couple rounds. If you have a negative Swim modifier, then I’ll need you to make Swim checks (link for reference) to make progress towards the shore.
Javid waits for someone to talk him out of being himself, and though Dimlock tries to remind him of what the mission is, Javid still seems undecided.
Kurik looks around the crowd, but doesn’t spot anything right off the bat.
@Javid: What is your Round 3 action? Have you decided?
@Kurik: I’m handling the Perception rolls in the spoiler, so you can move or do something for Round 3.
@Dimlock: You wrote “he heads towards the egress appointed,” but you didn’t move your token. Do you want to join Orenjii in the water?
Still waiting for Sulmoro to post Round 2 redo and Round 3.
Conditions: Crowded, cannot move more than your move speed in a round
Brawl at the Devils’ Dregs
Bold may act!
Sulmoro (Pending redo of Round 2 action)

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@Javid: What is your Round 3 action? Have you decided?
Technically, Javid's actions in Round 3 have been decided. I had declared that Javid had readied a move action to head towards the front door IF Dimlock accepted the ruby from him. Dimlock DID accept the ruby from him, so Javid's readied action now triggers. I have now moved Javid's token towards the door.
"That not mission. Mission is qualify into competition. Anything else is putting mission in danger." Dimlock states as he stows the ruby away into one of his many pouches upon his person.
"There also be more enemies then rubies beyond door." Dimlock points out as he heads towards the egress appointed.
"Is not the mission to acquire as many rubies as we can? To improve our chances to qualify in the competition?" he inquires, as he looks at the egress appointed. The fiery ifrit has little desire to dive into the chill of the water. "Keep the ruby safe and I will try to get us more. If I succeed, our chances improve. If I fail, then we are no worse off than before I stepped outside, no?"

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Yes will move towards the egress point and drop.
"If you fall, our group chances gets smaller as we would have lost one member. Do as you wish since you seem dead set on pushing your way through." the nagaji bids his foolish companion farewell and drops through as well.

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Kurik looks around the crowd, but doesn’t spot anything right off the bat.
@Kurik: I’m handling the Perception rolls in the spoiler, so you can move or do something for Round 3.
Sorry, Kurik moved in round 3 - I just forgot to describe his movement in the post.

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Sulmoro takes the moment to stash his rubies somewhere safer before drawing his shield.
"I fear not the others grabbing for rubies, when on land. If we aren't skilled in the water we would be in graver danger...there were those here at home in the water." Sulmoro says shaking his head at the idea of swimming for it.
He sighs as someone already takes the plunge.
Delaying my 3rd turn for the moment.

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Dimlock splashes down into the water alongside Orenjii. It's easy for him to work his way to the shore, though it does take a little time.
Javid: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Jilla : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Kurik: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (9) - 2 = 7
Sulmoro: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
No one spots any more stray rubies before someone steps into Javid’s path blocking the door.
”YOU! FIRE-FACE!” a voice bellows in a rough orcish accent. ”You killed Vanetta. I will have vengeance.” The half-orc barring the way is wearing banded mail with wicked spikes jutting from his shoulders and elbows and wields a greatsword. Also notable is the paired symbols branded into his cheeks: one the holy symbol of Gorum and the other an Aspis snake. ”And I’ll have that ruby you grabbed,” he adds with a wicked smile.
Init: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2
But it takes him a split second too long to bring that big sword to bear, and Javid and his allies get the drop on him.
Conditions: Crowded, cannot move more than your move speed in a round
Brawl at the Devils’ Dregs map
Bold may act!
Sulmoro (Pending Round 3 action)
Oremjii (Egressed)
Dimlock (Egressed)
@Sulmoro: You can take a Round 3 action, but it must not account for the presence of the half-orc. He was just part of the crowd until Round 4.

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"If you want the ruby, I'm afraid that I no longer have it,", Javid replies. "As for vengeance, I'm afraid that you won't be getting that either!"
The ifrit punctuates his sentence with a pair of blows from his staff.
Melee (bo staff): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Damage.(B): 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Melee (bo staff): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Damage.(B): 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9