GM Euan - Rise |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Izomandakus slides on in and taps Seamus with invisibility though Pachemu fails to trip up the blind target (got an extra +1 anywhere? I gave no dex and +2 inviso). Valena stabs a tentacle once but doesn’t free Kast. Rastaf just misses (though if you do it again, it’s d8’s as they are light sensitive). Seamus goes to town, dropping purple, or rather turning it to a gas as it begins to float slowly away. Kast frees himself and steps back to bring the Iron Quill to bear - hitting once!
I forgot to mention, they all, including the blubbery one, heal a little at the end of their turns… fast healing. Not in gaseous form however.
Red Dagger on Rastaf: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24 damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 7 + (4, 4) = 18
Red Dagger on Rastaf: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26 damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 7 + (1, 2) = 14
Red Slam on Rastaf: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16 damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Fort DC 19 or 2 level drain
Red whiffs at Rastaf, though it tries to press him. Blue drifts along after Pachemu, but as its feeling its way around it takes a double move to catch up.
The remaining skulks press their attacks as best they can, but there’s a lot of moving around too now that Seamus is invisible. Orange takes the long way around (double move) to get to flank with Valena (provokes from Kast). Green then 5’ steps and tries to use it!
Green Dagger on Valena: 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 18 + 2 = 22 damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 + 4d6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + (2, 4) + (1, 2, 2, 2) = 21images: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Green Dagger on Valena: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 13 + 2 = 28 damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 + 4d6 ⇒ (2) + 7 + (6, 2) + (4, 2, 1, 5) = 29 images: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Green Slam on Valena: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 13 + 2 = 21 damage: 1d4 + 2 + 4d6 ⇒ (4) + 2 + (1, 5, 4, 5) = 21 Fort DC 19 or 2 level drain images: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Pink feels its way and attacks 1d2 ⇒ 2 Pachemu!
Pink Dagger on Pachemu: 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 18 + 2 = 32 damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 + 4d6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + (6, 6) + (4, 1, 2, 1) = 28 low is bad: 1d100 ⇒ 47
Pink misses as it can't see! The gaseous purple skulk flees, slowly, toward the staircase. I moved it on the map, but remember it’s just a gas at this time.
The Hidden Beast really wants to do a myriad of other things. But it knows better than to let you go with that wicked quill of yours. So it lashes out at Kast.
Bite on Kast: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (10) + 26 = 36 damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 low is bad for me: 1d100 ⇒ 36
Tentacles on Kast: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (13) + 26 = 39 damage: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (3, 1, 6) + 8 = 18 grab: 1d20 + 32 ⇒ (6) + 32 = 38
low is bad for me: 1d100 ⇒ 74
Slam on Kast: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (16) + 26 = 42 damage: 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 Fort DC 22 or lose 2 lvls low is bad for me: 1d100 ⇒ 32
Kast is completely missed! His holy nature assured, he is sure to smash the creature now.
- Round 3 -
Izomandakus - 13 (6 images)
Valena - 11 (3 images)
- Round 4 -
Rastaf - 21 (-12hp)
Seamus - 15+ (-62hp, 1 image, invisible)
Kast - 15- (-20hp)
Good Folk - 14 (-123hp, blinded)
Red - 14
Blue - 14 (-22hp, blind)
Green - 14
Orange - 14
Purple - 14 (-4hp)
Pink - 14 (blind)
• Now up - Everyone!

Kast Phaer |

Round 4, Init 15-
Kast grunts and attacks fully the gross grabber who needs to grab less.
Iron Quill, two handed:
1d20 + 20 + 1 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 20 + 1 + 7 = 37 to hit; (GMW,+feast,+smite)
1d10 + 19 + 1d6 + 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 19 + (3) + (5, 3) + 8 = 43 magic cold iron/fire/holy damage
Iron Quill, two handed:
1d20 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 12 + 1 = 15 to hit; (GMW)
1d10 + 19 + 1d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 19 + (1) + (6, 5) = 32 magic cold iron/fire/holy damage
Iron Quill, two handed:
1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 7 + 1 = 17 to hit; (GMW)
1d10 + 19 + 1d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 19 + (5) + (1, 6) = 37 magic cold iron/fire/holy damage
+7 to attack/AC
+8 to damage
hp: 121/121
AC: 36/29/20 (always on shield, Barkskin included) +1 with MCaE +2 BoF + 7 smite +2 eagle
Saves: F10/R15/W12* +7 vs. mind affecting
Furious Focus, GWM=+3, SoF = +4
Aroden's Verve: 0/0 used
GlitterBomb: 0/0 used
Extend GammaRadiation: 0/0 used
Extend Rods: 3/6 left
Quantum Leaps used:
Pathfinder Carry: 0/0
Think Really Hard: 7/7 left
1: 6/8 left
2: 6/8 left
3: 4/8 left
4: 4/8 left
5: 4/7 left
6: 4/7 left
7: 3/5 left
[spoiler=Kast's Pre Exploration Magics]Air Limp, Gr. Magic Weapon (+3) on the Iron Quill, extended Shield of Faith (+4), Eaglesoul, Endure Elements, Magic Circle Against Evil on himself and 'Mus. Barkskin (via Val) +4, 90 minutes. Resist Fire and Cold (30, 150 minutes).[ /spoiler]
Perfect Intentions, Round 1/15: You bring special favor upon yourself and your allies while bringing disfavor to your enemies. You and each of your allies gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
[spoiler=Perfect Soul]Facing an evil outsider, [url=https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Eaglesoul]a perfect entity imbues Kast with some sweet evil slaying cheese:
A +2 sacred bonus to AC
A +4 sacred bonus to Strength
Resistance 5 to acid and fire
A +5 sacred bonus on all Intimidate checks made against evil creatures
Fast healing 2
Any critical threat roll made against an evil creature with a weapon you wield is automatically confirmed.
[ /spoiler]
[spoiler=Paladinning]The target gains the ability to use detect evil at will as a spell-like ability, immunity to disease (suppressing any diseases currently affecting it), and immunity to fear (ending any fear effects currently affecting it); can lay on hands (on itself only) once as a paladin of 1/2 your caster level; and can smite evil once as a paladin of 1/2 your caster level. It adds its Charisma bonus to all its saving throws
+7 to attack/AC
+8 to damage
[ /spoiler]
Iron Quill, two handed:
1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31 to hit; (GMW)
1d10 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20 magic cold iron damage
Iron Quill, two handed:
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30 to hit; (GMW)
1d10 + 18 ⇒ (1) + 18 = 19 magic cold iron damage
[spoiler=Perfect Blessing Round 1/16]Choose one at the start of your turn:
[ /spoiler]
Jealous/Trusting (opposes necromancy): A union of abjuration and enchantment magic, a jealous weapon functions as a bane weapon against necromancers and against undead created by necromancy spells (not against self-manifested undead or undead created by the create spawn special ability). As long as the weapon is carried, it can absorb up to 3 negative levels inflicted on the wielder per day.

Izomandakus |

Izomandakus starts to work on the blinded pink vampire with Pachemu.
+3 Club+HR+flank: 1d20 + 18 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 18 + 2 + 2 = 38
Magical/Bludgeoning damage+acid+AS: 1d6 + 13 + 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 13 + (5) + 3 = 23
+3 Club+HR+flank: 1d20 + 13 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 13 + 2 + 2 = 26
Magical/Bludgeoning damage+acid+AS: 1d6 + 13 + 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 13 + (6) + 3 = 24
The pig tries to make the undead down again, this time with some flanking help.
Trip+flank: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 2 = 21
Pig - HP 152/152 AC 28 TAC 16
(includes +4 from holy aura) +2 if within circle vs evil
Boy - HP 152/152 AC 36 TAC 20 +0 if within circle vs evil
Bolts: 9
Rod: 1/3
Augment: 8/8 (+4 or +4 nat. AC 7 rounds)
Perfection: 14/15 (+7)
Recall: 3/4 (+2 DC for 1 round)
holy aura
shield 15 min
Tough Crowd (+4 on next will saves vs enchantment or illusion)
Magic Circle of Protection (Kast) 150 min
mirror image 15 min
heroism 300 min
barkskin 300 min
mage armor 15 h
greater magic weapon (+3) 15 h
greater reversion 24 h

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The half orc backs up again, this time casting Fireball, since he doesn't have to roll to hit, catching 2 skulks in the flames.
fire: 10d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (3, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5, 6, 6, 2, 6) + (1) = 40

Seamus Passeri |
Smiling as Izomandakus whacks the undead Skulk with his club, Seamus actually laughs when Pachemu knocks it to the ground. "Here Pachemu, let me help." Bending over slightly, Seamus goes at the thing with both weapons.
full attack + 1 keen rapier/ + 1 giant bane mithril short sword (W.F/buckler) TWF
+ 1 keen rapier: 1d20 + 18 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 18 + 1 - 2 = 30 for damage: 1d6 + 1 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 7 = 14 sneak: 7d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4, 6, 3, 3, 2) = 26
+ 1 mithril shortsword: 1d20 + 13 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 13 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 2 = 31 for damage: 1d6 + 1 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 7 = 11 sneak: 7d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 6, 1, 5, 4, 6) = 27
+ 1 keen rapier: 1d20 + 18 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 18 + 1 - 2 = 37 for damage: 1d6 + 1 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 7 = 14 sneak: 7d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 4, 1, 3, 1) = 21
+ 1 mithril shortsword: 1d20 + 13 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 13 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 2 = 25 for damage: 1d6 + 1 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 7 = 10 sneak: 7d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 6, 6, 4, 6, 4) = 34
Disoriented: The target takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls. In addition, the target takes an additional –2 penalty on all attack rolls it makes against the rogue. At 10th level and 16th level, the penalty on attack rolls made against the rogue increases by –2 (to a total maximum of –8).
+ 1 mithril shortsword: confirm crit: 1d20 + 13 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 13 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 2 = 25 for damage: 1d6 + 1 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 7 = 12
+ 1 keen rapier: confirm crit: 1d20 + 18 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 18 + 1 - 2 = 31 for damage: 1d6 + 1 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 7 = 12

Valena Dalloway Versade |

Val keeps up the pressure on the blinded decapus.
Primary Attack with Irreconcilable Differences (power attack): 1d20 + 24 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 24 - 4 = 23
Primary Damage (power attack): 1d6 + 12 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 12 + 8 = 21
Secondary Attack with Irreconcilable Differences (power attack): 1d20 + 19 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 19 - 4 = 25
Secondary Damage (power attack): 1d6 + 12 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 12 + 8 = 23
Tertiary Attack with Irreconcilable Differences (power attack): 1d20 + 14 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 14 - 4 = 24
Tertiary Damage (power attack): 1d6 + 12 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 12 + 8 = 25
HP: 131/131
AC: 40/23/33
Saves: F15/R20(evasion)/W19 +2 will vs charm and compulsion, +2 fort vs poison and drugs, +4 fort vs alcohol
Immune: Poison
Hypnotic Stare:
Painful Stare:
Active Implanted Tricks 2/7 used): Mesmeric Mirror (Seamus, active 1 image), Mask Misery (herself, unused)
Hero Points: 1
Spells/Conditions: freedom of movement, apport object precast, telepathic bond, mirror image (3), holy aura, eldritch weapon (silver)
0: (Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Message, Read Magic, Ghost Sound)
1: 2/7 used (Vanishx0, Psychic Readingx0, Ill Omenx0, Faerie Fire,, Invigoratex0, Remove Fearx0, Eldritch Weaponx2, Martial Esotericax0)
2: 3/6 used (Mirror Imagex1, Placebo Effectx0, Lesser Restorationx0, Tonguesx0, Apport Objectx1, Phantom’s Armoryx1)
3: 1/5 used (Sendingx1, Displacementx0, Major Imagex0, Invisibility Spherex0, Step Through Realityx0)
4: 2/4 used (Dimension Doorx0, Freedom of Movementx1, Telepathic Bondx1, Tough Crowdx0)
Irreconcilable Differences:
[ dice]1d20+24[/dice] to hit;
[ dice]1d6+12[/dice] damage.

GM Euan - Rise |

Izomandakus hits twice against the blind skulk, but DR thins his damage somewhat. Pachemu does knock it prone however as it can’t see her to react! Though she hovers near a blow, Valena doesn’t manage to hit the decapus. Rastaf brightens the room with a fireball wounding red, and snuffing the misty purple (destroyed). Seamus mystifies two with a quick 5’ step between them. Kast slices the hidden beast once more, continuing to press.
red save: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36 vs DC 20 for 20hp damage
purple save: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31 vs DC 20 for 20hp damage
Red, still seeing, and now singed, still continues its attack on Rastaf.
Red Dagger on Rastaf: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (8) + 18 = 26 damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 7 + (3, 1) = 14
Red Dagger on Rastaf: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29 damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + (5, 6) = 19
Red Slam on Rastaf: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27 damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Fort DC 19 or 2 level drain
Red Fort: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 vs DC 25 or blinded
Red gets in another hit, but the blindness catches up with him!
Orange and Green try to whittle down Valena.
Orange Dagger on Valena: 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 18 + 2 = 22 damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 + 4d6 ⇒ (2) + 7 + (1, 3) + (1, 6, 3, 3) = 26images: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Orange Dagger on Valena: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 13 + 2 = 35 damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 + 4d6 ⇒ (2) + 7 + (1, 1) + (3, 5, 1, 2) = 22 images: 1d4 ⇒ 3
critthreat Orange Dagger on Valena: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 13 + 2 = 16 damage: 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Orange Slam on Valena: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 13 + 2 = 32 damage: 1d4 + 2 + 4d6 ⇒ (4) + 2 + (6, 5, 1, 4) = 22 Fort DC 19 or 2 level drain images: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Green Dagger on Valena: 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 18 + 2 = 37 damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 + 4d6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + (2, 4) + (6, 2, 6, 2) = 30images: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Green Dagger on Valena: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 13 + 2 = 18 damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2d6 + 4d6 ⇒ (4) + 7 + (3, 2) + (1, 5, 5, 2) = 29 images: 1d2 ⇒ 2
Green Slam on Valena: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 13 + 2 = 30 damage: 1d4 + 2 + 4d6 ⇒ (2) + 2 + (2, 1, 4, 1) = 12 Fort DC 19 or 2 level drain images: 1d2 ⇒ 2
Orange and Green manage to strip two more images, but no damage yet on the maiden.
Pink and blue mist their way across the room a bit, on their way to the stairs - or perhaps the space beneath the stairs.
The monster tries one more round at Kast. Blind though he is.
Bite on Kast: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (12) + 26 = 38 damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 low is bad for me: 1d100 ⇒ 6
Tentacles on Kast: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (10) + 26 = 36 damage: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (5, 4, 4) + 8 = 21 grab: 1d20 + 32 ⇒ (8) + 32 = 40
low is bad for me: 1d100 ⇒ 43
Slam on Kast: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (9) + 26 = 35 damage: 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 Fort DC 22 or lose 2 lvls low is bad for me: 1d100 ⇒ 16
...and nothing even gets close. It begins to thrash about.
- Round 4 -
Izomandakus - 13 (6 images)
Valena - 11 (1 image)
- Round 5 -
Rastaf - 21 (-31hp)
Seamus - 15+ (-62hp, 1 image, invisible)
Kast - 15- (-38hp)
Good Folk - 14 (-161hp, blind)
Red - 14 (-25hp, blind)
Blue - 14 (blind, mist)
Green - 14
Orange - 14
Purple - 14 (destroyed)
Pink - 14 (blind, mist)
• Now up - Everyone!

Kast Phaer |

Kast takes an AoO against orange.
Iron Quill, two handed:
1d20 + 20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 20 + 1 = 25 to hit; (GMW,+feast,+smite)
1d10 + 19 + 1d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (7) + 19 + (3) + (4, 6) = 39 magic cold iron/fire/holy damage
Round 5, Init 15-
Kast attacks again, trying to be perfect.
Iron Quill, two handed:
1d20 + 20 + 1 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 20 + 1 + 7 = 43 to hit; (GMW,+feast,+smite)
1d10 + 19 + 1d6 + 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 19 + (1) + (6, 3) + 8 = 39 magic cold iron/fire/holy damage
Iron Quill, two handed:
1d20 + 12 + 1 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 12 + 1 + 7 = 40 to hit; (GMW)
1d10 + 19 + 1d6 + 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 19 + (3) + (3, 6) + 8 = 40 magic cold iron/fire/holy damage
Iron Quill, two handed:
1d20 + 7 + 1 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 + 1 + 7 = 24 to hit; (GMW)
1d10 + 19 + 1d6 + 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 19 + (2) + (4, 1) + 8 = 44 magic cold iron/fire/holy damage
C’mon Kast, be perfect.
Iron Quill, two handed:
PotCrit: 1d20 + 12 + 1 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 12 + 1 + 7 = 34 to hit; (GMW)
1d10 + 19 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 19 + 8 = 34 magic cold iron/fire/holy damage
+7 to attack/AC
+8 to damage
hp: 121/121
AC: 36/29/20 (always on shield, Barkskin included) +1 with MCaE +2 BoF + 7 smite +2 eagle
Saves: F10/R15/W12* +7 vs. mind affecting
Furious Focus, GWM=+3, SoF = +4
Aroden's Verve: 0/0 used
GlitterBomb: 0/0 used
Extend GammaRadiation: 0/0 used
Extend Rods: 3/6 left
Quantum Leaps used:
Pathfinder Carry: 0/0
Think Really Hard: 7/7 left
1: 6/8 left
2: 6/8 left
3: 4/8 left
4: 4/8 left
5: 4/7 left
6: 4/7 left
7: 3/5 left
[spoiler=Kast's Pre Exploration Magics]Air Limp, Gr. Magic Weapon (+3) on the Iron Quill, extended Shield of Faith (+4), Eaglesoul, Endure Elements, Magic Circle Against Evil on himself and 'Mus. Barkskin (via Val) +4, 90 minutes. Resist Fire and Cold (30, 150 minutes).[ /spoiler]
Perfect Intentions, Round 1/15: You bring special favor upon yourself and your allies while bringing disfavor to your enemies. You and each of your allies gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
[spoiler=Perfect Soul]Facing an evil outsider, [url=https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Eaglesoul]a perfect entity imbues Kast with some sweet evil slaying cheese:
A +2 sacred bonus to AC
A +4 sacred bonus to Strength
Resistance 5 to acid and fire
A +5 sacred bonus on all Intimidate checks made against evil creatures
Fast healing 2
Any critical threat roll made against an evil creature with a weapon you wield is automatically confirmed.
[ /spoiler]
[spoiler=Paladinning]The target gains the ability to use detect evil at will as a spell-like ability, immunity to disease (suppressing any diseases currently affecting it), and immunity to fear (ending any fear effects currently affecting it); can lay on hands (on itself only) once as a paladin of 1/2 your caster level; and can smite evil once as a paladin of 1/2 your caster level. It adds its Charisma bonus to all its saving throws
+7 to attack/AC
+8 to damage
[ /spoiler]
Iron Quill, two handed:
1d20 + 18 ⇒ (1) + 18 = 19 to hit; (GMW)
1d10 + 18 ⇒ (1) + 18 = 19 magic cold iron damage
Iron Quill, two handed:
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 to hit; (GMW)
1d10 + 18 ⇒ (1) + 18 = 19 magic cold iron damage
[spoiler=Perfect Blessing Round 1/16]Choose one at the start of your turn:
[ /spoiler]
Jealous/Trusting (opposes necromancy): A union of abjuration and enchantment magic, a jealous weapon functions as a bane weapon against necromancers and against undead created by necromancy spells (not against self-manifested undead or undead created by the create spawn special ability). As long as the weapon is carried, it can absorb up to 3 negative levels inflicted on the wielder per day.

Valena Dalloway Versade |

Val continues to have atrocious luck hitting the decapus.
Primary Attack with Irreconcilable Differences (power attack): 1d20 + 24 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 24 - 4 = 26
Primary Damage (power attack): 1d6 + 12 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 12 + 8 = 22
Secondary Attack with Irreconcilable Differences (power attack): 1d20 + 19 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 19 - 4 = 16
Secondary Damage (power attack): 1d6 + 12 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 12 + 8 = 21
Tertiary Attack with Irreconcilable Differences (power attack): 1d20 + 14 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 14 - 4 = 25
Tertiary Damage (power attack): 1d6 + 12 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 12 + 8 = 25
HP: 131/131
AC: 40/23/33
Saves: F15/R20(evasion)/W19 +2 will vs charm and compulsion, +2 fort vs poison and drugs, +4 fort vs alcohol
Immune: Poison
Hypnotic Stare:
Painful Stare:
Active Implanted Tricks 2/7 used): Mesmeric Mirror (Seamus, active 1 image), Mask Misery (herself, unused)
Hero Points: 1
Spells/Conditions: freedom of movement, apport object precast, telepathic bond, mirror image (3), holy aura, eldritch weapon (silver)
0: (Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Message, Read Magic, Ghost Sound)
1: 2/7 used (Vanishx0, Psychic Readingx0, Ill Omenx0, Faerie Fire,, Invigoratex0, Remove Fearx0, Eldritch Weaponx2, Martial Esotericax0)
2: 3/6 used (Mirror Imagex1, Placebo Effectx0, Lesser Restorationx0, Tonguesx0, Apport Objectx1, Phantom’s Armoryx1)
3: 1/5 used (Sendingx1, Displacementx0, Major Imagex0, Invisibility Spherex0, Step Through Realityx0)
4: 2/4 used (Dimension Doorx0, Freedom of Movementx1, Telepathic Bondx1, Tough Crowdx0)
Irreconcilable Differences:
[ dice]1d20+24[/dice] to hit;
[ dice]1d6+12[/dice] damage.

Seamus Passeri |
Not sure who else to attack, Seamus moves towards the multi tentacled thing, and tries to stab it with the mithril long knife.
+ 1 giant bane mithril short sword (W.F/buckler)
+ 1 mithril shortsword: 1d20 + 18 + 1 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 18 + 1 + 1 - 1 = 32 for damage: 1d6 + 1 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 7 = 14 sneak: 7d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 3, 6, 2, 3) = 31
Disoriented: The target takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls. In addition, the target takes an additional –2 penalty on all attack rolls it makes against the rogue. At 10th level and 16th level, the penalty on attack rolls made against the rogue increases by –2 (to a total maximum of –8).

Izomandakus |

Izomandakus and Pachemu move to help with the green vampire skulk.
+3 Club+HR+flank: 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 18 + 2 = 26
Magical/Bludgeoning damage+acid+AS: 1d6 + 13 + 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 13 + (3) + 3 = 23
Bite: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
S/B/P damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Pig - HP 152/152 AC 28 TAC 16
(includes +4 from holy aura) +2 if within circle vs evil
Boy - HP 152/152 AC 36 TAC 20 +0 if within circle vs evil
Bolts: 9
Rod: 1/3
Augment: 8/8 (+4 or +4 nat. AC 7 rounds)
Perfection: 14/15 (+7)
Recall: 3/4 (+2 DC for 1 round)
holy aura
shield 15 min
Tough Crowd (+4 on next will saves vs enchantment or illusion)
Magic Circle of Protection (Kast) 150 min
mirror image 15 min
heroism 300 min
barkskin 300 min
mage armor 15 h
greater magic weapon (+3) 15 h
greater reversion 24 h

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Rastaf fires again at the annoying skulk.
touch: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
crit confirm: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
light dmg: 20d8 ⇒ (7, 4, 3, 4, 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 3, 8, 2, 8, 2, 4, 8, 7, 3, 4, 5) = 87

GM Euan - Rise |

Izomandakus hits with flank and starts to apply a bit of damage to green, though DR applies. Valena focuses fire, but her attacks are harried by bad luck. Rastaf reaches out and burns the vampire skulk with the holy power of Sarenrae - and fells it! Seamus moves up and stabs deeply into the beast, and is noticed. Kast misses with his AoO, but connects with his next two blows - even confirming the critical.
The poor blind beast cannot handle such an onslaught and he crumbles before you, the tentacles writhing a little while longer as the entire creature deflates… and becomes mist!
The few remaining vampire skulks, released from their domination, immediately flee to the best of their ability.
AoOs, if you want to take them…
Seamus on green.
Kast and Valena on orange.
The remaining enemies are all mist. You know that it takes some time to reform, so you may hunt down the fleeing skulks if you wish. Or let them run. No need to roll it out, they’re not much of a match isolated.
The beast mists into the central structure (a 9 1/2 ton slab of basalt) while the skulks mist into coffin sized wall chambers under the stairs. We’re not in rounds, but what do you do over the next few minutes?
Izomandakus - 13 (6 images)
Valena - 11 (1 image)
Rastaf - 21 (-31hp)
Seamus - 15+ (-62hp, 1 image, invisible)
Kast - 15- (-38hp)
Good Folk - 14 (mist)
Red - 14 (blind, mist)
Blue - 14 (blind, mist)
Green - 14 (-13hp)
Orange - 14
Pink - 14 (blind, mist)
• We are out of initiative.

Izomandakus |

"Ok. Remember what I said about a stake before?" Izomandakus points to the central structure where the beast mist is retreating to "Well, now it is the time to go heart-breaking mode"
Did by any chance Izomandakus previous disintegrate break the stone exposing now what is below?
"When used against an object, the ray simply disintegrates as much as a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter"

GM Euan - Rise |

Izomandakus directed his ray at the skeleton - which was annihilated. But no, the block beneath it was not disintegrated. If you have another casting, that's an excellent way to break through.

Kast Phaer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Initially, Kast will spend some time smiting the heck out of some coffins, and if his weapon won't work, he will use stone wall or something else to make sure that they are no safe, regenerative havens for the vampire skulks.
But mostly, he will track the Hidden-Beast-Mist to ensure that it does not come back. Does that particular mist go someplace?

Seamus Passeri |
Burrying his mithril long knife into the creature up to his knuckles, Seamus smiles as the thing 'deflates' and becomes mist. Turning in enough time to see the remaining skulk vampires flee, he congratulates the group. "Well done everyone!"
About to ask what to do next, he hears Izomandakus remind them about driving a stake through the hearts of the bodies. Frowning he asks, "did anyone make any stakes?"
Seeing Kast head off after the misted monster, he points, "I'll go with Kast. If nothing else we can break off the end of his pig sticker and use it as a stake."
Relieved that he'd thought of some way to put the mist monster to rest, Seamus moves along with his floating friend following whatever sign is left by the misty thing.
Taking 10(40/46) on perception just in case

GM Euan - Rise |

Kast seems briefly confused.
The beast mists into the central structure (a 9 1/2 ton slab of basalt) while the skulks mist into coffin sized wall chambers under the stairs.
So he tracks it all of 10', with Seamus in tow, and opens the coffins of the other vampires on the other side of the room to see them all sleeping soundly, slowly regenerating... The main slab remains in place as I don't think the party can, with strength alone, shift a nearly 10 ton block.
Anyone have any stakes or holy water for the others at least?

Kast Phaer |

Kast tries to correct his confusion.
Kast waits to see if clever Izo has a solution, or if he needs to get fancy. He does not want this thing to regenerate enough to unlive again.

GM Euan - Rise |

Very creative, but technically no, which is odd 'cause you'd think it should. I might allow it if you had line of effect - so you could do so for the skulk vampires I suppose, but not the hidden beast (at least not yet).
Izomandakus appears to have but one disintegration today, though he does have a limited wish. Expensive way to solve the problem, but would work.

Izomandakus |

"Give me some room" Izomandakus adjusts the lens of his annihilation goggles exchanging his emblem of greed for yet another ray of annihilation. With it he disintegrates the grave stone.

Seamus Passeri |
Pausing Seamus looked up at Kast. His friend had stopped walking, he was just standing there in the air. Was that a look of confusion on his face? Seamus realized he was looking over to Izomandakus, so Seamus looked over to Izomandakus too. Hearing their friend say 'Give me some room' Seamus did exactly that and quickly moved back, "Come on Kast lets let him do this."

GM Euan - Rise |

Izomandakus is able to disintegrate the grave stone revealing a large chamber within which the hidden beast dwells, slowly regenerating. Finding its heart takes two or three tries, but Seamus’ tent stake does the job in the end.
As the creature is destroyed, it leaves behind a Sihedron Ring (link) which it had apparently been wearing. It is, you’re able to determine, one of the rings that gives you the ability to pass the peaks.
It will take some time to convince Morgiv to come out of hiding and examine the battlefield to see that you were, in fact, victorious. Morgiv's features never quite make it to a grin, but he makes it clear in his own way that he’s most pleased with the outcome.
”You may come here to rest at any time. My people will see you safe. I will go now and bring your gift. Won’t be but a moment!”
Do you do anything while you wait?

Kast Phaer |

"Nice work, Izo."
Kast will use a Stone Wall to fill in the tomb, lest some silly skulk remove the stake at some point...which no one would want, except an exceptionally silly skulk or a legitimate person.
He will examine the ring, learn from it what he can, and then pass it along. It's true he wants the ring, but others probably need it more.

Izomandakus |

Izomandakus makes a soft nod "Just happy we removed this alien thing from the world"
Pachemu nods meanwhile to Morgiv, perhaps expecting some real food from the skulk, not like the one the humans are always sharing.
"Maybe this is a good place to have lunch and a small rest" Izomandakus actually brings up the revelation quill and while the group waits for Mogriv to return, he concentrates on the quill and visualizes the group walking up straight towards the mountain with Karzoug's head, and questioning the Peacock Spirit what will happen if the group does this.

GM Euan - Rise |

Morgiv returns a little while later, though it felt perhaps a bit longer. But he does return, and with a small leather satchel, which he hands to you. ”Thank you again from my people. We will watch over you, and as I’ve said - this place is yours to rest, and we will protect it.”
The leather satchel is actually a bag of holding II (5,000gp), which is nice enough, but the contents are very fine indeed!
Staff of Healing (29,600gp)
Scroll of Greater Restoration (7,275gp)
Scroll of Heal (1,650gp)
Scroll of True Resurrection (28,825gp)
…and a silk pouch containing six extraordinary necklaces. One for each of you (including Pachemu). Each necklace contains one astral pearl - beautifully white, with a depth of color unmatched. The pearls alone are worth 1,500gp each, but embedded in a light mithral chain pattern the necklaces are worth a total of 2,800gp each.
You know from Izomandakus’ eyes, and questioning Morgiv, that the next area is the Artisan District.
Shops and bazaars lined the Golden Road, with its many foundries, workshops, and mills being situated farther to the east and west. The majority of this district’s populace was humanoid and represented the provider caste in Xin-Shalast - their descendants became the heritors of Varisia.
Of all the city’s districts, this one was the least repressive and enjoyed a modest amount of freedom from scrutiny by the ruling class. Karzoug was not fool enough to believe that his extravagant penchant for greed could be satisfied by the fruits of oppressed artisans, and thus let them be for the most part as long as they remained loyal and filled his coffers with their taxes.
The district even had a separate gate into the city to avoid the main gate - a well defended structure called Krak Naratha. The northern portion of the Artisan District has a wide colonnade leading to a pyramidal structure set atop a large dome. This served as the headquarters of the Guild of Master Masons and Architects, the grandmaster of which typically served as the district’s consul.
Beyond that lies Jotunburg, squeezed between Temple Row and the Artisan District. Here the buildings are oversized for a reason, as they housed the majority of Xin-Shalast’s giant population. These massive edifices extend all the way up the shoulder of the valley overlooking the Lower City and are accessed via gigantic unsupported spans hundreds of feet in the air that extend from the Golden Road to this mountain spur. Today, Jotunburg is the home of several tribes of giants, including cloud, frost, and even a few taiga and storm giants.
The Spared can show you underground passages to either district. Morgiv does mention though that there’s a beautiful, and huge, domed building, (like the coliseum, but enclosed) where the giants used to build things to show them off (think Lego competitions but on a much larger scale). ”It’s gorgeous inside, but it’s patrolled by snowmen. Their claws… so sharp.” (area H)
”But that’s better than the northeastern bit… The Tangle.”
This southern portion of the Entertainment District was once the hub of brothels, gambling dens, small arenas and fighting pits, and less savory venues such as recreational torture chambers and drug parlors. Often informally referred to as the Eurythian Quarter, after Runelord Sorshen’s realm to the south (although never called such when Karzoug or his agents were in earshot), this portion of the city was ruined by the fall of Thassilon and the attendant volcanic eruption.
While the pyroclastic flow that buried the Slave District didn’t hit this section of the city, lava bombs and a devastating mudslide did, reducing much of this region to tangled rubble. The nutrient-rich mud cascaded into the edge of this quarter and buried dozens of public baths built around thermal springs. The combination of nutrients, mineral-laden waters, and a favorable environment caused by the warming and humidifying influence of the hot springs resulted in a burst of strange plant and fungal growth.
This ecosystem flourished, expanding across much of the area and covering it in an enveloping tangle of pallid vines and sheets of lichen. This overgrowth ground the buildings beneath into rubble and then into soil, creating more opportunities for growth and leaving a strange high-altitude fungus jungle filled with hidden ruins and unexpected flora and fauna. The flora was never able to expand farther south onto the mud field because of the lack of necessary moisture and warmth provided by proximity to the thermal springs. (area J)
”Go with god, be safe from evil.” Morgiv leaves you in peace after giving directions to wherever you want to go next, though you get the sense he’s not far away. Or someone is.
It’s mid-afternoon by the time you’re done with everything. Where to next, and do you rest the night first?
"Maybe this is a good place to have lunch and a small rest" Izomandakus actually brings up the revelation quill and while the group waits for Mogriv to return, he concentrates on the quill and visualizes the group walking up straight towards the mountain with Karzoug's head, and questioning the Peacock Spirit what will happen if the group does this.
1d100 ⇒ 69
The quill takes on a hurried author and writes, "All but one shall die and the last shall be hunted or, perhaps, flight." Before the quill rests, a tiny picture of Kast is doodled in the margin - perhaps implying he's the only one to survive.

Izomandakus |

"Thanks a lot Morgiv. This is a nice present and I really value it" Izomandakus is happy to pack the jewels and magic items if no one else wants.
When the quill ends its job though, he looks quizzical to Kast "Why is the quill drawing you? Does it mean if we go to meet Karzoug everyone will die but you? Why might the Peacock Spirit think that...?"

Valena Dalloway Versade |

Val does not attempt to hide her disappointment that she would—supposedly—not survive. She prides herself on her ability to survive anything and to be as slippery as possible. ”Well Izo and I have each picked a destination. And since this little quill has brought Kast to our attention as the paragon of survival, why not let him pick next?”

Seamus Passeri |
Yesterdays post :)
Smiling as Izomandakus clears a way to the hidden beast, Seamus reaches back into his magical rucksack and draws out one of the wooden tent stakes. Frowning as the first strke misses, he tries a second time, then a third. Realizing he was successful only when he then was destroyed, leaving the ring it had been wearing. Picking the ring up he hands it to Kast, "Whatdo you think Kast?"
Hearing Izomandakus recommend lunch and small rest, Seamus pulls out some crusty bread, a yellow cheese and some dried beef. Offering a little to everyone, he eventually sits down and eats. After a bit he pulls his lute out and begins to play while he watches Izomandakus do something with the magical quill.
Smiling as Morgiv returns with 'gifts' Seamus notices the necklaces. Unconsciously he twists the friendship ring on his hand before he reaches for one of the necklaces. Telling Morgiv, "Thank you Morgiv, but are we going to get to see the murals?"
Holding the necklace up he looks at the craftsmanship. Smiling, he holds it out in Kast's general direction, asking. "Hey Kast what do you think Marigold Pottersmoot would say about the craftsmanship?" Winking at Val he puts the necklace on and tucks it under his mithril armor. Listening as Morgiv give more instructions about where they will need to go.
Not realizing the quill had been drawing Kast, Seamus turns at Izomandakus's question looking from him towards Val. Shrugging, "Maybe the Quill thinks Kast is the prettiest, so it drew him." Shrugging, "But I'm happy to let him pick where we go next." He then turns and gives Kast a questioning look.

Kast Phaer |

"Why is the quill drawing you? Does it mean if we go to meet Karzoug everyone will die but you? Why might the Peacock Spirit think that...?"
”Uh, if I had to guess from what “Mus’s Icy Dryad friend told us, it’s because I’m holding the special ring, but I could be wrong. I think it gives us the ability to pass the peaks. It might be that my medallion or shield ring works the same way, but also it might just be *this* ring,” Kast replies what it might be. ”It might also be because I strive for perfection. That could be it. But you all are so great, so that’s not likely it.”
No. Why would I be special?
"Hey Kast what do you think Marigold Pottersmoot would say about the craftsmanship?"
Kast’s eyes widen at the idea.
”Oooh…that’s a good point. Oh, I bet she would like to see something like this. She might be able to tell me all about it…and maybe then I would have something to discuss with her. She might even ask how I got it and stuff like that. That’s a good idea, ‘Mus,” Kast seems very intrigued as something like that had never occurred to him. He might actually ask Marigold about it…who was an expert on such things.
I bet she’s never seen anything like this before. Maybe then I could ask her about her work, learn what’s she like…
* * *
”Maybe we should scout through the Artisan district a bit, and head over here….” Kast mentally points to H on a mental map. ”Maybe we want to see if there are more fancy rings about, or ways to make them. We might need to change the medallion I have to match the ring I have.”
Does anyone want the fancy Sihedron ring? Kast is happy to wear and care for it now.

GM Euan - Rise |

You follow the tunnels laid out by Morgiv, and soon find yourselves blinking in the sunlight once again, and quite near your target.
An immense dome of stone rises at the end of an elevated road here. The structure towers five hundred feet in height and is capped by a smaller dome that brings its total height to nearly seven hundred feet in all. Numerous arches and openings decorate the building’s sides, all allowing access to its cavernous interior.
How do you approach?
Reminder, unless I missed it, a few of you are still wounded…
Rastaf (-31hp)
Seamus (-62hp)
Kast (-38hp)

Seamus Passeri |
Smiling at Kast's response, Seamus nods, "I thought it was." He continues to smile. 'Kast must be warming up to the idea of speaking to Marigold, he didn't start to blush or stammer when I mentioned the idea.' As he moves towards the street leading to the artisan district he adds, lookin back over is shoulder. "You should keep that ring, show it to Miss Pottersmoot as well."
As they are moving towards the ARtisan district, Seamus feels Rastaf healing his wounds, turning he smiles, "Thanks Rastaf, I've gotten so used to being injured all the time I totally forgot about those cuts and bruises."
He points towards the immense dome of stone rises at the end of an elevated road. "Are we going to sneak in?" He then looks pointedly towards Val. "Or are we going to use one of those amazing magical invisible balls of yours?"

Kast Phaer |

Kast, who is notoriously not sneaky, stealthy, nor swift, waits to see what the best plan might be. If it was only his decision, he would just muddle along and hope for the best.

GM Euan - Rise |

The interior of this building is mostly open, creating a truly impressive enclosed area once used as a place for the most gifted stone giants of ancient Xin-Shalast to practice the art of monument construction. All that remains of their final project is a heap of rubble 100 feet high in the center of the area. The stone giant architects themselves dwelt in chambers built into the walls of the dome, accessed by spiraling ramps and each with its own private exit into the city.
Even now, thousands of years later, the architecture is breathtaking. Beautiful.
Moving about the heap of rubble, like enormous white dust bunnies are more than two dozen 12’ tall long armed humanoids covered in thick shag fur but otherwise naked.
- - -
The tribe itself dwells in hollows and chambers within the central pile of rubble. You can see a spacious cave near the top of the pile, that now stands empty. At the peak of the rubble pile, the snowy men maintain a 30-foot-tall altar to someone in the form of hundreds of bones tied together with lengths of sinew to form a rough approximation of a humanoid shape. It doesn’t look like Karzoug, but it doesn’t look like anyone really. They’re not very artistic.
The creatures mill about more or less aimlessly for a few moments as you move closer. That said, there’s a sense that something is about to happen, but what it is you cannot say. The creatures just seem to be waiting for something, or someone.
What do you do? The spell lasts a little while (minute per level) so you have some time before you need to depart.

Izomandakus |

K. nature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
Izomandakus hides stealthy on the invisible layer provided by Valena "Psssst, these abominable snowmen are known as yeti. They are evil monstrous humanoids, usually as tough as a fighter as they are dim bulbs"
For now the boy just remains watching what happens, but would not mind just leaving the yetis to their own doings.

Seamus Passeri |
Admiring the large building it took a moment for Seamus to pay attention to the enormous dust bunnies. Furrowing his brow when Izomandakus told him what the were, Seamus asks. "Does it look like their waiting for something." Furrowing his brow he asks, "You don't think Morgiv told them we were coming do you?"

Kast Phaer |

1d20 + 22 ⇒ (19) + 22 = 41 Know (Nature) - Abdominal Yeti? DRs? Special attacks? What language would they sing-song their favorite school rhymes as each take one of Seamus's arms and try to pull him apart?
Kast looks at the yeti and girds his loins.

GM Euan - Rise |

Kast relays they have DR 10/piercing, and lots of special attacks: 1d6 cold, frightful gaze (DC 13), rage (11 rounds/ day), rage powers (animal fury), rend (2 claws, 1d6+6 plus 1d6 cold). They speak Aklo.
After a short while, a giant of a yeti appears. Clearly the leader of this rabble, as he approaches, they all come running and assemble before him. He speaks to them in Aklo (anyone?) for a short while. It’s pretty clear he’s giving them brief instructions. They show off their bone statue and he praises their work before departing again, heading north.
What do you do next? You have but a few minutes of invisibility left - on this casting at any rate. Plenty of time to get away, or something else? I'm fine if you want to interrupt the big yeti's speech too.

Kast Phaer |

Kast relates what he knows of them, but cannot speak their language. He waits to see if Izo has any good ideas, but mostly would prefer not to slaughter them.
Does the leader seem to have a fancy Sihedron ring?

Izomandakus |

<"Let me try if I can understand it"> Izomandakus brings the comprehend languages scroll he crafted before the group's adventure begun, then realizes he cannot read a scroll he cannot see and sighs <"Oh well, I guess we can just ignore them for now. So let's go north? Maybe we can even see where they are going">

GM Euan - Rise |

Kast can't quite tell from this distance, but Seamus can see the leader does in fact have a Sihedron Ring.
When the leader leaves, he does go north, but the rest of the yeti remain behind. Many wander off, presumably to hunt/forage.