GM Euan - Rise |
You move quickly to the tower. Giant sized, it admits the dragonish Izomandakus with ease. You quickly find the upper chambers to be uninteresting - though one room is ‘painted’ with semi-precious gems. You could make hundreds of gold per hour just peeling them off the walls. Not a lot of money to you perhaps, but quite a sum for others!
Anyway, a secret passage is found (the door is missing) and behind it a long series of climbing tunnels. You feel the oxygen leave you as you climb and the cold truly settles in. In the end, you’re up over 22,000 feet! Thankfully, your various magics keep you alive at this altitude.
As you continue to climb, you round a corner to see a roper of some kind, patiently waiting for you. It speaks in Thasselonian, almost bored, ”Show me your sihedrons…”
- - -
Forgive the map, there isn't much art up here.
Kast Phaer |
”Show me your sihedrons…”
”Of course,” Kast replies, flashing his bling. ”Do my guests all need them as well?” He replies in Thassolonian.
He eyes the creature while he waits for the response.
1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30 Know (Dungeoneering) - (DRs? Special attacks?)
GM Euan - Rise |
”Of course.” the beast replies in Thassilonian, though he begins to doubt the folk before him. He eyes you back.
Someone, who speaks Thassilonian, can make a bluff check.
Valena Dalloway Versade |
Val holds up a finger to say “just a moment.” She goes back around the corner and casts Tongues on herself before returning. ”Ah, much better. Sorry about that.” She holds up her own Sihedron ring on her hand. ”Now come on, are you really going to make all of us go through this rigamarole? I just contacted the Big Man via Sending and he says you should stop wasting our time. We have important work to do, you know!”
Bluff: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (14) + 28 = 42
Seamus Passeri |
Still fairly distracted with his new spear, Seamus stops spinning it when they see the odd roper. Raising an eyebrow as Kast answers, and Val slips away for a second, then returns talking to it. It dawns on him that Kast had shown the creature his Sihedron symbol then Val shows her ring as well. Seamus begins patting his pockets, realizing he doesn't have anything with the odd star on it.
GM Euan - Rise |
"Only those with the symbol may pass. Although, if you insist, I shall not stop you." He eyes Seamus especially, but shrugs - which takes some doing with all its shoulders.
"You may pass." he says as he backs up a bit and settles into a cul-de-sac off to the side.
Do you continue upward?
Izomandakus |
Izomandakus and Pachemu just follow the party silently, hoping that would make them just pass for the party's pets.
Pachemu by sure looks down at her feet not having a clear idea on where to dress a ring.
Meanwhile Izomandakus looks to serve as a mount or a guardian at the eyes of the roper.
Disguise+polymorph spell+HR: 1d20 - 2 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 + 10 + 2 = 30
GM Euan - Rise |
The roper wears a sihedron ring.
You climb at least another thousand feet, and likely more, all underground. You realize however, that you’re in what’s called the ‘death zone’ above 26,000’. Normal life is not possible at this altitude; there is simply not sufficient atmospheric pressure to allow enough oxygen to be inhaled by breathing creatures. Altitude sickness manifests almost immediately at these heights requiring a Fort save every 10 minutes or sustain ability damage and eventual suffocation. And of course it’s severely, bitterly, cold.
But none of that matters to the ensorcelled party that’s assailing the heights!
The tunnel hasn’t even opened up yet when you hit the Occluding Field. You knew it would feel like some sort of invisible force, but you weren’t ready for the solidity of it. As you get closer, it’s like gravity is slowly reversing, making it harder and harder to move in any sensible direction. You grip your rune-weapons and bear down.
A bout of intense vertigo later, you reach the region high above Xin-Shalast. Even Pachemu manages it, though she looks very shaky indeed (shaken condition). You take a moment take stock of your situation and catch your breath.
Then the first thrum hits you. Wracking, blinding pain shoots through your body as the air itself hums with a pulse of power. The pain is lessened for those with rune weapons, but Pachemu bears the full brunt. Those with rings, notice a twinge, like the pulling tight of a suture closing a wound. Uncomfortable, brief, and with the right anesthetic, not much at all.
Everyone except Kast and Valena, please make a DC 22 Fort save for half of Untyped Damage: 8d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 5, 5, 5, 3, 6, 2) = 33. The damage cannot otherwise be mitigated as it chops at your very soul. Also please make a DC 22 Will save to avoid Wisdom Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1 as flashes of an alien world rip through your minds - leaving whispers of madness and fear with its passing. Fail both saves and you are permanently blinded by the cumulative effect.
Izomandakus, Rastaf, and Seamus (so not Pachemu) gets a +8 on the saves and you are immune to the blinding effect as your weapons dampen the onslaught.
We’re not in rounds, but time is a factor. What do you do from here?
Seamus Passeri |
DC 22 Fort: 1d20 + 17 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 17 + 8 = 42
DC 22 Will: 1d20 + 16 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 16 + 8 = 32
Pausing, Seamus watches the 'roper' as it shrugs it's shoulders, wondering what it meant by 'only those with the symbol may pass.' Realzing the others had actually moved a little ahead, he puts the thought out of mind as he hustles through the thin bitterly cold air to catch up with the others.
Feeling like he's spinning about, Seamus is barely able to hang onto his new spear as he grasps the handle of his sheathed ruin-forged rapier, Seamus presses through the invisible barrier. Feeling the first 'thrum' Seamus, realizes what the 'roper' might have been refering too, as he asks. "Did you all feel that?"
Furrowing his brow, he looks at the others and asks, "Should we go get everyone rings?"
Kast Phaer |
Kast looks around, especially at his struggling companions.
”Do we need to turn around? Does someone need my ring?” Kast offers, though he is not sure he is better protected than the rest.
”I think we were warned about this, but I am unsure how long it will last, and cannot attest to how painful the effect is.”
GM Euan - Rise |
How long do you wait to see if there's another pulse? After a few minutes of discomfort, nothing happens.
Izomandakus |
Fort+HR+weapon DC 22: 1d20 + 16 + 2 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 16 + 2 + 8 = 42
Will+HR+weapon DC 22: 1d20 + 15 + 2 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 15 + 2 + 8 = 26
Pachemu: Fort+HR DC 22: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Pachemu: Will+HR DC 22: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Izomandakus reels back on the pain, which is multiplied when Pachemu is heavily wounded, although perhaps the worst is the images of alien forms "What's this? It seems like Leng is reaping into the world here. It is very dangerous..."
Fetching Pachemu, the boy quickly tries to dimension door the pig out of the field of madness pain.
GM Euan - Rise |
It's easy to find the pulse point once again, though you'll have to walk there for the dimension door fails to function across the barrier.
But it's a short walk, and you make it before the next pulse.
Let me know if you make any special preparations for the roper... :)
It's been about two hours since your last fight and is getting on to evening - though still a ways from dark. And going down the tunnel will take much less time.
Kast Phaer |
"Maybe we should return to camp...but also, let me remind you that I saw a ring upon the Roper that we met on our visit up. Not sure why they would need a guardian when the rings are needed, but whomst am I to argue with the magical elite?" Kast casts a look at Izomandankus, but continues. "Might be that if we seek another ring, we should see if the Roper will parlay with its. I cannot imagine that it travels to this realm that often, and it might offer it in trade."
Rastaf of Sarenrae |
We need the ring. Killing the Roper would be a mistake. Karzaug would know, and be warned.
We should persuade it. I can help Valena do just that.
Anyone can read it.
Seamus Passeri |
Not really enjoying the region high above Xin-Shalast Seamus is relieved that they were going back to rest and possibly get everyone a ring. When he topic of the Roper and his ring came up, Seamus, not really knowing much about Ropers, listened to the conversation. Not liking the idea of the thing contacting Karzaug, he thinks that Val is right. If it had a way to contact Karaug that it would have. But he's not sure if it would believe another lie or not.
As they walk he asks, "<Does anyone know anything about Ropers? Are they Greedy? Would they sell the ring?>" He shrugs, "<What if, instead of trying to buy the ring, we tell it Karzaug sent us back to collect it, tell the fellow his rights have been suspended?>"
As he asks the question he realizes it sounds kind of flimsy. Smiling he adds, "<Instead of killing it, I could just try to steal the ring. If it catches me you all can ride in like the calvary and rescue me.>" He'd said it half joking, but he realized it might work. "<If Val talks to it for a distraction, I could try and steal the ring.>"
Kast Phaer |
Kast is firmly in the pro-negotiate, pro-trick, and pro-buy it camp, but doesn't care if Karzug knows anything. If anything, it would helpful if the old jerk came out of his ring-protected lair.
Valena Dalloway Versade |
Seeing how she is out numbered, Val throws up her hands. <“Alright, how about we say that Karzie is upset that the creature questioned the orders he gave his favored servants and that as punishment we are taking the ring. I still do not think it will work, so be ready to fight the damn thing.”
She taps Seamus. <“If you want to try just lifting it, I will give you 30 seconds of invisibility.”>
She’ll cast a new freedom of movement and mirror images before meeting the roper again
Mirror Image: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Seamus Passeri |
realizing that Val was in support of his idea, Seamus smiles widely. "Thanks Val!" he gestures towards the roper, "<I'll quickly sneak up and try to take the ring. When I appear, try and distract him so I can sneak off.>"
As soon as Val touches him, Seamus is off across the barren landscape. Slowing the last few feet, he sneaks up behind the Roper. Taking a deep breath, he reveals himself, quickly attempting to take the ring off of the ropers ropy finger.
Not sure what else to do :)
Stealth: invisible: 1d20 + 24 + 20 ⇒ (7) + 24 + 20 = 51
Sleight of hand: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (19) + 24 = 43
GM Euan - Rise |
You turn about and head back down the tunnel. You reach the area near the roper and Seamus slips on ahead. The party, presumably, follows a little ways behind.
You reach the roper, keeping a slow watch in the tunnel. There is no sign of Seamus. You can’t help but imagine a smirk on its, uh, face though it’s hard to tell. The roper begins to move aside for you to pass back below. "Lost one?" he seems to chortle deep in its throat at the missing Seamus.
Do you do anything as you pass?
Izomandakus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"I doubt Karzoug does not know we are here already" Izomandakus proclaims looking up to the top of the mountain.
"Oh no, I just decided to turn into a human. Karzoug does not like too much bearded half-elves you know... he finds them... unsettling. Oh! Or you mean about the dragon?" Izomandakus gives a surprised look at the roper "She said ropers are ugly and we decided to kick her out of the group"
Bluff+HR: 1d20 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 + 2 = 17 +15 if I can have Sarenrae's touch also
Kast Phaer |
Kast says nothing on the way out, protected by his ring, he has nothing to offer to the roper...but he will look to see if the ring is still there where he saw it last.
Seamus Passeri |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Realizing he'd succeeded in removing the ring, Seamus quckly begins moving away from the large creature, before the invisibility wares out.
Waiting around the bend for his friends, he smiles flipping the ring like it was a coin. As he blurts out "That was fun, let's find the yeti and do it again." it becomes apparent that the mild-mannered lute player, is either suicidal or an adrenaline junky.
As the gleam in his eyes fades, he bends down towards Pachemu, holding the ring out. "Here Pachemu, you need this worse than I do."
GM Euan - Rise |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Kast does not see the ring on the roper’s finger. Further the roper seems to accept Izomandakus’ somewhat ludicrous story - likely thanks to Rastaf’s aid. The group passes around the next corner in their long descent to spy Seamus holding the precious ring up triumphantly.
Well done!
You descend back into the city and darkness has begun to seriously fall. It’s a steep and protected valley, so when the sun sets, the hostile shadows lengthen quickly. You can hear the cries of those caught out after dark as things roam the streets.
Do you try for the Spared and relative safety, or do you buckle down here and spend the night in the tower?
GM Euan - Rise |
Oh, I also meant to add, I'm not sure Pachemu can wear a ring...
Valena Dalloway Versade |
Val is quite pleased with the outcome of the ordeal with the roper. <“These Spared seems to think quite highly of us, so I say we go stay with them.”> She fiddles with her ring. <”Now that we know that the Roper is fooled by invisibility, we can just get by it again with an invisibility sphere. As soon as we find enough rings for the rest of us, of course.”>
Izomandakus |
Pachemu looks at Seamus, blinks, looks at the ring and looks up at the half-elf.
Izomandakus scratches his head looking at the scene "If you are going serious about it Seamus, then just do it right and kneel"
Kast Phaer |
"Let's go recoup for the day. It's been a long one," Kast suggests, not willing to push their luck much further after Seamus's shenanigans.
"If your sphere will get us safely to the camp, let's do that."
Izomandakus |
"I could keep going a bit more, but it is fine, we can all enjoy a dinner" Izomandakus thinks while the party moves back "Mmm... I just remembered something Svevenka said, that there are rings AND amulets with the Sihedron rune to bypass the Occlusion Field"
The boy looks around at the necks of everyone present "Remember how she was looking at our hands and necks?"
Seamus Passeri |
Breathing a sigh, Seamus looks towards Izomandakus, "Jealous much? Rolling his eyes as he turns back to Pachemu, asking, "You know it's not like that right Pachemu, I'm just trying to keep you safe."
Wanting to distance himself from he conversation about pig romance, Seamus nods in agreement with Kast, "Yes let's recoup for the day."
But he does nod in agreement as Izomandakus asks about amulets, "That's not a bad idea, maybe we should ask them."
GM Euan - Rise |
The party makes some haste, under cover of invisibility, back to the Spared controlled underground region. You’re guided to the same chamber you defeated the Hidden Beast. It’s rather been cleaned up, and there’s simple food and water for you - lots of mushrooms and things derived from mushrooms. There’s some greenery too, as the Spared venture all over - even into the Tangle.
You spend the night comfortably and are not disturbed. You rise at a reasonable hour, and perform your various obligations, and you are ready to adventure once again!
Izomandakus, do you have Transfer Tattoo by chance?
It’s Kuthana 27, a Starday, and you slept in a little so 9am.
Izomandakus |
Only by means of limited wish (but I only have one 1500 gp diamond)
Izomandakus polymorphs the heavy stone niches into comfortable beds for the night. One with a dense canopy of transparent fabrics for Seamus. Another with a large mirrored headboard for Valena. One with an armor stand and austere blankets for Kast. The one with fiery blankets for Rastaf. And finally a large one with many and colorful pillows for Pachemu and himself.
As the group has dinner, the boy looks at Kast's medallion thoughtful "I think that medallion could serve Pachemu to pass the occlusion field. Another way, if we find enough rings, could be to transform her into something able to wear a ring, or into something not alive" the pig looks up and sniffs thinking what the wizard might have in mind.
Before resting, Izomandakus takes the quill and inquiries the Peacock Spirit Where can we find three more rings?
I need to know how we will solve the occlusion field and Pachemu before deciding spells for the day.
Kast Phaer |
Kast sleeps well, takes his turn at watch, and is ready to go in the morning.
"Yeah, Izo, we gotta find more rings. That's the thing. Maybe go see if the yeti king is around? Might be able to parlay for it? Or other means?" Kast offers a side glance at 'Mus.
Seamus Passeri |
Smiling when he sees the canopied bed that Izomandakus has polymorphed for him, Seamus drops his new magical spear, his magical ruck sack, bandoliers and his weapons belt at the footboard. Entertaining himself by jumping on it like a trampoline while his friends talk about where to aquire more rings.
When Kast glances his way, Seamus smiles, slightly surprised that his friend would hint that maybe it would be ok to steal from he big furball. He calls over to Val asking, "What do ou think Val, you think I could slip that ring off of that old yeti?"
GM Euan - Rise |
Divination: 1d100 ⇒ 82 (low is bad as usual) - Success!
”The closest three rings to your reach are with the Spared, Ghlorofaex, and Khalib.
An absurdly high knowledge history check will get that Ghlorofaex is a very old blue dragon, but you have no idea about Khalib."
- - -
Kast Phaer |
"We're with the Spared, so it might think the rings we already have, right? I wonder who Khalib is," Kast pauses to really think about both of them anyway, now that he has the time.
1d20 + 22 + 20 ⇒ (14) + 22 + 20 = 56 Know (Arcana) - DRs? Special attacks? Weaknesses? Who does he think wears the ring-bling better: Kast or Seamus?
1d20 + 17 + 20 ⇒ (11) + 17 + 20 = 48 Know (History)
GM Euan - Rise |
Oh and spells of course.
- - -
Valena Dalloway Versade |
Val throws a little casual salute to Seamus. ”If you can steal a ring off something with a bunch of tentacles, I think you can steal anything.”
She listens to the answer Izo gets from the quill with a mild amusement. ”Maybe the Spared have another ring here? I would think it is at least worth asking.”
She sits back with her feet up. ”A dragon, though! Blue this time. Are those stronger than the white one we fought before? And the red?” Just the idea that she has somehow reached a place in her life in which she has fought multiple dragons is ludicrous.
Izomandakus |
"A blue! Oh yes! That would be a great addition to my collection of scales!" Izomandakus gets unusually happy checking the red and white scales remaining in his pouch, he taps on Pachemu "Can you imagine pig? To fly the sky vomiting electricity over the defenseless hosts of Karzoug?"
The boy will be caught up with Valena's idea and will go check with Mogriv "Would you happen to have seen one of these golden rings with the Sihedron rune? We need them to fight Karzoug and his evil minions."
Seamus Passeri |
Smiling at Val's response, Seamus tries to remember the colors of the dragons they'd fought. As Izomandakus challenges Pachemu to imagine flying through the air spewing electricity, Seamus considers it himself. Shaking his head, he'd sort of gotten used to flying with the armor, but spitting lighting? Smiling to himself he did like the idea of trying the new spear though.
As Izomandakus headed to speak with Morgiv, Seamus followed along, spinning his new spear.
Kast Phaer |
Kast will explain what he knows about the blue dragon, and wishes he knew more about Khalib.
"It might be that the spared have a ring we can borrow. What would be keen, indeed. Can someone remind me where the dragon lairs?" IF we don't know then he will ask our hosts to see if they know.
GM Euan - Rise |
Mogriv joins you in the morning to escort you back out of the maze.
When asked he holds up his hand on which sits a sihedron ring. ”The tribe gave it to me to negotiate with Karzoug.” He explains, ”For when you fail,” he adds simply and with an honest face.
”I do not look forward to your failure, for it will certainly precede my own suffering and death.”
”The dragon? Oh, you don’t want to mess with him. He’s a nasty brute. He lives where the tax collectors used to work. In the city’s mint and treasury.” Area ‘Q’ on the map. No Izomandakus eyes returned from that area.
”I can guide you there if you wish,” he says though it’s clear he does not look forward to it.