[PFS] GM Derek W's Echoes of the Overwatched #3-07 (Inactive)

Game Master Derek Weil

Tower 2

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Discus things.

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Alchemist (Preservationist) 9 | HP 57/57 | AC 23 T 15 FF 19 | CMB +5; CMD 19 | Ft +8 (+2 vs poison) / Rf +11 / Wi +5 (+1 vs enchantment spells & effects)| Init +4 | Per. +14 | Bombs 21/21

"Rhode Island is neither a road nor is it an island. Discuss."

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Alchemist (Preservationist) 9 | HP 57/57 | AC 23 T 15 FF 19 | CMB +5; CMD 19 | Ft +8 (+2 vs poison) / Rf +11 / Wi +5 (+1 vs enchantment spells & effects)| Init +4 | Per. +14 | Bombs 21/21

We seem to be short a few characters.

I've updated Johann to level 5! I haven't selected all the extracts yet since I'm not certain how many front-liners we have in this one. However, Walter: Would you like to have an Enlarge Person extract to carry around?

Sovereign Court

Male 1/2 Orc Inquisitor 2/ Ranger[Trapper] 2 hp 29/29 AC 24 Init +4 Fort +10 Ref+8 Will +8 Precept+13 Sense Motive +8

Walter isn't too sure if he actually likes being large....thank you...lol!

Grand Lodge

Male Urban Ranger 4 (AC 21 w/extract 17 {t12,f15}; HP 35/36; Fort: 6, Ref: 7, Will: 3 ; Init: +2; Percep: +8 {+9 vs traps})

I never like being large. Usually that makes me a target.

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Alchemist (Preservationist) 9 | HP 57/57 | AC 23 T 15 FF 19 | CMB +5; CMD 19 | Ft +8 (+2 vs poison) / Rf +11 / Wi +5 (+1 vs enchantment spells & effects)| Init +4 | Per. +14 | Bombs 21/21

It would give you amazing reach, though, especially if you add spikes to your armor. Up to you. I can assume 1x shield extract per meatshield, though, right?

Sovereign Court

Male 1/2 Orc Inquisitor 2/ Ranger[Trapper] 2 hp 29/29 AC 24 Init +4 Fort +10 Ref+8 Will +8 Precept+13 Sense Motive +8

Yes, Walter does like the shield extract.

Technic Siege/Full Map

No response from a PM to Matt.

I will PM Tyraneus as well to see if he's still wanting to join us.

The Exchange

HP 33/33 | Ac 17 T 13 FF 14 | I+4 | Fort+3 Ref+9 Will +5 (+1 vs enchantments)| P+7 | Bluff +20 Diplo& Intimidate +16 Sense Mot +18 | BP 11/19 | Spells 4/6+1/4
Active Spells:
Heightenend Awareness, Heroism

It turns out I will be running Legacy of the Stonelords instead of playing. Is there anything you want to share that your GM did very well or should have done differently so I can steal that / avoid it?

Sovereign Court

Male 1/2 Orc Inquisitor 2/ Ranger[Trapper] 2 hp 29/29 AC 24 Init +4 Fort +10 Ref+8 Will +8 Precept+13 Sense Motive +8

It was the grand finale of U-Con, so every table was playing it at different levels.
I was at the 7-8 table and we had Alex (VL) GMing for us.
He did a great job with keeping things moving (timed event),
but at the same time being descriptive.
It was pretty straight forward with a puzzle/trap or two.

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Alchemist (Preservationist) 9 | HP 57/57 | AC 23 T 15 FF 19 | CMB +5; CMD 19 | Ft +8 (+2 vs poison) / Rf +11 / Wi +5 (+1 vs enchantment spells & effects)| Init +4 | Per. +14 | Bombs 21/21

By the way, Johann would have handed out Shield extracts to Walter and Gunther in advance of going into the attic.

Technic Siege/Full Map

Sorry for the dead air. Had a super busy weekend followed by a day sick in bed. Update tonight!

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

HP 33/33 | Ac 17 T 13 FF 14 | I+4 | Fort+3 Ref+9 Will +5 (+1 vs enchantments)| P+7 | Bluff +20 Diplo& Intimidate +16 Sense Mot +18 | BP 11/19 | Spells 4/6+1/4
Active Spells:
Heightenend Awareness, Heroism

Happy new year to you all!

I want to apologize for my unannounced absence over the holiday period, I am back now and am reading the gameplay. I will start posting again shortly.

Sovereign Court

Male 1/2 Orc Inquisitor 2/ Ranger[Trapper] 2 hp 29/29 AC 24 Init +4 Fort +10 Ref+8 Will +8 Precept+13 Sense Motive +8

Going to be at the PanFrost convention here in Michigan this weekend.
I will attempt to post, but we are playing 7 games through Sunday...lol!

Sovereign Court

Male 1/2 Orc Inquisitor 2/ Ranger[Trapper] 2 hp 29/29 AC 24 Init +4 Fort +10 Ref+8 Will +8 Precept+13 Sense Motive +8

Sorry, my hard drive crashed last Wednesday. I can only post sporadically.

Technic Siege/Full Map


Are you going normal or slow advancement this level?

Sovereign Court

Male 1/2 Orc Inquisitor 2/ Ranger[Trapper] 2 hp 29/29 AC 24 Init +4 Fort +10 Ref+8 Will +8 Precept+13 Sense Motive +8

Thanks again , Derek. Have really appreciated your games, especially since you are my first PFS GM.

Technic Siege/Full Map

I'll roll Day Jobs to speed up chronicles. Johann, I am assuming normal advancement and a +26 on the Day Job roll.

Dimitra Perform: Sing: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Gunther Prof. Gambler: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Johann Craft Alchemy: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (7) + 26 = 33

For Johann and Gunther, since my rolls were bad I'll assume that you "took 10". This nets Gunther 10 GP and Johann 100 GP.

The Exchange

HP 33/33 | Ac 17 T 13 FF 14 | I+4 | Fort+3 Ref+9 Will +5 (+1 vs enchantments)| P+7 | Bluff +20 Diplo& Intimidate +16 Sense Mot +18 | BP 11/19 | Spells 4/6+1/4
Active Spells:
Heightenend Awareness, Heroism

Derek, I rolled a 35 in gameplay, natural 20+ 15 modifier

Technic Siege/Full Map

Oops! I forgot to check there. I look it over and adjust everyone as needed.

Technic Siege/Full Map






The Exchange

HP 33/33 | Ac 17 T 13 FF 14 | I+4 | Fort+3 Ref+9 Will +5 (+1 vs enchantments)| P+7 | Bluff +20 Diplo& Intimidate +16 Sense Mot +18 | BP 11/19 | Spells 4/6+1/4
Active Spells:
Heightenend Awareness, Heroism

Derek, thanks for the scenario's you have run for us! And thank you especially for finishing this one, I admire that you sticked with it and let us finish it. Now take your well-deserved rest, I will run Dimitra through some local face-to-face games.

Sovereign Court

Male 1/2 Orc Inquisitor 2/ Ranger[Trapper] 2 hp 29/29 AC 24 Init +4 Fort +10 Ref+8 Will +8 Precept+13 Sense Motive +8

Same here. Just let us know when you are ready and rested.

Technic Siege/Full Map

I'll deactivate the thread tonight, and when I feel ready to start up again I'll send out PM's.

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Alchemist (Preservationist) 9 | HP 57/57 | AC 23 T 15 FF 19 | CMB +5; CMD 19 | Ft +8 (+2 vs poison) / Rf +11 / Wi +5 (+1 vs enchantment spells & effects)| Init +4 | Per. +14 | Bombs 21/21

Didn't see the chronicles until now. The forums lost the (# new) tracking for this thread. Thanks for running, Derek!

Sovereign Court

Male 1/2 Orc Inquisitor 2/ Ranger[Trapper] 2 hp 29/29 AC 24 Init +4 Fort +10 Ref+8 Will +8 Precept+13 Sense Motive +8

I am unable to print. Can you e-mailed Walters, Derek. Thanks.

Grand Lodge

Male Urban Ranger 4 (AC 21 w/extract 17 {t12,f15}; HP 35/36; Fort: 6, Ref: 7, Will: 3 ; Init: +2; Percep: +8 {+9 vs traps})

Thank you

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