GM Dien |

Heya kids, here be your discussion thread.
I'm Dien! I'll be your captain for this flight. Remember to buckle up and follow the instructions of a flight attendant. In the event of a TPK please see to your own PP first!
A few things:
-Maps will be handled using Google Drawings. If you cannot normally access Google Drawings, PLEASE TELL ME NOW. It seems like there's always someone who halfway into the first combat tells me "I can't use the map." It's one thing if you can't access it at work or something but can check it later and just need someone to move you in the moment, but it's not fun for the whole campaign.
-I will roll initiatives for you, occasionally perception, and usually saves; please make sure you have any unusual bonuses/etc clearly listed on your sheets.
-This is a Season 0, with all the occasional swinginess of balance issues that sometimes happened in Season 0.
-We will be playing the 7-8 tier, unless people drastically change their signups or anything.
If you have any cool, unusual, bizarre, complicated, or strange abilities or senses, lemme know now. This would be things like 'immediate actions to force rerolls' (actually immediate actions in general since they can be complicated in PBP), special senses like tremorsense or other weird stuff, aaaaand anything else you think worth mentioning.
-Gameplay will start the 30th or so, maybe a little earlier if everyone's ready to go and I'm satisfied I've prepped sufficiently. I'm running a module this Sunday, so I won't likely devote time to prepping for this until Monday.
-I try to ask for a post a day, with acceptable slow-downs over the weekend. I will try and keep things moving, of course, but I'm no particular rush to get it done, either. If you need to be done with this by [some important date], I'd suggest you either pick a different character or yield your spot to another player or the like, because I don't really enjoy having to rush through a PBP, as I like building atmosphere and exploring RP. If you haven't posted in 24 hours (not including weekends), I reserve the right to bot you.
Okay, I think that's it. Any questions, shoot!

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Shall we post our PFS info right now? Also, glad to have made it in!
Edit:Also, also, I'd like to spend 2 PP to purchase a wand of ClW.
Second edit: I'd probably like to purchase some other things, where would it be most appropriate to purchase these things? This thread or the gameplay thread?

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A pleasure to meet you!
Only off the cuff stuff is the blind fight feat and, due to running through reign of winter he has the black rider's mantle (will update my sheet with them!)
A pleasure

GM Dien |

1) Sure, you can go ahead and post PFS info now. You can also wait if you prefer; I know some people like to use any rerolls they may have on their day job if they haven't used it otherwise in the course of the scenario.
2) Make any pre-scenario purchases you want, I assume you're all being honest players (and if you are cheating in PBP PFS, lol, then a) I can't stop you really and b) gosh you need a life!). Anyway, yes, just go ahead and mark off any between-scenario purchases you want; you can do it in here. You'll have time to do a little in-game shopping after your actual scenario briefing, as well.
And yep, good to meet ya, folks. Hope you're all having a Merry Christmas if you're celebrating it, and a satisfactory December 25th if you're not.

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Player name: I'm Hiding In Your Closet
Character name: Lucija Lal Rani
PFS#: 40025-1
Faction: Dark Archive
Dayjob: Craft (Painting): 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (1) + 26 = 27 What's this? NonononoNO, this will NOT DO! I am an artist!!!
Craft (Painting) Expert Entrepreneur reroll: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (18) + 26 = 44 *clenches fist in angst* Still not good enough - but it will do. I've declared myself to be the rough Golarion equivalent of H. R. Giger. Maybe I use more colour.
NOTES: significant bonuses vs many mental effects are included in my "tag."
I receive a +2 bonus to identify constructs, and am a really handy person all-around to know in Magnimar.
my innate Gnomish magic tends lends itself toward "feeling the burn" in not so much the "Quasi-Marxist Jiminy Cricket" sense and more the "I will make beautiful votive candles from your corpses!!!" sense.
I am such an egomaniac that Reality itself has been known to agree with me when I say that The Great Lucija Culexus Lal Rani *does not* screw up (Eternal Hope trait, or in my case, "Eternal Pride")
I have the Eastern Mysteries trait all the way back from the original Qadira faction (+2 DC to any spell 1/day), as well as the summoning aid Genie-Caller regional trait, and the Dirty Fighter Combat trait, AKA "Sneak Attack For Kidz!"
I have Augment Summoning and it's prerequisite, you better believe it.
My Eidolon's Intelligence is NOT to be underestimated (seriously, he'll be royally offended). In addition to being a fine limber warrior who flies through the air (carrying me with him) with the greatest of ease, he's got that phosphorescent teeth and tail of his, and knows more than I do about certain fields of esoteric lore - and of course there is his crucial role as my surrogate common sense (a bit of a Hobbes to my Calvin, if you will - just a bit).
Other than that, I've got a handy primer on devils for when I need it, my own Wayfinder because someone has to have one, a full set of billiards gear for when there's nothing else to do, an array of supplementary magical paraphernalia mostly for help with emergency protection and communication, a Ring of Feather Falling (Don't Leave Home Without It!), and a few special crossbow bolts in reserve for hunting...The Most Dangerous Game.
Oh, and did I mention I worship Lamashtu? I attend services occasionally, sure, but mostly it's all just kind of allegorical for me; She creates monsters, I conjure them, that sort of thing...and the weird dreams.

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Player name: Sethran
Character name: Kai Kithaniel
PFS#: 34762-2
Faction: Liberty's edge
Dayjob: Bluff (Caravan): 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 32
This will be played on slow track for me please ^^

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Player Name: Hrothdane
Character Name: Valais
PFS#: 99807-11
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job: None
The main mechanical thing with Valais is that she has both Dragon and Pummeling Style and can be in both at the same time. She also has Combat Style Master, so the second initiative begins, even if she hasn't acted yet, she is in Dragon Style

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Oh, forgot I need to buy a potion of fly. She finally ran into a scenario in which she needed Fly, so she finally knows she needs one. Gonna spend 2 pp for it

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Player name: Qwerty1971
Character name: Darro Demonbane
PFS#: 114768-7
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Dayjob: Hunter's Lodge1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Darro has a large wolf companion. He still needs to adjust his gold and gear from his last scenario. that will happen before Sunday. Many thanks.

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Player name: Greg Rebelo
Character name: Kleetus Doherni
PFS#: 43451-2
Faction: Exchange
Dayjob: Profession:Gambler: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Special things: I have Orc Ferocity. Not the good one that real orcs have, the "I'm not gonna die this round today" one.
Like I said earlier I'd like to purchase the following:
-Smoked Goggles
-2 doses of Ambrosia
-Dust of Disjuction (as per the chronicle sheet for 5-16; I would also like to apply the "Mwangi Exports" boon from the chronicle sheet for 6-09 on this item)
-2 vials of Holy Weapon balm
-One potion of Remove Blindness/Deafness
-One Ioun torch
-30 Sharpstone sling bullets
-60 Regular sling bullets
I'd also like to sell 17 javelins.
Let me know if any of that poses a problem.

GM Dien |

We certainly have an interesting and varied group here. :P I'm looking forward to it. And enjoying your RP so far in thread.
No problems with any of those purchases or with selling anything back at 50%. The soonest possible we'll get started is Tuesday, so you all have time to do any looking over of things you need.

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Happy Christmas!
I have limited now to post, so I will keep it brief.
I can bring a level 7 frontline dwarf (fighter1 / cleric6) or a level 7 classic bard (inspire courage and general skill monkey).
Do you have any preferences? I have a small preference for the dwarf given that my bard uses a harrow deck and that is not allowed in PbP. However if there is plenty of melee and lack of support I will use the bard.

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This is a weird party. Either would work.
As a matter of fact, I outright like how much we're managing to f@%# up the stereotypical "combat role" boundaries.

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Weird is awesome! Im loving the dynamic already.
Play the Dwarf mate, your preference is always the best!

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Oh god. A summoner who worships Lamashtu and a dwarf....
Poor Valais is going to have so many PTSD triggers go off this game.

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Lucija feels profoundly sorry for you - she is something like what you might be if only you learned to embrace your psychosis rather than chain it all up and let it rot inside you, as those horrible Lawful Monks taught you. ;D

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Or maybe that's THIS character - who you can't play in Society for at least a couple reasons.
"The things I could teach you...HAHAHAHAHAHA...."

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I would not underestimate how sweet at heart she is; she didn't need anyone to teach her that :)
She's good enough to keep two demons (mostly) in-check, after all!

GM Dien |

Alrighty, everyone's checked in, looks like we're good to go in that regard. I'm prepping at the moment and will probably get the first gameplay post up in the next 12 hours.

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PFS: 24861-1
Faction: Silver Crusade
Day Job Heal: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
If I did not use my reroll in the scenario:
Reroll Day Job Heal: 1d20 + 2 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 2 + 13 = 34
Special abilities that the GM should know about
- Immediate effect: two castings of Liberating Command: I will cast just after a party member is grappled. In case of a black tentacles or other effect that affects multiple party members at the same time i will post who I want to cast this on.
- Immediate effect: Jingassa of the Fortunate Soldier allows me to ignore critical hit or sneak damage. I will use this on the first of critical (regardless of damage) or sneak attack that would otherwise drop me to below 10 hp.
- Adamantine dwarven longhammer has reach. When / if I am enlarged reach is 15 and 20 feet. (Enlarge possible through spell / potion)
- I have cast Magical Vestment for a +1 enhancement bonus to masterwork full plate, that is already included in stats (effective for 6 hours)
- Goblin Cleaver and Orc Hewer allow me to use cleave on all enemies that I threaten, not just those who are adjacent

GM Dien |

Idle note on initiative: I put animal companions on their master's, but I let eidolons have their own since they're intelligent creatures and have wills and minds of their own.
Lucija, your stat line says +2/+4, but your sheet says +1 for you; which is correct?
Kai, update your stat line when you get a chance, thanks.

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Lucija, your stat line says +2/+4, but your sheet says +1 for you; which is correct?
+1; I've fixed it. That was left over from when I'd cast reduce person on myself in my last adventure.

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Oops, totally my bad I thought i had done it, must have been timed out the time i did. I will get on it!

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Just fyi for everyone, as a general rule, Valais only does nonlethal unless she finds out it's not working or is told otherwise.
So please make sure you communicate in-character when you identify something as undead/construct/etc.... :)

GM Dien |

Kai, I'm just doing it in here so as not to clutter the thread with rules questions, but: I think you might be skimping yourself an attack bonus, and also rolling something wonky on damage dice?
You can indeed take a full attack; your iterative attack should be five behind your primary there, so a +10 rather than a +9, I think (correct me if I missed something).
Also, I'm seeing a d8 + d6 for damage on your scimitar, which to the best of my knowledge should just be a d6, so correct me if I missed something there as well.

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I totally am skimping myself on the attack bonus, forgot to add the arcane pool enhancement to the secondary attack. The extra d6 is from sneak attack, the d8 is me typing wrong on the bus. 1 second

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Now, also just noticed because of hoe the random generator works I lost a critical threat as the original attack roll became the threat when i added the confirmation roll to it.

GM Dien |

Laid down for a ten minute nap and woke up five hours later, woops.
Kai: yeah, yay for dicebot heh. Sometimes I'll roll any of my crit-confirms AFTER the original lines to avoid issues like that. As it is, we'll let it stand the way the dice currently say it. Though the +1 we brought up was enough to turn your second attack into a hit, at least.
Actually, sorry, important thing to clarify: you were attacking the xill holding you, right Kai? That's X2, so you'll get no flank on him, and no sneak attack. I'll modify my damage tracking accordingly, unless you tell me you prefer to direct it at X1 (who is grappling Kleetus).

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I'll go for the flanking attack, on X1 to try and free Kleetus it's the stupidly heroic thing to do! ^^

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Anyone else having periodic problems with this game? I'll try to post, or even enter, but sometimes it will show me the purple golem page (until I try over and over until it decides it works that time). It's specifically this game, too - none of my other games or any of the other forums.

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Same with me, just the gameplay thread not the discussion however.

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took me 3 times to get one post in. just now.

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Oh dear...The door on this ship is planeshifting outward into our thread...!

GM Dien |

GASP get back door!
Yeah, I've run into that blue Paizo golem error thing probably two dozen times with this thread. I've also been having unrelated Internet problems so I assumed the two might be related, but I didn't realize everyone else was too. Fortunately I a) have Lazarus installed on my browser, and b) am pretty good about copy/pasting my posts to Notebook anyway.
Not that I expect it to really fix it before our scenario ends, but I'll pop the webmaster a line about it the next time I see the message.

GM Dien |

For kicks and giggles: high tier has eight xill.
Thanks for bearing with me on the spoilered combat, guys. I know it's a hassle, but it really ramps up the tension for the PCs who aren't in the room to not know fully what's going on inside it. I played it tabletop, and it was a harrowing experience, heh-- we also sent an eidolon in first (without bonding senses first), and so we sat there while the GM sedately rolled twenty d20s, and almost that many in damage dice, and then told the summoner that his eidolon had just taken enough damage to make it go back to its home plane. Then the GM smiled at us all and asked, "okay, who wants to go next?"

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I just realized you are the same person as the young whelp with the toothpick and the distinguished elven wizard who is friends with a witch...

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I just looked at your character sheet, Kai - it says one of your languages is "Andoran," but Andoran actually doesn't have its own native language. They mainly speak Common, being former subjects of the Taldan Empire, and Celestial is probably more commonly spoken here than in many places since their founder was an Avoral (to say nothing of spiting diabolical Cheliax), and then there are all the languages that the freed slaves from other countries bring with them (which they are welcome to enrich Andoran's national culture with, since it's "America-Like-America-Wishes-It-Was") - of which Polyglot is likely a fairly well-represented one (hint-hint)!

GM Dien |

Yeaaaaaaaaahh... no, heh. If someone mistakenly or otherwise picked a language that isn't actually a language for their character, that's something to be fixed after the scenario, and not by saying in scenario that one just happens to know a circumstantially useful language.