Edges of the Map (Inactive)

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Female Catfolk rogue(cat burglar/Phantom Thief-1) AC 15 (t 13, ff 12) | F +0, R +5, W +1 | Init +3 | HP 8/8 | perc +7

"Slowly?" "Begin?"

You must be new here...

It's not like everyone has 20 preplanned levels right? Right?

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision


F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

I get bored and crunch numbers at work... I might have a few different level progressions planned depending on how the adventure goes...

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

I'm looking at next level being Rogue (Pirate) and ending up with 3-4 levels in that to supplement Wizard (Gunslinger)

That sounds brilliant!

Human Druid 1 ~ AC 16 (t 11, ff 15) | F +4, R +1, W +4 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +1 | Percep: 7 | HP 13/13

I often plan out my PC's levelling, but then I often forget what I've planned out by the time I actually level.

Female Catfolk rogue(cat burglar/Phantom Thief-1) AC 15 (t 13, ff 12) | F +0, R +5, W +1 | Init +3 | HP 8/8 | perc +7

I admit nothing.

Busy week, I'll have an update up soon!

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

haha "keen [+1] eyesight"
the dice gods smile upon me

Dice modifiers don't matter if you roll like a pro.

Female Catfolk rogue(cat burglar/Phantom Thief-1) AC 15 (t 13, ff 12) | F +0, R +5, W +1 | Init +3 | HP 8/8 | perc +7

Yeah once you learn to type /dice at a truly high level, modifiers just kinda become low tier for you...

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

like a boss

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

prolly gonna die tragically when the luck runs out tho

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

kha'rassi and alex please post so we can continue

No worries, I think we're slowly but surely making our way through this. Now, when I wake up, let's see if Ompeet made a new friend!

Male Grippli Druid 1 ~ AC18 (t14, ff15) | F+4,R+3,W+6 | Init+3 | Percep+8 HP | 11/11

sorry, schools starting up again and I'm stressing out, completely forgot to check this.

Female Catfolk rogue(cat burglar/Phantom Thief-1) AC 15 (t 13, ff 12) | F +0, R +5, W +1 | Init +3 | HP 8/8 | perc +7

Dear god what is going ON with paizo? Haven't been able to reach the site for days now!

Human Druid 1 ~ AC 16 (t 11, ff 15) | F +4, R +1, W +4 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +1 | Percep: 7 | HP 13/13

They were upgrading the site and had some unexpected issues related to that. Their social media says that they're done.

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision


Yeah reaching the site has been a real issue these days. Starting to envy my friend's Discord PF games xD

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

I wouldn't be against that if there was a time we could all get together

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

or even like... a chat room or posting time

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

or maybe like one day a week we can really get some stuff done

Female Catfolk rogue(cat burglar/Phantom Thief-1) AC 15 (t 13, ff 12) | F +0, R +5, W +1 | Init +3 | HP 8/8 | perc +7

This maintenance period has actually been quite anomalous as far as paizo is concerned. I've seen the odd site bug now and then but this was exceptionally long downtime. If everything's shipshape, I doubt we'll see downtime this bad for a long time.

That said, I suppose it wouldn't be horrible to have a discord chat, especially like for combat or something. I enjoy the relaxed pace of PBP because it allows plenty of time to compose a great response without time pressures; I do however see the merit to wanting to move things along at a less...asynchronous pace.

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

so um
how's everyone doing today?

Female Catfolk rogue(cat burglar/Phantom Thief-1) AC 15 (t 13, ff 12) | F +0, R +5, W +1 | Init +3 | HP 8/8 | perc +7

Tumultuous, to say the least. Long story, trying to get back into the swing of things. Paizo site going crazy AGAIN is not helping.

Paizo's been wonky for me for ages plus I was away camping for a week so I apologize.

If we are interested in switching to a Discord server model, I wouldn't increase the required post rate but it would make things easier for communicating, discussion and especially combat.

Let me know if anyone's interested.

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

Never used it before but if it speeds things up I'm in like sin

Female Catfolk rogue(cat burglar/Phantom Thief-1) AC 15 (t 13, ff 12) | F +0, R +5, W +1 | Init +3 | HP 8/8 | perc +7

MY GAAAAAAWD PAIZO, WTF...is somebody trying to DDOS them or something? I mean COME ON already!

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision


Human Druid 1 ~ AC 16 (t 11, ff 15) | F +4, R +1, W +4 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +1 | Percep: 7 | HP 13/13

If we switch to any sort of scenario where we have to all meet up to game at the same time, I'll probably have to drop out. No hard feelings, but I wouldn't want to do that, and I probably couldn't with my and my family's schedules.

Nope, it'd be asynchronous as always but I feel like Discord is starting to feel like a better option.

Multiple channels to discuss things, even let the PCs have a private channel to shenanigan against the DM. Channels to save notes, info, gear, do combat, whatever. Bots run the dice so it works just like paizo.

And the best part is I'd be notified as soon as messages come in and can answer from my phone anytime so it might speed up gameplay, even asynchronously, especially for 1 on 1 dialogue.

I'm willing to give it a go.

Other issue is it seems we're down another member (Alexander) so I'll try and reach him but we're slowly dwindling in players as well.

Human Druid 1 ~ AC 16 (t 11, ff 15) | F +4, R +1, W +4 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +1 | Percep: 7 | HP 13/13

I'd definitely be up for it, then!

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

I don't want to exclude anyone, but a little more vigor in posting would be awesome
Maybe we can recruit some new ppl

Female Catfolk rogue(cat burglar/Phantom Thief-1) AC 15 (t 13, ff 12) | F +0, R +5, W +1 | Init +3 | HP 8/8 | perc +7

Well, I suppose I'm open to the option. In truth, I could post MUCH more vigorously, but I learned long ago not to hog the spotlight.

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

patience is one of my least virtues
you're killin' me, smalls

Alright then, I'll get a Discord set up. If we enjoy it we can stick with it. If not, back to the forums we'll go.

Here's our link, it's valid for 24h: https://discord.gg/mrGJf9

I'll start adding the Bots and dealing with this newfangled thingamjig.

Female Catfolk rogue(cat burglar/Phantom Thief-1) AC 15 (t 13, ff 12) | F +0, R +5, W +1 | Init +3 | HP 8/8 | perc +7

Ah, crap. I WOULD get pulled away and distracted. Need a new link.

F Sylph Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 AC 13 (t 13, ff 10) | F +1, R +3, W +3 | Init +3 | HP 7/7 | Perc +1 | Darkvision

oh, yeah I just saw this too


New Link that Can't Expire

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