DM Brainiac's Iron Gods (Inactive)

Game Master Brainiac

Battle Maps on Google Slides

Archpaladin Zousha

Jagrin Grath

Male Android [Warpriest 17, AC 26, T16, FF22 | HP 138/138, F+14 R+15 W+15 | CMB +18, CMD 31 | Init +5, Perc. +31 | Nanite Surge +20 1/1, Blessings 11/11, Fervor 6d6 11/11]
(1,295 posts)
Archpaladin Zousha


Holg Redhawk

HP 207+34/207 DR 3/- AC 45 TAC 20 FF 40 CMD 39| F +20 R +15 W +20 | Resist cold 5 acid 5 | Ch:4/7 Ki:4/4 DS:0/8 BR:8/8 R:12/17 WM:9/17 Ext:2/3 Staff:6/10 L1:5/7+1/1 L2:5/6+1/1 L3:2/6 L4:2/6 L5:2/6 L6:4/5 L7:3/4 L8:1/3 L9:2/2 | Ini: +5 | Senses: +11
Acr+10,Climb+11,Diplomac+12,Heal+12,K.arcana+4,K.eng.+13,K.history+17,K.nob ility+4,K.planes+17,K.religion+14,SenseMotive+10,Spellcraft+4,Stealth+3,Sur vival+8,Swim+9,ProfessionMine+10,Concentration+22
Human male Cleric of Gorum 17 | Treasure | (Completed Iron Gods)
(1,247 posts)


City Guard
Molly Fairlocks

Female Halfling Gunslinger 17 | HP 129/129 | AC 32 T 23 FF 20 | Fort +14 Ref +20 Will +11 | Initiative +13 | Perception +25 | Grit 3/3 | Fly 1/1
(432 posts)

Jesse Heinig

Meyanda, Scion of Gorum

Female Android Barbarian (Titan Mauler) 2/Ranger (Sword-Devil) 7/Warpriest (Sacred Fist) 8 | -1/141 HP | AC 35 T 30 FF 27 | Fort +19 Ref +16 Will +15 | Initiative +6 | Perception +26 | Blessings 5/5 | Death Vow 2/5 | Fervor 4/6 | Rage 6/7 rounds | Ki Pool 5/5
(126 posts)
Jesse HeinigViv Voltine

Nikolaus de'Shade


RETIRED: advancing artificial medicine to save her wife's mind.
(669 posts)

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