Wizkids Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures Vs Deep Cuts


Liberty's Edge

Ok, as far as I can tell, Wizkids has two lines of unpainted plastic minis: Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures and Deep Cuts.

Anyone have experience with these?

Are both lines made from the same material?
Are they both pre primed (and if so, with the same primer)?
Are they the same scale?
How do the paint up?

I have a handful of unpainted Reaper Bones, but I’m trying to decide if I want to switch over to these instead


As much as I love that Bones are nigh-indestructible, the WizKids stuff are amazingly primed to paint - the primer is fantastic. And the fact that most packages come with male & Female versions of the figure-type makes it much easier to find figs for certain characters - not to mention they include spell effects, which make things look pretty cool.

As far as I know the material/primer used in both is probably the same - I've never noticed a difference, Scale-wise they're all the same, and like I mentioned - the Paint goes on SUUUuuuper nicely.

I've been cherrypicking thru them and using them to augment certain chracters I've been having problems finding minis for.

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